2,422 research outputs found

    Materiais alternativos, em substituição à maravalha como cama de frangos.

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    Dimensão ambiental do Projeto de Assentamento Agrícola Nilson Campos - Porto Velho - Rondônia.

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    No presente documento são apresentados os resultados quanto à dimensão ambiental obtidos no levantamento realizado no projeto de assentamento estudado no período de dezembro 2001/março 2002 bem como, informações bibliográficas quanto à dimensão ambiental do mesmo e propostas de projetos para conservação e melhor utilização dos recursos naturais do assentamento agrícola estudado.bitstream/item/54345/1/Doc92-assentamentoagricola.pd

    Situação do controle biológico de insetos-praga da cultura do arroz na região Sul do Brasil.

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    Fosmid library: methodological challenges.

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    Abstract: Since 1983, Brazil conducts researchs in the Antartic continent through the Brazilian Antartic Program. For many years, studies were focused only to the understanding of the environmental impacts of climate change resulting from human action and the system of micro.- and macrorganisms. The interest of the bioprospecting molecules for use in agriculture or health began only in the last decade in the same continent. Since about half of the known bioactive compounds are originating from bacteria and fungi, and a tiny portion of the microbiota is cultivable in the Laboratory. Recent advances mainly to independent cultivation techniques allow a greater understanding of microbial biodiversity as well as access to functionality of their metabolic pathways. In this context the heterologous expression from metagenomic clones from total environmental DNA (eDNA) it stands out as a promising tool to access the microbial functional part. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the cloning procedure (metagenomic library of clones in fosmid vector - pCC2FOS) according to different methodologies of obtaining eDNA, selection of the gene inserts and conditions for the reaction for ligation to vector. The samples were collected at Admiralty Bay - Antarctic Peninsula, during last summer (Nov/Feb 2014-2015.) by the MycoAntar Project. The samples were submitted to extraction of eDNA high molecular weight such as to mechanical and chemical cell lysis procedures. A portion of the product extraction was partitioned by pulsed field gel electrophoresis from which they were recovered fragments containing approximately 40Kb and the other portion went directly to the subsequent procedure. The ligation reaction was made in two different temperatures 16-25°C. The result of the chemical cell lysis reaction was more efficient at obtaining size fragments of interest for the cloning procedure despite the quantitative reduction compared to extraction by mechanical lysis. The recovery procedure of the inserts gel using gelase enzyme resulted in drastic losses at the final concentration of eDNA. In relation to the difference in incubation temperature the binding reaction some differences can be observed. Thus 15,000 clones were obtained and are currently preserved at -80°C for next experiments as well as be submitted to the enzymatic screening functional biological activities of biotechnological interest

    Macroinvertebrates associated with bryophyta in a first-order Atlantic Forest stream

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    This study describes the composition and structure of the benthic community associated with bryophytes in a first-order stream, located in a biological reserve of the Atlantic Forest, during two seasons. During three months of the dry season of 2007 and three months of the rainy season of 2008, samples of bryophytes attached to stones were collected randomly, along a 100 m stream reach. The structure of the community was analyzed through the mean density of individuals, Shannon's diversity index, Pielou's evenness, family richness, dominance index, and the percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (% EPT). Chironomidae larvae were dominant in the two periods of study, followed by Ceratopogonidae in the rainy season, and Naididae in the dry season. The orders EPT contributed 14 families. The results showed that bryophytes constitute suitable habitat which is able to shelter an abundant and diversified benthic fauna in a small extension of the stream. This habitat provides refuge during spates, and thus minimizes downstream transport of the macroinvertebrate fauna.

    Influência de diferentes lâminas de irrigação na qualidade física e fisiológica de Coffea arabica - 2ª época.

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    Em todo o mundo, cada vez mais vem se buscando formas de se otimizar a produtividade bem como a produção de sementes de café. As regiões cafeeiras do sul de minas vêm sofrendo com veranicos prolongados, mesmo em regiões onde a soma da precipitação anual satisfaz às necessidades da cultura do café, é fundamental que se utilize técnicas para evitar déficits elevados, comprometendo a produção. o que justifica o rápido crescimento da irrigação para esta cultura. Neste experimento, sementes de Coffea arabica para cultivar Rubi, oriundas de uma lavoura irrigadas por diferentes lâminas de irrigação (0, 60, 80, 100, 120 e 140% de evaporação do tanque ?Classe A? foram coletadas e avaliadas em testes físico e fisiológicos. Os resultados estatísticos mostraram não haver diferenças significativas entre as diferentes lâminas de irrigação avaliadas, para sementes armazenadas por um ano