176 research outputs found

    Підготовка адвокатом позовної заяви до суду

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    Аналізуються питання, пов’язані із підготовкою адвокатом позовної заяви до суду.Анализируется вопросы связаны с подготовкой адвокатом искового заявления в суд.The question connected with preparation of the point of claim to the court by the lawyer is analysed

    Quantum bath suppression in a superconducting circuit by immersion cooling

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    Quantum circuits interact with the environment via several temperature-dependent degrees of freedom. Multiple experiments to-date have shown that most properties of superconducting devices appear to plateau out at T ≈ 50 mK – far above the refrigerator base temperature. This is for example reflected in the thermal state population of qubits, in excess numbers of quasiparticles, and polarisation of surface spins – factors contributing to reduced coherence. We demonstrate how to remove this thermal constraint by operating a circuit immersed in liquid 3He. This allows to efficiently cool the decohering environment of a superconducting resonator, and we see a continuous change in measured physical quantities down to previously unexplored sub-mK temperatures. The 3He acts as a heat sink which increases the energy relaxation rate of the quantum bath coupled to the circuit a thousand times, yet the suppressed bath does not introduce additional circuit losses or noise. Such quantum bath suppression can reduce decoherence in quantum circuits and opens a route for both thermal and coherence management in quantum processors

    Suppression of low-frequency charge noise in superconducting resonators by surface spin desorption

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    Noise and decoherence due to spurious two-level systems located at material interfaces are long-standing issues for solid-state quantum devices. Efforts to mitigate the effects of two-level systems have been hampered by a lack of knowledge about their chemical and physical nature. Here, by combining dielectric loss, frequency noise and on-chip electron spin resonance measurements in superconducting resonators, we demonstrate that desorption of surface spins is accompanied by an almost tenfold reduction in the charge-induced frequency noise in the resonators. These measurements provide experimental evid ence that simultaneously reveals the chemical signatures of adsorbed magnetic moments and highlights their role in generating charge noise in solid-state quantum devices

    Assessment of IgG-Fc glycosylation from individual RhD-specific B cell clones reveals regulation at clonal rather than clonotypic level

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    The type and strength of effector functions mediated by immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies rely on the subclass and the composition of the N297 glycan. Glycosylation analysis of both bulk and antigen-specific human IgG has revealed a marked diversity of the glycosylation signatures, including highly dynamic patterns as well as long-term stability of profiles, yet information on how individual B cell clones would contribute to this diversity has hitherto been lacking. Here, we assessed whether clonally related B cells share N297 glycosylation patterns of their secreted IgG. We differentiated single antigen-specific peripheral IgG+ memory B cells into antibody-secreting cells and analysed Fc glycosylation of secreted IgG. Furthermore, we sequenced the variable region of their heavy chain, which allowed the grouping of the clones into clonotypes. We found highly diverse glycosylation patterns of culture-derived IgG, which, to some degree, mimicked the glycosylation of plasma IgG. Each B cell clone secreted IgG with a mixture of different Fc glycosylation patterns. The majority of clones produced fully fucosylated IgG. B cells producing afucosylated IgG were scattered across different clonotypes. In contrast, the remaining glycosylation traits were, in general, more uniform. These results indicate IgG-Fc fucosylation to be regulated at the single-clone level, whereas the regulation of other glycosylation traits most likely occurs at a clonotypic or systemic level. The discrepancies between plasma IgG and culture-derived IgG, could be caused by the origin of the B cells analysed, clonal dominance or factors from the culture system, which need to be addressed in future studies

    Cellular surface plasmon resonance-based detection of anti-HPA-1a antibody glycosylation in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia

