69 research outputs found

    The biological in vitro effect and selectivity of aromatic dicationic compounds on Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Trypanosoma cruzi is a parasite that causes Chagas disease, which affects millions of individuals in endemic areas of Latin America. One hundred years after the discovery of Chagas disease, it is still considered a neglected illness because the available drugs are unsatisfactory. Aromatic compounds represent an important class of DNA minor groove-binding ligands that exhibit potent antimicrobial activity. This study focused on the in vitro activity of 10 aromatic dicationic compounds against bloodstream trypomastigotes and intracellular forms of T. cruzi. Our data demonstrated that these compounds display trypanocidal effects against both forms of the parasite and that seven out of the 10 compounds presented higher anti-parasitic activity against intracellular parasites compared with the bloodstream forms. Additional assays to determine the potential toxicity to mammalian cells showed that the majority of the dicationic compounds did not considerably decrease cellular viability. Fluorescent microscopy analysis demonstrated that although all compounds were localised to a greater extent within the kinetoplast than the nucleus, no correlation could be found between compound activity and kDNA accumulation. The present results stimulate further investigations of this class of compounds for the rational design of new chemotherapeutic agents for Chagas disease

    In vitro and in silico analysis of imatinib analogues as anti-Trypanosoma cruzi drug candidates

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    Chagas disease (CD) is a neglected tropical disease caused by the intracellular protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi that remains a serious public health issue affecting more than 6 million people worldwide. The available treatment includes 2 nitro derivatives, benznidazole (BZ) and nifurtimox, that lack in efficacy in the later chronic phase and when administered against the several naturally resistant parasite strains and present several side-effects, demanding new therapeutic options. One strategy is based on repurposing by testing drugs already used for other illness that may share similar targets. In this context, our previous data on imatinib (IMB) and derivatives motivated the screening of 8 new IMB analogues. Our findings showed that all except 1 were active against bloodstream trypomastigotes reaching drug concentration capable of inducing a 50% of parasite lysis (EC50) values 60) towards the proliferative forms. Physicochemical parameters as well as the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity properties were predicted to be acceptable and with good chance of a favourable oral bioavailability. The promising results motivate further studies such as in vivo and combinatory assays aiming to contribute for a novel safer and effective therapy for CD

    Identification and preliminary structure-activity relationship studies of novel pyridyl sulfonamides as potential Chagas disease therapeutic agents

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    Chagas disease is a neglected pathology responsible for about 12,000 deaths every year across Latin America. Although six million people are infected by the Trypanosoma cruzi, current therapeutic options are limited, highlighting the need for new drugs. Here we report the preliminary structure activity relationships of a small library of 17 novel pyridyl sulfonamide derivatives. Analogues 4 and 15 displayed significant potency against intracellular amastigotes with EC50 of 5.4 µM and 8.6 µM. In cytotoxicity assays using mice fibroblast L929 cell lines, both compounds indicated low toxicity with decent selectivity indices (SI) >36 and >23 respectively. Hence these compounds represent good starting points for further lead optimization

    In vitro and in vivo activity of the chloroaryl-substituted imidazole viniconazole against Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Chagas disease (CD) is caused by the intracellular protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and affects more than 10 million people in poor areas of Latin America. There is an urgent need for alternative drugs with better safety, broader efficacy, lower costs and shorter time of administration. Thus the biological activity of viniconazole, a chloroaryl-substituted imidazole was investigated using in vitro and in vivo screening models of T. cruzi infection. Ultrastructural findings demonstrated that the most frequent cellular damage was associated with plasma membrane (blebs and shedding events), Golgi (swelling aspects) and the appearance of large numbers of vacuoles suggesting an autophagic process. Our data demonstrated that although this compound is effective against bloodstream and intracellular forms (16 and 24μ m, respectively) in vitro, it does not present in vivo efficacy. Due to the urgent need for novel agents against T. cruzi, the screening of natural and synthetic products must be further supported with the aim of finding more selective and affordable drugs for C

    Arylimidamides have potential for chemoprophylaxis against blood-transmitted Chagas disease

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    Chagas disease (CD) affects over 6 million people worldwide and can be transmitted iatrogenically. Crystal violet (CV) was previously used for pathogen reduction but has harmful side-effects. In the present study, three arylimidamides (AIAs) and CV were used to sterilize mice blood samples experimentally contaminated with bloodstream trypomastigotes (BT) of Trypanosoma cruzi, at non hemolytic doses. All AIAs were not toxic to mouse blood cells until the highest tested concentration (96 µM). The previous treatment of BT with the AIAs impaired the infection establishment of cardiac cell cultures. In vivo assays showed that pre-incubation of mouse blood samples with the AIAs and CV (96 µM) significantly suppressed the parasitemia peak, but only the AIA DB1831 gave ≥90% animal survival, while vehicle treated samples reached 0%. Our findings support further studies regarding the potential use of AIAs for blood bank purposes

