10,746 research outputs found

    Aggregation Of Chlorophyll a Probed By Resonance Light Scattering Spectroscopy

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    We report the resonance light scattering (RLS) spectra of chlorophyll a aggregated in a 9:1 solution of formamide and pH 6.8 phosphate buffer. The aggregate formed after 2 h of mixing, referred to as Chl(469), shows a strong scattering feature at 469 nm (Soret band) and a much weaker feature at 699 nm (Q(y) band). A kinetic investigation confirmed that the aggregation process is cooperative, and also detected one intermediate (Chl(458)) with a strong RLS spectrum but only a weak CD spectrum. We propose that aggregation proceeds via at least three steps: 1) formation of a nucleating species, probably a dimer of chlorophylls; 2) formation of large aggregates with little or no secondary structure (e.g., Chl(458)); and 3) conformational change to form helical aggregate (Chl(469))

    Hadrons in AdS/QCD models

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    We discuss applications of gauge/gravity duality to describe the spectrum of light hadrons. We compare two particular 5-dimensional approaches: a model with an infrared deformed Anti-de Sitter metric and another one based on a dynamical AdS/QCD framework with back-reacted geometry in a dilaton/gravity background. The models break softly the scale invariance in the infrared region and allow mass gap for the field excitations in the gravity description, while keeping the conformal property of the metric close to the four-dimensional boundary. The models provide linear Regge trajectories for light mesons, associated with specially designed infrared gravity properties. We also review the results for the decay widths of the f0's into two pions, as overlap integrals between mesonic string amplitudes, which are in qualitative agreement with data

    Dark/Visible Parallel Universes and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We develop a model for visible matter-dark matter interaction based on the exchange of a massive gray boson called herein the Mulato. Our model hinges on the assumption that all known particles in the visible matter have their counterparts in the dark matter. We postulate six families of particles five of which are dark. This leads to the unavoidable postulation of six parallel worlds, the visible one and five invisible worlds. A close study of big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), baryon asymmetries, cosmic microwave background (CMB) bounds, galaxy dynamics, together with the Standard Model assumptions, help us to set a limit on the mass and width of the new gauge boson. Modification of the statistics underlying the kinetic energy distribution of particles during the BBN is also discussed. The changes in reaction rates during the BBN due to a departure from the Debye-Hueckel electron screening model is also investigated.Comment: Invited talk at the Workshops "CompStar: the physics and astrophysics of compact stars", Tahiti, June 4-8, 2012, "New Directions in Nuclear Astrophysics", Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy, June 18-22, 2012, and "Carpathian Summer School of Physics", Sinaia, Romania, June 24 - July 7, 2012. To be published in AIP Proceeding

    Qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de tomateiro orgânico, colhidos em diferentes estádios de maturação.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar as caracteristicas fisico-quimicas que determinam a qualidade do tomate orgânico colhidos em diferentes estádios de maturação de duas cultivares (San Vito e Duradoro).CD-ROM. Suplemento. Trabalho apresentado no 51. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Viçosa, MG

    The conservation of energy-momentum and the mass for the graviton

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    In this work we give special attention to the bimetric theory of gravitation with massive gravitons proposed by Visser in 1998. In his theory, a prior background metric is necessary to take in account the massive term. Although in the great part of the astrophysical studies the Minkowski metric is the best choice to the background metric, it is not possible to consider this metric in cosmology. In order to keep the Minkowski metric as background in this case, we suggest an interpretation of the energy-momentum conservation in Visser's theory, which is in accordance with the equivalence principle and recovers naturally the special relativity in the absence of gravitational sources. Although we do not present a general proof of our hypothesis we show its validity in the simple case of a plane and dust-dominated universe, in which the `massive term' appears like an extra contribution for the energy density.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publishing in GR

    A consistent scalar-tensor cosmology for inflation, dark energy and the Hubble parameter

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    The authors are grateful for financial support to the Cruickshank Trust (CW), EPSRC/GG-Top (CW, JR), Omani Government (MA), Science Without Borders programme, CNPq, Brazil (DR), and STFC/CfFP (CW, AM, RB, JM). CW and AM acknowledge the hospitality of CERN, where this work was started. The University of Aberdeen and University of Edinburgh are charitable bodies registered in Scotland, with respective registration numbers SC013683 and SC005336.Peer reviewedPostprin