13 research outputs found
Late presentation of bilateral retinoblastoma: case report
A case of retinoblastoma with uncommon features is reported, aiming at improving follow-up. In 1993, SJMMF, 9-month-old white boy, presented a squint in the left eye. A retinal tumor was detected. The patient had a family history of retinoblastoma. Enucleation was performed and retinoblastoma was proved. The patient underwent examination for staging, all were normal. The fellow eye remained normal for 10 years. During routine examination the retina map revealed three retinoblastoma white lesions in the nasal retina. The patient underwent transpupillary thermotherapy with diode laser. After 30 days, the lesions became atrophic. After 60 days there was tumor recurrence on the border of the lesion. Sclera cryotherapy was performed. There was tumor regression for six months. During follow-up, condensations next to the atrophic tumor lesions were discovered, which were vitreous seeds. Brachitherapy with 125 iodine was done. The lesions disappeared after 30 days. New vitreous seeds appeared 3 months later, set on the retina surface. They were blocked with sclera cryotherapy and transpupillary thermotherapy. The patient presented with new vitreous seeds after six months, which adhered to the retina. They were blocked with transpupillary thermotherapy. Follow-up was for 38 months since the appearance of the bilateral tumor. The patient presents normal visual acuity and clinical examination. This case is important considering the low frequency of the disease at this age. It is essential to maintain alertness when cases of retinoblastoma are seen as cured.É relatado um caso de retinoblastoma de aparecimento tardio, com características pouco freqüentes, com o objetivo de melhorar o controle da afecção. Em 1993, SJMMF, nove meses, masculino, leucodermo, apresentou tumor na retina esquerda. O paciente tinha história familiar de retinoblastoma. A enucleação foi realizada, comprovando-se retinoblastoma. Os exames para estadiamento sistêmico foram normais. O olho direito evoluiu normal por dez anos. Em exame de rotina, foram constatadas três lesões de retinoblastoma na retina nasal. Foi feita termoterapia transpupilar, com laser de diodo de 810 nm. Após 30 dias, as lesões regrediram. Após 60 dias houve recidiva na borda da lesão, onde foi realizada crioterapia transescleral, com regressão do tumor por seis meses. Durante o controle, observaram-se condensações próximas à lesão tumoral atrófica (sementes vítreas). Foi feito braquiterapia com Iodo125, havendo desaparecimento das mesmas após 30 dias. Novas sementes surgiram três meses pós-braquiterapia, depositadas na superfície retiniana, sendo tratadas com crioterapia transescleral e termoterapia transpupilar, havendo regressão. O paciente evoluiu com nova semente vítrea após seis meses, a qual, após depositar-se na superfície da retina, foi tratada com termoterapia transpupilar. Está em seguimento há 38 meses desde o aparecimento do tumor bilateral, mantendo acuidade visual de 20/20 e exames clínicos normais. Considera-se importante este caso pela pouca freqüência de aparecimento da doença nesta idade. Julga-se necessário o alerta para os casos de retinoblastoma já considerados curados.Hospital de Olhos de PernambucoFundação Altino VenturaFAVUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL
Exposição à teratógenos e anormalidades oculares congênitas em pacientes brasileiros portadores da sequência de Möbius
Purpose: To assess the sociodemographic profiles, teratogen exposures, and ocular congenital abnormalities in Brazilian patients with Möbius sequence. Method: Forty-four patients were recruited from the Brazilian Möbius Sequence Society. This cross-section comprised 41 patients (age, mean ± standard deviation, 9.0 ± 5.5 years) who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The parent or caregiver answered a questionnaire regarding sociodemographic data and pregnancy history. Patients underwent ophthalmological assessments. They were subdivided into groups according to misoprostol exposure during pregnancy, and the two groups were compared. Results: Mothers/caregivers reported unplanned pregnancies in 36 (88%) cases. Of these, 19 (53%) used misoprostol during their first trimesters. A stable marital status tended to be more frequent in the unexposed group (P=0.051). Incomplete elementary school education was reported by two (11%) mothers in the exposed group and by three (14%) mothers in the unexposed group (P=0.538). The mothers' gestational exposures to cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes were similar in both groups (P=0.297, P=0.297, P=0.428, and P=0.444, respectively). One (5%) case of Rubella infection during pregnancy was found in the unexposed group. The main malformations in the exposed and unexposed groups were the following: strabismus (72% and 77%, respectively), lack of emotional tearing (47% and 36%, respectively), and