20,744 research outputs found

    Recent results from lattice calculations

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    Recent results from lattice QCD calculations relevant to particle physics phenomenology are reviewed. They include the calculations of strong coupling constant, quark masses, kaon matrix elements, and D and B meson matrix elements. Special emphasis is on the recent progress in the simulations including dynamical quarks.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, plenary talk at the 32nd International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP 2004), August 16-22, 2004, Beijing, Chin

    Characterization of Structures of Equivalent Tissue With a Pixel Detector

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    Research using hybrid pixel detectors in medical physics is on the rise. Timepix detectors have arrays of 256 × 256 pixels with a resolution of 55 μm. Here, and by using Timepix counts instead of Hounsfield units, we present a calibration curve of a Timepix detector analog to those used for CT calibration. Experimentation consisted of the characterization of electron density in 10 different kinds of tissue equivalent samples from a CIRS 062M phantom (lung, 3 kinds of bones, fat, breast, muscle, water and air). Radiation of the detector was performed using an orthodontic X-ray machine at 70 KeV and .06 second of tube current with a purpose-built aluminum collimator. Data acquisition was performed at 1 frame per second and taking 3 frames per phantom. We were able to find a curve whose behavior was similar to others already published. This will lead to the verification of the usage of Timepix for identification of different tissues in an organ

    Experiences in the development of electronic care plans for the management of comorbidities

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    Recent studies have shown that care plans with comprehen- sive home interventions can be effective in the management of chronic patients. Evidence also exists about the importance of tailoring these care plans to patients, by integrating comorbidities. In this context, the de- velopment, implementation, outcome analysis, and reengineering of care plans adapted to particular patient groups earn relevance. We are con- cerned with the development and reengineering of electronic care plans dealing with comorbidities. Our hypothesis is that a library of reusable care plan components can facilitate these tasks. To confirm this hypoth- esis we have carried out an experiment consisting in developing a library of care plan components for the management of patients with COPD3 or CHF4, and next building a care plan for stable COPD&CHF patients by (re)using these components. In this paper we report on this experimen

    Aplicação do algoritmo SAFER na determinação da evapotranspiração em condições de sazonalidade climática no noroeste paulista.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar a variação espacial e temporal dos fluxos do balanço de energia da superfície terrestre via sensoriamento remoto em diferentes tipos de agroecossistemas, com aplicação do algoritmo SAFER em larga escala para a determinação da evapotranspiração em condições de sazonalidade climática na porção noroeste do Estado de São Paulo

    Uso do satélite Landsat 8 na determinação da produtividade da água em bacia hidrográfica com predomínio do uso agrícola da cana-de-açúcar.

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    O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a distribuição espacial e temporal dos parâmetros da produtividade da água em microbacia ocupada pela cultura da cana de açúcar por meio da incorporação de dados agrometeorológicos e sensoriamento remoto, visando fornecer informações que permitem estabelecer relações de causa e efeito entre a produção de fitomassa dos agroecossistemas e as condições meteorológicas regionais para subsidiar o planejamento agrícola

    Ambulatory care, insurance, and avoidable emergency department utilization in North Carolina

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    Objective: To examine whether and how avoidable emergency department (ED) utilization is associated with ambulatory or primary care (APC) utilization, insurance, and interaction effects. Design and sample: A cross-sectional analysis of electronic health records from 70,870 adults residing in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, who visited an ED within a large integrated healthcare system in 2017. Methods: APC utilization was measured as total visits, categorized as: 0, 1, and > 1. Insurance was defined as the method of payment for the ED visit as: Medicaid, Medicare, private, or uninsured. Avoidable ED utilization was quantified as a score (aED), calculated as the sum of New York University Algorithm probabilities multiplied by 100. Quantile regression models were used to predict the 25th, 50th, 75th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of avoidable ED scores with APC visits and insurance as predictors (Model 1) and with an interaction term (Model 2). Results: Having >1 APC visit was negatively associated with aED at the lower percentiles and positively associated at higher percentiles. A higher aED was associated with having Medicaid insurance and a lower aED was associated with having private insurance, compared to being uninsured. In stratified models, having >1 APC visit was negatively associated with aED at the 25th percentile for the uninsured and privately insured, but positively associated with aED at higher percentiles among the uninsured, Medicaid-insured, and privately insured. Conclusions: The association between APC utilization and avoidable ED utilization varied based on segments of the distribution of ED score and differed significantly by insurance type

    Balanço de energia em larga escala no município de Juazeiro - BA, Brasil.

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    No município de Juazeiro, Brasil, a vegetação natural vem sendo substituída pela agricultura irrigada, destacando importância para a quantificação dos efeitos da mudança de uso da terra no balanço de energia em larga escala. Imagens MODIS foram usadas para modelagem dos componentes deste balanço na escala municipal, através do algoritmo SAFER. O saldo diário de radiação (Rn) foi obtido através da equação de Slob, possibilitando a quantificação dos fluxos de calor sensível (H) e latente (λE) nesta escala de tempo. As frações médias de Rn fracionadas como H e λE variaram de acordo com as condições termo-hidrológicas ao longo do ano, sendo respectivamente 82 e 18%. Entretanto, maiores valores de λE e menores para H foram verificados nas áreas irrigadas, com alguns casos de advecção de calor detectados, provenientes das vizinhanças das culturas agrícolas. Os modelos aplicados na atual pesquisa podem subsidiar o monitoramento das mudanças climáticas e de uso da terra na escala municipal, sendo valiosas ferramentas para a sustentabilidade dos recursos hídricos no futuro