11 research outputs found

    Delineamento de zonas de manejo para o planejamento de experimentação on-farm na cultura do algodão.

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    RESUMO: O Brasil é atualmente um dos maiores produtores e exportadores mundiais de algodão. O principal desafio dos produtores é a busca contínua do aumento da produtividade, aliado à qualidade do produto final, com foco no aumento da lucratividade e redução de impactos ao meio ambiente, tornando a produção de algodão no país cada vez mais sustentável. Desse modo, se torna cada vez mais necessária a adoção de técnicas de manejo que envolvam a coleta, análise e intervenção com base em dados, como a agricultura de precisão (AP). A subdivisão das áreas de produção em zonas de manejo (ZM) é uma das formas de se iniciar a adoção da AP em uma área de cultivo agrícola. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal realizar o delineamento de ZM para uma área de produção de algodão de safra localizada em Sapezal-MT, utilizando técnicas computacionais de agrupamento de dados. A função principal desse delineamento foi auxiliar na estratégia para construção de experimentação on-farm para o estabelecimento de recomendações de adubação de cobertura nas diferentes ZM delimitadas para a área de estudo.Edição Técnica: Leandro Maria Gimenez, Christian Bredemeier. ConBAP 2022

    Survey of type 6 group variants of hepatitis C virus in Southeast Asia by using a core-based genotyping assay

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    Previous surveys of the prevalences of genotypes of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in different populations have often used genotyping assays based upon analysis of amplified sequences from the 5' noncoding region (5'NCR), such as restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) or hybridization with type- specific probes (e.g., InnoLipa). Although highly conserved, this region contains several type-specific nucleotide polymorphisms that allow major genotypes 1 to 6 to be reliably identified. Recently, however, novel HCV variants found in Vietnam and Thailand that are distantly related to the type 6a genotype (type 6 group) by phylogenetic analysis of coding regions of the genome often have sequences in the 5'NCR that are similar or identical to those of type 1 and could therefore not be identified by any assay of sequences in this region. We developed a new genotyping assay based upon RFLP of sequences amplified from the more variable core region to investigate their distribution elsewhere in southeast (SE) Asia. Among 108 samples from blood donors in seven areas that were identified as type 1 by RFLP in the 5'NCR, type 6 group variants were found in Thailand (7 from 28 samples originally identified as type 1) and Burma (Myanmar) (1 of 3) but were not found in Hong Kong (n = 43), Macau (n = 8), Taiwan (n = 6), Singapore (n = 2), or Malaysia (n = 18). Although this small survey suggests a relatively limited distribution for type 6 group variants in SE Asia, larger studies will be required to explore their distribution in other geographical regions and the extent to which their presence would limit the practical usefulness of 5'NCR-based genotyping assays for clinical or epidemiological purposes.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Inventory management.

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    A critical aspect of blood transfusion is the timely provision of high quality blood products. This task remains a significant challenge for many blood services and blood systems reflecting the difficulty of balancing the recruitment of sufficient donors, the optimal utilization of the donor's gift, the increasing safety related restrictions on blood donation, a growing menu of specialized blood products and an ever-growing imperative to increase the efficiency of blood product provision from a cost perspective. As our industry now faces questions about our standard practices including whether or not the age of blood has a negative impact on recipients, it is timely to take a look at our collective inventory management practices. This International Forum represents an effort to get a snap shot of inventory management practices around the world, and to understand the range of different products provided for patients. In addition to sharing current inventory management practices, this Forum is intended to foster an exchange of ideas around where we see our field moving with respect to various issues including specialty products, new technologies, and reducing recipient risk from blood transfusion products

    Inventory management

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    A critical aspect of blood transfusion is the timely provision of high quality blood products. This task remains a significant challenge for many blood services and blood systems reflecting the difficulty of balancing the recruitment of sufficient donors, the optimal utilization of the donor's gift, the increasing safety related restrictions on blood donation, a growing menu of specialized blood products and an ever-growing imperative to increase the efficiency of blood product provision from a cost perspective. As our industry now faces questions about our standard practices including whether or not the age of blood has a negative impact on recipients, it is timely to take a look at our collective inventory management practices. This International Forum represents an effort to get a snap shot of inventory management practices around the world, and to understand the range of different products provided for patients. In addition to sharing current inventory management practices, this Forum is intended to foster an exchange of ideas around where we see our field moving with respect to various issues including specialty products, new technologies, and reducing recipient risk from blood transfusion product

    Review of diagnostic challenges in occupational asthma

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    Occupational asthma (OA) is one of the most frequent occupational diseases and its diagnosis is often difficult. This review summarizes its current diagnostic challenges. OA is associated with significant health and socio-economic burden. It is underdiagnosed and physicians need to adopt a stepwise approach to confirm the diagnosis. Although early removal from exposure to the offending agent is associated with a better prognosis, physicians should try to confirm the diagnosis of work-related asthma before taking a worker off work. A proper occupational and medical history is very important but is not enough to make the diagnosis of OA. Objective evidence of work-related asthma is required and this represents a serious challenge to most physicians. Measurement of non-specific bronchial responsiveness (NSBR) and spirometry may confirm the diagnosis of asthma but do not confirm the diagnosis of OA. Serial monitoring of peak expiratory flows (PEF), NSBR, and airway inflammation at and off work may confirm the diagnosis of OA but are often difficult to perform. Confirming sensitization by skin prick tests or specific IgE may help to support the diagnosis of OA. Specific inhalation challenges (SIC) in the lab or at work are considered the reference standard but are of limited access. Medical surveillance programs along with primary prevention (reducing exposure) may help to reduce the burden of OA, but the ideal program has yet to be defined. The diagnostic workup of OA remains a challenge and needs a rigorous stepwise evaluation