lagophthalmos (32% and 41%, respectively). Conclusion: Stable marital statuses tended to be more frequent among mothers that did not take misoprostol during pregnancy. Exposures to other teratogens and the main ocular abnormalities were similar in both groups.Objetivo: Descrever o perfil sóciodemográfico, exposição à teratógenos e anormalidades oculares congênitas em pacientes brasileiros portadores da sequência de Möbiu Método: Quarenta e quatro pacientes recrutados da Sociedade Brasileira de Sequência de Möbius foram examinados. Este estudo transversal incluiu 41 pacientes que preencheram os critérios de inclusão do estudo (média das idades: 9,0 ± 5,5 anos). Mãe/responsável dos pacientes responderam a um questionário sobre perfil sóciodemográfico e história gestacional. Foi realizado exame oftalmológico de todos os pacientes. Eles foram agrupados em dois grupos de acordo com a exposição ao misoprostol durante a gestação e seus dados foram comparados. Resultados: Mães/responsáveis referiram gravidez indesejada em 36 (88%) dos casos. Destas, 19 (53%) fizeram uso de misoprostol no primeiro trimestre de gestação. Houve uma tendência do grupo de mães não expostas ao misoprostol de terem um estado civil estável (P=0,051). Duas (11%) mães do grupo de expostas ao misoprostol relataram primeiro grau incompleto e três (14%) do grupo de não expostas (P=0,538). A exposição das mães à cocaína, maconha, álcool e cigarro foi similar em ambos os grupos (P=0,297, P=0,297, P=0,428, P=0,444, respectivamente). Houve um caso (5%) de Rubéola no grupo de mães não expostas. As principais malformações associadas nos pacientes expostos e não expostos foram, respectivamente: estrabismo (72% e 77%), e diminuição da lágrima emocional (47% e 36%) e lagoftalmia (32% and 41%). Conclusão: Estado civil estável foi mais frequente em mães que não fizeram uso de misoprostol durante a gestação. Exposição à outros teratógenos e malformações oculares tiveram distribuição semelhante em ambos os grupos.Fundação Altino Ventura Department of OphthalmologyHospital de Olhos de Pernambuco Department of OphthalmologyUniversity of Illinois Department of Ophthalmology & Visual ScienceUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of OphthalmologyAssociação de Assistência à Criança DeficienteSanta Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Department of OphthalmologyUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Departments of Neurology and PediatricsUniversidade de São Paulo Instituto de Biociências Department of BiologyUniversidade de São Paulo Department of OphthalmologyUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Department of Pediatric SurgeryUniversidade de São Paulo Department of PsychiatryServices Group in Epileptic Child PsychiatryInstituto Cema Department of OphthalmologyUNIFESP, Department of OphthalmologySciEL
Inclusão escolar da pessoa com Deficiência Visual
Este recurso instrutivo compõe os recursos extras do Programa Atenção à Pessoa com Deficiência: Reabilitação Visual produzido pela UNA-SUS/UFMA. Trata-se de um folder em PDF que abordará o treinamento educacional para uso de recursos especiais na inclusão escolar da pessoa com deficiência visual. Além deste, há diversos recursos relacionados à temática pessoas com deficiência, fornecendo conteúdos interessantes à comunidade em geral
Endocrine Dysfunction in Children with Zika-Related Microcephaly Who Were Born during the 2015 Epidemic in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Congenital viral infections and the occurrence of septo-optic dysplasia, which is a combination of optic nerve hypoplasia, abnormal formation of structures along the midline of the brain, and pituitary hypofunction, support the biological plausibility of endocrine dysfunction in Zika-related microcephaly. In this case series we ascertained the presence and describe endocrine dysfunction in 30 children with severe Zika-related microcephaly from the MERG Pediatric Cohort, referred for endocrinological evaluation between February and August 2019. Of the 30 children, 97% had severe microcephaly. The average age at the endocrinological consultation was 41 months and 53% were female. The most frequently observed endocrine dysfunctions comprised short stature, hypothyroidism, obesity and variants early puberty. These dysfunctions occurred alone 57% or in combination 43%. We found optic nerve hypoplasia (6/21) and corpus callosum hypoplasia (20/21). Seizure crises were reported in 86% of the children. The most common-and clinically important-endocrine dysfunctions were pubertal dysfunctions, thyroid disease, growth impairment, and obesity. These dysfunctions require careful monitoring and signal the need for endocrinological evaluation in children with Zika-related microcephaly, in order to make early diagnoses and implement appropriate treatment when necessary
Zika-related adverse outcomes in a cohort of pregnant women with rash in Pernambuco, Brazil.
