182 research outputs found

    Literature review about the science-journalism relationship:ENJOI D5.1

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    * New version available * This report describes the first literature review results to develop a robust base for a series of studies within the ENJOI project that explore the science-media relationship. The literature review focuses on the quality and effectiveness of interactions between scientists and media to identify challenges and changes in the science-media relationship. It addresses how collaborations between scientists and media producers can improve accuracy in science communication and how these interactions can be fostered and improved.ENJOI WP5. Evaluation of ENJOI steps and analysis of the science-media relationshi

    Quality of science journalism in the age of Artificial Intelligence explored with a mixed methodology

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    Science journalists, traditionally, play a key role in delivering science information to a wider audience. However, changes in the media ecosystem and the science-media relationship are posing challenges to reliable news production. Additionally, recent developments such as ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) more generally, may have further consequences for the work of (science) journalists. Through a mixed-methodology, the quality of news reporting was studied within the context of AI. A content analysis of media output about AI (news articles published within the time frame 1 September 2022–28 February 2023) explored the adherence to quality indicators, while interviews shed light on journalism practices regarding quality reporting on and with AI. Perspectives from understudied areas in four European countries (Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Spain) were included and compared. The findings show that AI received continuous media attention in the four countries. Furthermore, despite four different media landscapes, the reporting in the news articles adhered to the same quality criteria such as applying rigour, including sources of information, accessibility, and relevance. Thematic analysis of the interview findings revealed that impact of AI and ChatGPT on the journalism profession is still in its infancy. Expected benefits of AI related to helping with repetitive tasks (e.g. translations), and positively influencing journalistic principles of accessibility, engagement, and impact, while concerns showed fear for lower adherence to principles of rigour, integrity and transparency of sources of information. More generally, the interviewees expressed concerns about the state of science journalism, including a lack of funding influencing the quality of reporting. Journalists who were employed as staff as well as those who worked as freelancers put efforts in ensuring quality output, for example, via editorial oversight, discussions, or memberships of associations. Further research into the science-media relationship is recommended

    Transcallosal connection patterns of opposite dorsal premotor regions support a lateralized specialization for action and perception

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    Lateralization of higher brain functions requires that a dominant hemisphere collects relevant information from both sides. The right dorsal premotor cortex (PMd), particularly implicated in visuomotor transformations, was hypothesized to be optimally located to converge visuospatial information from both hemispheres for goal-directed movement. This was assessed by probabilistic tractography and a novel analysis enabling group comparisons of whole-brain connectivity distributions of the left and right PMd in standard space (16 human subjects). The resulting dominance of contralateral PMd connections was characterized by right PMd connections with left visual and parietal areas, indeed supporting a dominant role in visuomotor transformations, while the left PMd showed dominant contralateral connections with the frontal lobe. Ipsilateral right PMd connections were also stronger with posterior parietal regions, relative to the left PMd connections, while ipsilateral connections of the left PMd were stronger with, particularly, the anterior cingulate, the ventral premotor and anterior parietal cortex. The pattern of dominant right PMd connections thus points to a specific role in guiding perceptual information into the motor system, while the left PMd connections are consistent with action dominance based on a lead in motor intention and fine precision skills

    Prioritization of surgical patients during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond:A qualitative exploration of patients’ perspectives

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    IntroductionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritizing certain surgical patients became inevitable due to limited surgical capacity. This study aims to identify which factors patients value in priority setting, and to evaluate their perspective on a decision model for surgical prioritization.MethodsWe enacted a qualitative exploratory study and conducted semi-structured interviews with N = 15 patients. Vignettes were used as guidance. The interviews were transcribed and iteratively analyzed using thematic analysis.ResultsWe unraveled three themes: 1) general attitude towards surgical prioritization: patients showed understanding for the difficult decisions to be made, but demanded greater transparency and objectivity; 2) patient-related factors that some participants considered should, or should not, influence the prioritization: age, physical functioning, cognitive functioning, behavior, waiting time, impact on survival and quality of life, emotional consequences, and resource usage; and 3) patients’ perspective on a decision model: usage of such a model for prioritization decisions is favorable if the model is simple, uses trustworthy data, and its output is supervised by physicians. The model could also be used as a communication tool to explain prioritization dilemmas to patients.ConclusionSupport for the various factors and use of a decision model varied among patients. Therefore, it seems unrealistic to immediately incorporate these factors in decision models. Instead, this study calls for more research to identify feasible avenues and seek consensus

