16 research outputs found

    The Use and Creation of the Spreadsheet for Teaching and Simulation of a Cooling Tower for Engineering

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    During the Covid-19 Pandemic, many activities of engineering courses were paralyzed due to the impediment of using the physical facilities of universities, in particular the Federal University of Amazonas located in the heart of the forest. In order for the students to reduce their learning loss, the present work presents an iterative simulation in VBA of various equipment present in the manufacturing industry in the region, the choice to create their own simulations was due to the lack of budget for the purchase of a software. To validate the data found, these were compared with the literature, at the end of the discipline of manufacturing processes, the students also completed a satisfaction survey that showed that the use of low-cost virtual simulation tools was well accepted by the students

    Risk Return Optimization Using the Knapsack Problem in The Formation of a Stocks Portfolio. Case Study of a Brazilian Investment Site.

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    In this work, the composition of a portfolio was proposed by using the Knapsack problem and verified its effectiveness in comparison to a portfolio of shares on an investment website. The programming variables were based on the Markowitz risk theory of variance and following collaborators for their studies. And from the chosen portfolio, the efficient frontier was elaborated analyzing the performance of the investment site portfolio during 30 days. The portfolio obtained exceeded the percentage performance obtained from the investment site in the same period when considering the maximum possible return, the minimum global variance and also in the naive distribution

    The circular economy in the perspective of sustainable joinery: a case study in the Amazon / A economia circular na perspectiva da carpintaria sustentável: um estudo de caso na Amazônia

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    This article explores the concept of the circular economy based on the use, as base material, of wood residues from the production process of a company that operates in the hygiene and cleaning products sector based at the Manaus Industrial Pole. These residues feed the manufacturing process of a Sustainable Joinery, which, in turn, manufactures custom products, as well as those from its catalog. It is intended to explore the manufacturing process, in the context of the pillars of the circular economy. The methodology of this work consisted of exploring the stages of its manufacturing process, the process flows, the chain involved, and the waste management of this process. In this study, the life cycle stages of raw material supply and end-of-life pathways of wooden pallets were assessed environmentally from different perspectives with lifecycle assessment (LCA). In addition, it reveals the potential to be explored in the region due to the economic opportunities and social and environmental impacts, since, considering only the year 2019, 21 tons of wood were reprocessed, representing an average monthly revenue in the order of $ 5,000

    Implementação da metodologia TPM no processo de produção de placas de ar condicionado numa empresa do Polo Industrial de Manaus / Implementation of the TPM methodology in the production process of air conditioning circuit boards in a company in the Industrial Pole of Manaus

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    Esta pesquisa descreve a implementação da metodologia Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) numa linha de produção de placas de ar condicionado, numa empresa situada no Polo Industrial de Manaus (PIM). O principal objetivo do projeto é o de desenvolver de forma eficaz a realização da manutenção autônoma e da manutenção planejada, que são dois dos oito pilares que sustentam a metodologia TPM, de forma a evitar paragens de produção não planejadas. Optou-se por implementar a metodologia TPM nessa linha, pelo fato de não haver uma pessoa dedicada ao controle e gestão da manutenção, sendo que todas as vezes que se faz necessário, geralmente para realizar intervenções de manutenção corretiva, recorre-se a uma pessoa de outro setor. Além disso, antes da implementação da manutenção autônoma e da manutenção planejada não havia qualquer registro de atividades de manutenção realizadas impossibilitando assim uma análise estatística ou por meio de indicadores de manutenção. Para o cumprimento dos objetivos propostos realizou-se formações aos operadores acerca do TPM e manutenção autônoma onde foram criadas as tarefas diárias de limpeza, inspeção e manutenção. Reestruturou-se as atividades de manutenção preventivas em conjunto com o departamento responsável e foram criadas fichas de registro de anormalidades para cada equipamento de forma a possibilitar análises por meio de indicadores de manutenção. Por último, descreve-se os resultados alcançados com a implementação da metodologia TPM na empresa, ressaltando os fatores positivos e as dificuldades encontradas.

    Analysis of the government ordinances in the basic productive process on the performance of cellphone manufacturing companies installed in the industrial pole of Manaus from 1993 to 2018

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    The Manaus Free Trade Zone, also known as ZFM, is characterized by being an industrial hub that includes industries from different segments. When it comes to the production of cutting-edge technology, the sector of computer goods stands out, especially the product known as cell phone. Some manufacturers of this product are installed in ZFM and are world leaders in this market. The industries installed in this pole enjoy tax incentives under the condition of execution of Basic Productive Processes (BPP). From this perspective and through a qualitative methodology, using the bibliographic research procedure applied to the case study at the ZFM, the objective of this article is to carry out a bibliographic review regarding the interministerial ordinances. It was intended to evaluate its obligations and exemptions regarding the production processes provided for by these laws for the production of the portable mobile phone terminal product, during the period from 1993 to 2018. In view of this work, it was possible to identify changes in the requirements imposed by legislation according to the technological evolution of the product and the market. In addition, it allowed the government\u27s intention to increase the production chain of this product, with the purpose to strengthen the national industry for the manufacture of particular inputs, although certain obligations imposed through percentages of domestic manufacture were changed over the period, allowing the importation of these items. Such decision makes us question the effectiveness of the adopted methodology