BACKGROUND: While Zika virus (ZIKV) is now widely recognized as a teratogen, the frequency and full spectrum of adverse outcomes of congenital ZIKV infection remains incompletely understood. METHODS: Participants in the MERG cohort of pregnant women with rash, recruited from the surveillance system from December/2015-June/2017. Exposure definition was based on a combination of longitudinal data from molecular, serologic (IgM and IgG3) and plaque reduction neutralization tests for ZIKV. Children were evaluated by a team of clinical specialists and by transfontanelle ultrasound and were classified as having microcephaly and/or other signs/symptoms consistent with congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). Risks of adverse outcomes were quantified according to the relative evidence of a ZIKV infection in pregnancy. FINDINGS: 376 women had confirmed and suspected exposure to ZIKV. Among evaluable children born to these mothers, 20% presented with an adverse outcome compatible with exposure to ZIKV during pregnancy. The absolute risk of microcephaly was 2.9% (11/376), of calcifications and/or ventriculomegaly was 7.2% (13/180), of additional neurologic alterations was 5.3% (13/245), of ophthalmologic abnormalities was 7% (15/214), and of dysphagia was 1.8% (4/226). Less than 1% of the children experienced abnormalities across all of the domains simultaneously. Interpretation: Although approximately one-fifth of children with confirmed and suspected exposure to ZIKV in pregnancy presented with at least one abnormality compatible with CZS, the manifestations presented more frequently in isolation than in combination. Due to the rare nature of some outcomes and the possibility of later manifestations, large scale individual participant data meta-analysis and the long-term evaluation of children are imperative to identify the full spectrum of this syndrome and to plan actions to reduce damages
The Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group Paediatric Cohort (MERG-PC): A Cohort Profile.
This cohort profile aims to describe the ongoing follow-up of children in the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group Paediatric Cohort (MERG-PC). The profile details the context and aims of the study, study population, methodology including assessments, and key results and publications to date. The children that make up MERG-PC were born in Recife or within 120 km of the city, in Pernambuco/Brazil, the epicentre of the microcephaly epidemic. MERG-PC includes children from four groups recruited at different stages of the ZIKV microcephaly epidemic in Pernambuco, i.e., the Outpatient Group (OG/n = 195), the Microcephaly Case-Control Study (MCCS/n = 80), the MERG Pregnant Women Cohort (MERG-PWC/n = 336), and the Control Group (CG/n = 100). We developed a comprehensive array of clinical, laboratory, and imaging assessments that were undertaken by a 'task force' of clinical specialists in a single day at 3, 6, 12, 18 months of age, and annually from 24 months. Children from MCCS and CG had their baseline assessment at birth and children from the other groups, at the first evaluation by the task force. The baseline cohort includes 711 children born between February 2015 and February 2019. Children's characteristics at baseline, excluding CG, were as follows: 32.6% (184/565) had microcephaly, 47% (263/559) had at least one physical abnormality, 29.5% (160/543) had at least one neurological abnormality, and 46.2% (257/556) had at least one ophthalmological abnormality. This ongoing cohort has contributed to the understanding of the congenital Zika syndrome (CZS) spectrum. The cohort has provided descriptions of paediatric neurodevelopment and early epilepsy, including EEG patterns and treatment response, and information on the frequency and characteristics of oropharyngeal dysphagia; cryptorchidism and its surgical findings; endocrine dysfunction; and adenoid hypertrophy in children with Zika-related microcephaly. The study protocols and questionnaires were shared across Brazilian states to enable harmonization across the different studies investigating microcephaly and CZS, providing the opportunity for the Zika Brazilian Cohorts Consortium to be formed, uniting all the ZIKV clinical cohorts in Brazil