    Evaluation of phthalazinone phosphodiesterase inhibitors with improved activity and selectivity against Trypanosoma cruzi

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    BACKGROUND: Chagas' disease, caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, needs urgent alternative therapeutic options as the treatments currently available display severe limitations, mainly related to efficacy and toxicity. OBJECTIVES: As phosphodiesterases (PDEs) have been claimed as novel targets against T. cruzi, our aim was to evaluate the biological aspects of 12 new phthalazinone PDE inhibitors against different T. cruzi strains and parasite forms relevant for human infection. METHODS: In vitro trypanocidal activity of the inhibitors was assessed alone and in combination with benznidazole. Their effects on parasite ultrastructural and cAMP levels were determined. PDE mRNA levels from the different T. cruzi forms were measured by quantitative reverse transcription PCR. RESULTS: Five TcrPDEs were found to be expressed in all parasite stages. Four compounds displayed strong effects against intracellular amastigotes. Against bloodstream trypomastigotes (BTs), three were at least as potent as benznidazole. In vitro combination therapy with one of the most active inhibitors on both parasite forms (NPD-040) plus benznidazole demonstrated a quite synergistic profile (xΣ FICI = 0.58) against intracellular amastigotes but no interaction (xΣ FICI = 1.27) when BTs were assayed. BTs treated with NPD-040 presented disrupted Golgi apparatus, a swollen flagellar pocket and signs of autophagy. cAMP measurements of untreated parasites showed that amastigotes have higher ability to efflux this second messenger than BTs. NPD-001 and NPD-040 increase the intracellular cAMP content in both BTs and amastigotes, which is also released into the extracellular milieu. CONCLUSIONS: The findings demonstrate the potential of PDE inhibitors as anti-T. cruzi drug candidates

    The biological in vitro effect and selectivity of aromatic dicationic compounds on Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Trypanosoma cruzi is a parasite that causes Chagas disease, which affects millions of individuals in endemic areas of Latin America. One hundred years after the discovery of Chagas disease, it is still considered a neglected illness because the available drugs are unsatisfactory. Aromatic compounds represent an important class of DNA minor groove-binding ligands that exhibit potent antimicrobial activity. This study focused on the in vitro activity of 10 aromatic dicationic compounds against bloodstream trypomastigotes and intracellular forms of T. cruzi. Our data demonstrated that these compounds display trypanocidal effects against both forms of the parasite and that seven out of the 10 compounds presented higher anti-parasitic activity against intracellular parasites compared with the bloodstream forms. Additional assays to determine the potential toxicity to mammalian cells showed that the majority of the dicationic compounds did not considerably decrease cellular viability. Fluorescent microscopy analysis demonstrated that although all compounds were localised to a greater extent within the kinetoplast than the nucleus, no correlation could be found between compound activity and kDNA accumulation. The present results stimulate further investigations of this class of compounds for the rational design of new chemotherapeutic agents for Chagas disease

    In Vitro and In Vivo Investigation of the Efficacy of Arylimidamide DB1831 and Its Mesylated Salt Form - DB1965 - against Trypanosoma cruzi Infection

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    Chagas disease is caused by infection with the intracellular protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. At present, nifurtimox and benznidazole, both compounds developed empirically over four decades ago, represent the chemotherapeutic arsenal for treating this highly neglected disease. However, both drugs present variable efficacy depending on the geographical area and the occurrence of natural resistance, and are poorly effective against the later chronic stage. As a part of a search for new therapeutic opportunities to treat chagasic patients, pre-clinical studies were performed to characterize the activity of a novel arylimidamide (AIA - DB1831 (hydrochloride salt) and DB1965 (mesylate salt)) against T.cruzi. These AIAs displayed a high trypanocidal effect in vitro against both relevant forms in mammalian hosts, exhibiting a high selectivity index and a very high efficacy (IC50 value/48 h of 5–40 nM) against intracellular parasites. DB1965 shows high activity in vivo in acute experimental models (mouse) of T.cruzi, showing a similar effect to benznidazole (Bz) when compared under a scheme of 10 daily consecutive doses with 12.5 mg/kg. Although no parasitological cure was observed after treating with 20 daily consecutive doses, a combined dosage of DB1965 (5 mg/kg) with Bz (50 mg/kg) resulted in parasitaemia clearance and 100% animal survival. In summary, our present data confirmed that aryimidamides represent promising new chemical entities against T.cruzi in therapeutic schemes using the AIA alone or in combination with other drugs, like benznidazole
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