    Handedness correlates with the dominant parkinson side:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) characteristically presents with asymmetrical symptoms, contralateral to the side of the most extensive cerebral affection. This intriguing asymmetry, even included in the definition for diagnosing PD, however, is still part of a mystery. The relation with handedness as a common indicator of cerebral asymmetry might provide a clue in the search for causal factors of asymmetrical symptom onset in PD. This possible relationship, however, is still under debate. The objective of this study was to establish whether a relation between handedness and dominant PD side exists. We searched for cross-sectional or cohort studies that registered handedness and onset side in PD patients in PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science from their first record until 14 February 2011. Data about handedness and dominant PD side was extracted. Authors who registered both but not described their relation were contacted for further information. Odds ratios (ORs) were analyzed with a fixed effect Mantel-Haenszel model. Heterogeneity and indications of publication bias were limited. Our electronic search identified 10 studies involving 4405 asymmetric PD patients. Of the right-handed patients, 2413 (59.5%) had right-dominant and 1644 (40.5%) had left-dominant PD symptoms. For the left-handed patients this relation was reversed, with 142 (40.8%) right-dominant and 206 (59.2%) left-dominant PD symptoms. Overall OR was 2.13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.712.66). Handedness and symptom dominance in PD are firmly related with each other in such a way that the PD symptoms emerge more often on the dominant hand-side. Possible causal factors are discussed. (C) 2011 Movement Disorder Societ

    Autistic Traits Related to the Importance of Interpersonal Touch and Appreciation of Observed Touch during COVID-19 Social Distancing

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    Studies have confirmed the significance of touch for psychological wellbeing. Social distancing regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic reduced people’s ability to engage in interpersonal touch and caused increased an appreciation for observed touch, as well as a longing for touch within the neurotypical population. Yet, while the impact of social distancing and the importance of touch are evident in neurotypical individuals, it remains unclear how these factors manifest in autistic individuals. Previous research has related high levels of autistic traits to reduced levels of perceived pleasantness of touch and a reduced interest in interpersonal touch. Our study aimed to examine the differences in the appreciation of observed touch and longing for touch during social distancing between individuals with low and high levels of autistic traits. We conducted an online survey on autistic traits, the appreciation of observed CT-optimal touch and longing for touch. Consistent with our predictions, our results confirmed that individuals with high levels of autistic traits evaluated videos depicting CT-optimal touch less favorably compared to those with lower scores on autistic traits. Additionally, only the group with low levels of autistic traits exhibited a longing for touch during social distancing, whereas the group with high levels of autistic traits did not. The results provide insights in the appreciation of touch in relation to autistic traits during the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Effects of macronutrient intake in obesity:A meta-analysis of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on markers of the metabolic syndrome

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    The metabolic syndrome (MetS) comprises cardiometabolic risk factors frequently found in individuals with obesity. Guidelines to prevent or reverse MetS suggest limiting fat intake, however, lowering carbohydrate intake has gained attention too. The aim for this review was to determine to what extent either weight loss, reduction in caloric intake, or changes in macronutrient intake contribute to improvement in markers of MetS in persons with obesity without cardiometabolic disease. A meta-analysis was performed across a spectrum of studies applying low-carbohydrate (LC) and low-fat (LF) diets. PubMed searches yielded 17 articles describing 12 separate intervention studies assessing changes in MetS markers of persons with obesity assigned to LC (<40% energy from carbohydrates) or LF (<30% energy from fat) diets. Both diets could lead to weight loss and improve markers of MetS. Meta-regression revealed that weight loss most efficaciously reduced fasting glucose levels independent of macronutrient intake at the end of the study. Actual carbohydrate intake and actual fat intake at the end of the study, but not the percent changes in intake of these macronutrients, improved diastolic blood pressure and circulating triglyceride levels, without an effect of weight loss. The homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance improved with both diets, whereas high-density lipoprotein cholesterol only improved in the LC diet, both irrespective of aforementioned factors. Remarkably, changes in caloric intake did not play a primary role in altering MetS markers. Taken together, these data suggest that, beyond the general effects of the LC and LF diet categories to improve MetS markers, there are also specific roles for weight loss, LC and HF intake, but not reduced caloric intake, that improve markers of MetS irrespective of diet categorization. On the basis of the results from this meta-analysis, guidelines to prevent MetS may need to be re-evaluated

    Surgical prioritization based on decision model outcomes is not sensitive to differences between the health-related quality of life values estimates of physicians and citizens

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    Purpose: Decision models can be used to support allocation of scarce surgical resources. These models incorporate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) values that can be determined using physician panels. The predominant opinion is that one should use values obtained from citizens. We investigated whether physicians give different HRQoL values to citizens and evaluate whether such differences impact decision model outcomes. Methods: A two-round Delphi study was conducted. Citizens estimated HRQoL of pre- and post-operative health states for ten surgeries using a visual analogue scale. These values were compared using Bland–Altman analysis with HRQoL values previously obtained from physicians. Impact on decision model outcomes was evaluated by calculating the correlation between the rankings of surgeries established using the physicians’ and the citizens’ values.Results: A total of 71 citizens estimated HRQoL. Citizens’ values on the VAS scale were − 0.07 points (95% CI − 0.12 to − 0.01) lower than the physicians’ values. The correlation between the rankings of surgeries based on citizens’ and physicians’ values was 0.96 (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusion: Physicians put higher values on health states than citizens. However, these differences only result in switches between adjacent entries in the ranking. It would seem that HRQoL values obtained from physicians are adequate to inform decision models during crises.</p
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