Resposta humoral ao vírus dengue em mães/filhos: relação com a sequência de Möbius Humoral immune response to dengue virus in mothers/children: relation with Möbius sequence
OBJETIVO: Investigar a resposta humoral para o vírus dengue em pacientes com sequência de Möbius e suas mães, analisando a relação entre a infecção na gestação e o nascimento de portadores da sequência de Möbius. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados os prontuários dos pacientes atendidos em centro de referência. Aplicou-se um questionário estruturado a cada genitora. Sorologia por Elisa para IgG de dengue foi efetuada em 35 pacientes e suas mães. O teste de neutralização por redução em placas foi feito nas que referiram infecção viral na gestação e em seus filhos, para determinar o sorotipo viral causador da infecção. RESULTADOS: Febre, cefaléia e/ou dor retro-orbitária foi referida por 18 (51,4%) mães. Três (8,6%) referiram dengue no primeiro ou início do segundo trimestre de gestação. Cruzando-se as informações das sorologias das mães e crianças observou-se que em 57,1% dos casos há positividade sorológica para o vírus do dengue na mãe e no filho. Das três mães com infecção na gestação, uma e seu filho, apresentou teste de neutralização por redução em placa positivo para o vírus dengue tipo três (DENV-3), entretanto o sorotipo apenas foi introduzido em Pernambuco em 2002, o que exclui a possibilidade de ter ocorrido transmissão vertical da doença. CONCLUSÃO: As sorologias dos casos que tiveram diagnóstico clínico de dengue na gravidez revelaram-se incompatíveis com a hipótese de ter ocorrido transmissão vertical da doença. Portanto, na amostra estudada, a infecção pelo vírus do dengue não pode ser considerada como fator implicado na gênese da sequência de Möbius.<br>PURPOSE: To investigate the humoral immune response to dengue virus in patients with Möbius sequence and their mothers, assessing the relation between this infection during pregnancy and Möbius sequence. METHODS: The medical records were reviewed, and a questionnaire was answered by each mother. IgG ELISA was performed in 35 patients and their mothers. A plaque reduction neutralization test was further done in the mothers who reported a viral infection during pregnancy and in their children for determining which dengue serotype virus had caused the infection. RESULTS: Fever, headache and/or retrobulbar pain during pregnancy was referred by eighteen (51.4%) mothers. Three (8.6%) reported dengue during the first or second quarteers of pregnancy. When cross analyzing the mothers and their respective children serological results, 57.1% of them matched. Of the three mothers with clinical diagnosis of viral infection during pregnancy, one and its respective children had a positive plaque reduction neutralization test for dengue serotype three (DENV-3), this serotype reached Pernambuco in 2002, which excludes the possibility of a vertical transmission to the children. CONCLUSION: The serology of the cases that had clinical diagnosis of dengue during pregnancy proved to be incompatible with the hypothesis of the disease vertical transmission. Therefore, in the present serie, the dengue virus infection can not be considered as a factor involved in the genesis of Möbius sequence
Impactos da Deficiência Visual na Pessoa com Deficiência e orientações aos familiares
Este recurso instrutivo compõe os recursos extras do Programa Atenção à Pessoa com Deficiência: Reabilitação Visual produzido pela UNA-SUS/UFMA. Trata-se de uma cartilha em PDF que aborda o impacto da deficiência visual na pessoa com deficiência e sua família/ cuidador. Além deste, há diversos recursos relacionados à temática pessoas com deficiência, fornecendo conteúdos interessantes à comunidade em geral
Atividades de vida diária para pessoas com Deficiência Visual
Este recurso instrutivo compõe os recursos extras do Programa Atenção à Pessoa com Deficiência: Reabilitação Visual produzido pela UNA-SUS/UFMA. Trata-se de um vídeo que abordará os aspectos relativos às Atividades de Vida Diária no contexto da deficiência visual. Além deste, há diversos recursos relacionados à temática pessoas com deficiência, fornecendo conteúdos interessantes à comunidade em geral