    The causes of school evasion in a private higher education institution: case study

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    The objective of this research was to identify the causes that motivated the students to evade the courses of a private Higher-Education Institution - IES, in the city of Porto Velho-RO. It was intended to raise the number of students evaded by periods and courses in recent years to assess the impact of school evasion on HEI management decisions. To obtain results, we used the interpretation of data obtained through quantitative and qualitative research, questionnaires and interviews

    The new Brazilian legal framework of science & technology: Barriers, borders and opportunities for innovation

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    The recognition of science and technology as a risk activity, focusing on results rather than procedures, means that researchers are more effectively engaged in activities involving innovation. The purpose of this article is to analyze the applicability of law known as the Legal Framework of Science and Technology, and it was constructed with bibliographical support seeking to contribute to a different view of the control organs regarding the research. The new Brazilian legislation brings with it the expectation that research and market have a process of approximation, reducing the distance between the knowledge produced in universities and their transformation into wealth. The possibilities arising from the new legislation tend to have effects in solving problems of quality, productivity, cost reduction, with the possibility of incorporating benefits to production and competitiveness, with the introduction of technology, methods and processes aligned with lean production. It concludes that the Legal Framework for Science and Technology, with its specific purpose of reducing bureaucracy in the country\u27s research and innovation activities in general, is an important instrument in the integration of the academic and scientific community at all levels, and companies, representing a new path to boost the process of education

    Cost management in educational services: the importance of strategic cost control in educational institutions

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    The educational market in Brazil has become very competitive and, according to the Higher Education Sense, 88.20% of Higher Education Institutions are private. To make a difference in the market, HEIs must offer quality services. This offer requires a lot of intellectual as well as financial investment. Given this reality, managers need to control their revenues, but especially control their costs, which, for this business, are very high. Managers need to adopt strategic cost management methods so that they can know how their company is facing its own reality, make comparisons with other companies in the same sector, and have sufficient subsidies for decision-making. This article, through a data analysis research, seeks, through an appropriate methodology, to demonstrate the importance of applying appropriate cost management methods in private Higher Education Institutions that offer Lato Sensu Specialization courses

    O aprimoramento dos serviços de ouvidoria pública com o uso de inteligência artificial: uma revisão integrativa: Improving ombudsman services using artificial intelligence: an integrative review

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    A maior eficiência é buscada de modo constante em todas as áreas profissionais. Nos serviços públicos isso não é diferente. O setor de ouvidoria tem a função de possibilitar um canal de interação entre o cidadão (usuário do serviço) e o órgão ou entidade que presta o serviço. Quanto ao aprimoramento em si, são percebidas as diversas aplicações das ferramentas oferecidas pela Indústria 4.0 (entre elas a Inteligência Artificial) e que oferecem muitas possibilidades de melhoria. Nesse sentido, este trabalho usou a revisão integrativa para investigar na literatura como as ouvidorias públicas funcionam atualmente, onde são necessários aprimoramentos, bem como onde a Inteligência Artificial é usada atualmente e se já está implementada em alguma ouvidoria.  Foram selecionados 10 artigos com o uso dos descritores: ouvidoria, inteligência artificial, aprimoramento.  Percebe-se que a ouvidoria mostra um potencial, ainda pouco explorado, de ser um vetor de aprimoramento das instituições e que a Inteligência Artificial tornará mais célere e eficiente diversos procedimentos onde são empregadas

    Cost management: bibliometrics in the annals of the national production engineering meeting

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    The National Meeting of Production Engineering (ENEGEP) is an event organized by the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering (ABEPRO) in which brings together the academic community of researchers working in the sector of Production Engineering and constitutes one of the leading promoters of technical and scientific production in the area. Among the various topics transiting the meeting, cost management is one of those who has relevant interaction. This article aims to analyze the academic contributions published in the Annals ENEGEP from 2008 to 2018 and trends in the area of ​​Economic Management, Cost Management subarea. Methodologically it made the use of bibliometric analysis techniques, analyzing, quantitatively and qualitatively, 219 articles, considering the following variables: quantitative evolution of publications; authoring features per article; authors; educational institutions; keywords; and themes. The main results identified an average of twenty papers per year with the cost management issue, the vast majority of publications were carried out with two or more authors, in relation to the authorship, 71% of authors had only one article, the southern region is the one most representative authors of publications, and as to the keywords which is evident most frequently are "Cost Management" and "costs"