1,116 research outputs found

    Louise Jopling: artist, teacher, campaigner

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    The Catholic Hospital in New Zealand

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    Sydney's first European colonists clung to the coastline and looked to the harbour and the sea for survival. Early recreational sailing was a product of the city's function as a seaport town. Sailing has since adapted to reflect and contribute Sydney's changing culture and customs. Recreational sailing includes a broad spectrum of activities, from sailing small dinghies in sheltered waters to long distance ocean races and cruises sailed out of and in to Sydney Harbour. This essay traces the broad and overlapping developments of Sydney's recreational sailing cultures

    The relationship between the satisfaction with training and the attitude of soldiers towards career expectancy and job involvement

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    ThesisThe purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the satisfaction with training and the attitude of soldiers towards career expectancy and job involvement at the Air Defence Artillery Formation of the SA Army is. The primary research question addressed by the study was: "What is the relationship between the satisfaction with training and the attitude of soldiers, at the Air Defence Artillery Formation of the South African Army, towards career expectancy and job involvement?" The first sub-problem was to determine whether there is a relationship between the satisfaction with training and the attitude of soldiers I towards career expectancy. The second sub-problem was to determine whether there is a relationship between the satisfaction with training and the attitude of soldiers towards job involvement. Sub-problem · three was to determine whether there is a relationship between the attitude of soldiers towards career expectations and job involvement. Surveyed were, four hundred and sixty seven (476) full time soldiers from the Air Defence Artillery School and 10 Anti-Aircraft Regiment using a 51 -item questionnaire. The satisfaction with training viewed as the independent variable divided in six sub-variables: planning, implementation, evaluation, vision and commitment, empowerment and general reactions. The Index of Organisational Reactions (lOR) scale (1 996) measured career expectancy. The Lodahl and Kejner Job Involvement Scale ( 1 965) assessed job involvement. Demographic data pertaining to gender, age, rank group, population group, and former force supplemented results. The researcher found that the satisfaction with training has a significant correlation with the attitude of soldiers regarding career expectancy and job involvement. Also found was a positive correlation between job involvement and career expectancy. Several recommendations for future research are given. This includes conducting a similar study at other units of the SA Army. Having established the importance of satisfaction with training, the researcher suggests that forging a link between training, career expectancy and work-related attitudes may well help the SA Army to move a step closer to a balanced and competent force; to explore further the use of job involvement and other work-related variables as potential outcomes of human resource development

    A model of co-operative education on peace support operations in Africa

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    Thesis (D. Tech.) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2007The focus of this study is on a Model of Co-operative Education on Peace Support Operations (PSO) in Africa. PSO are multi-functional operations involving military forces and diplomatic humanitarian agencies. They are designed to achieve humanitarian goals or a long-term political settlement, and are conducted impartially in support of a UN mandate. These include peacekeeping (PK), peace enforcement (PE), conflict prevention, peacemaking, peace building, and humanitarian operations. Since the advent of democracy in 1994, domestic and international expectations have steadily grown regarding a new South African role as a responsible and respected member of the international community. These expectations have included a hope that South Africa will play a leading role in a variety of international, regional and sub-regional forums, and that the country will become an active participant in attempts to resolve various regional and international conflicts. Peacekeeping is becoming more and more important as South Africa plays a vital role in African missions, mandates, deployment and restructuring. The core of peacekeeping operations in Africa is no longer about the deployment of armed forces, but the focus is shifting towards a more integrated approach including reconstruction, development, stability, civilian involvement and humanitarian aspects. While skills required for peace operations overlap with those required for war, there is increasing recognition that additional peace operations training is needed to successfully conduct these missions. The demand, advancement and application of peacekeeping evolve worldwide, especially in Africa, where enormous funding is being poured into local research and development, testing and training. The market for Education, Training and Development (ETD) in the field of PSO is growing, as South Africa is becoming increasingly involved in peacekeeping missions on the African continent. At present, there is no Co-operative Education programme on generic PSO on the operational/strategic level presented by any of the major universities in South Africa in order to enhance other PSO training. The objectives of this research project are in phase one: • To determine the need for and feasibility of a Co-operative Education Program on PSO. • To write a instructional design (ISD) report for a Co-operative Education Model on PSO and, • To draft possible curriculum content. • The second phase of the project could involve the development of learning material, and the evaluation of the proposed Co-operative Education Model on PSO by running a pilot programme. The principal product (output) of this research will consist out of an ISD report on a Model for Co-operative Education on PSO in Africa, presented by means of Correspondence Instruction with contact sessions. The key factors in production of the learning program include geo-political and security studies in order to create an understanding of the African battle space, PSO as presented by UNITAR POCI, the assessment of international practice with regards to PSO in order to relate the information to operations in Africa, PSO on the African continent, and Civil-Military Cooperation

    Creació i implementació d'un sistema de control de pas i accés per a dispositius mòbils

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    Aquest paper mostra tot el procés de desenvolupament d'un sistema de control de pas i accés utilitzant dispositius mòbils. Es detalla la metodologia utilitzada, així com les diferents tasques realitzades per superar cada una de les fases del desenvolupament. El paper fa una petita explicació de tecnologies com AngularJS, cordova, NodeJS, entre d'altres, que han estat les tecnologies emprades per a la implementació del sistema. Per altra banda, es mostren els problemes que han sorgit durant el transcurs del projecte, juntament amb la solució que s'ha escollit per poder avançar. Finalment es discuteixen els resultats obtinguts, i es mostren imatges de l'aplicació resultant. En definitiva, el paper pretén exposar la feina feta per a poder tirar endavant un projecte de desenvolupament de software.Este artículo muestra todo el proceso de desarrollo de un sistema de control de paso y acceso para dispositivos móviles. Se detalla la metodología utilizada, así como las distintas tareas realizadas para superar cada una de las fases de desarrollo. El artículo muestra una breve explicación de tecnologías como AngularJS, cordova, NodeJS, entre otras, que han sido las tecnologías seleccionadas para la implementación del proyecto. Por otra parte, se muestran los problemas surgidos durante el desarrollo del proyecto, acompañados de la solución escogida para poder avanzar. Finalmente se discuten los resultados obtenidos, junto con imágenes de la aplicación resultante. En definitiva, el artículo pretende mostrar el trabajo realizado para poder llevar a cabo un proyecto de desarrollo de software.This paper shows the whole development process of an access and location control system, using mobile devices. It details the methodology used, as well as every necessary task to achieve each phase of the process. This paper gives a brief explanation of technologies as AngularJS, cordova, NodeJS, among others. These technologies have been used to implement the system. On the other hand, the paper shows the several problems that have appeared during the project among the decision taken to overcome these problems. Finally, the paper discusses the obtained results and shows images of the resultant application. In short, the paper wants to show the work done throughout this project to achieve the execution of a software development project