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    Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) can occur due to maternal IgG antibodies targeting platelet antigens, causing life-threatening bleeding in the neonate. However, the disease manifests itself in only a fraction of pregnancies, most commonly with anti-HPA-1a antibodies. We found that in particular, the core fucosylation in the IgG-Fc tail is highly variable in anti-HPA-1a IgG, which strongly influences the binding to leukocyte IgG-Fc receptors IIIa/b (FcγRIIIa/b). Currently, gold-standard IgG-glycoanalytics rely on complicated methods (e.g., mass spectrometry (MS)) that are not suited for diagnostic purposes. Our aim was to provide a simplified method to quantify the biological activity of IgG antibodies targeting cells. We developed a cellular surface plasmon resonance imaging (cSPRi) technique based on FcγRIII-binding to IgG-opsonized cells and compared the results with MS. The strength of platelet binding to FcγR was monitored under flow using both WT FcγRIIIa (sensitive to Fc glycosylation status) and mutant FcγRIIIa-N162A (insensitive to Fc glycosylation status). The quality of the anti-HPA-1a glycosylation was monitored as the ratio of binding signals from the WT versus FcγRIIIa-N162A, using glycoengineered recombinant anti-platelet HPA-1a as a standard. The method was validated with 143 plasma samples with anti-HPA-1a antibodies analyzed by MS with known clinical outcomes and tested for validation of the method. The ratio of patient signal from the WT versus FcγRIIIa-N162A correlated with the fucosylation of the HPA-1a antibodies measured by MS (r=-0.52). Significantly, FNAIT disease severity based on Buchanan bleeding score was similarly discriminated against by MS and cSPRi. In conclusion, the use of IgG receptors, in this case, FcγRIIIa, on SPR chips can yield quantitative and qualitative information on platelet-bound anti-HPA-1a antibodies. Using opsonized cells in this manner circumvents the need for purification of specific antibodies and laborious MS analysis to obtain qualitative antibody traits such as IgG fucosylation, for which no clinical test is currently available

    Patients with Rare Cancers in the Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP) Benefit from Genomics-Guided Treatment

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    Purpose: Patients with rare cancers (incidence less than 6 cases per 100,000 persons per year) commonly have less treatment opportunities and are understudied at the level of genomic targets. We hypothesized that patients with rare cancer benefit from approved anticancer drugs outside their label similar to common cancers. Experimental Design: In the Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP), patients with therapy-refractory metastatic cancers harboring an actionable molecular profile are matched to FDA/European Medicines Agency–approved targeted therapy or immunotherapy. Patients are enrolled in parallel cohorts based on the histologic tumor type, molecular profile and study drug. Primary endpoint is clinical benefit (complete response, partial response, stable disease ≥ 16 weeks). Results: Of 1,145 submitted cases, 500 patients, including 164 patients with rare cancers, started one of the 25 available drugs and were evaluable for treatment outcome. The overall clinical benefit rate was 33% in both the rare cancer and nonrare cancer subgroup. Inactivating alterations of CDKN2A and activating BRAF aberrations were overrepresented in patients with rare cancer compared with nonrare cancers, resulting in more matches to CDK4/6 inhibitors (14% vs. 4%; P ≤ 0.001) or BRAF inhibitors (9% vs. 1%; P ≤ 0.001). Patients with rare cancer treated with small-molecule inhibitors targeting BRAF experienced higher rates of clinical benefit (75%) than the nonrare cancer subgroup. Conclusions: Comprehensive molecular testing in patients with rare cancers may identify treatment opportunities and clinical benefit similar to patients with common cancers. Our findings highlight the importance of access to broad molecular diagnostics to ensure equal treatment opportunities for all patients with cancer

    Cellular surface plasmon resonance-based detection of anti-HPA-1a antibody glycosylation in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia

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    Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) can occur due to maternal IgG antibodies targeting platelet antigens, causing life-threatening bleeding in the neonate. However, the disease manifests itself in only a fraction of pregnancies, most commonly with anti-HPA-1a antibodies. We found that in particular, the core fucosylation in the IgG-Fc tail is highly variable in anti-HPA-1a IgG, which strongly influences the binding to leukocyte IgG-Fc receptors IIIa/b (FcγRIIIa/b). Currently, gold-standard IgG-glycoanalytics rely on complicated methods (e.g., mass spectrometry (MS)) that are not suited for diagnostic purposes. Our aim was to provide a simplified method to quantify the biological activity of IgG antibodies targeting cells. We developed a cellular surface plasmon resonance imaging (cSPRi) technique based on FcγRIII-binding to IgG-opsonized cells and compared the results with MS. The strength of platelet binding to FcγR was monitored under flow using both WT FcγRIIIa (sensitive to Fc glycosylation status) and mutant FcγRIIIa-N162A (insensitive to Fc glycosylation status). The quality of the anti-HPA-1a glycosylation was monitored as the ratio of binding signals from the WT versus FcγRIIIa-N162A, using glycoengineered recombinant anti-platelet HPA-1a as a standard. The method was validated with 143 plasma samples with anti-HPA-1a antibodies analyzed by MS with known clinical outcomes and tested for validation of the method. The ratio of patient signal from the WT versus FcγRIIIa-N162A correlated with the fucosylation of the HPA-1a antibodies measured by MS (r=-0.52). Significantly, FNAIT disease severity based on Buchanan bleeding score was similarly discriminated against by MS and cSPRi. In conclusion, the use of IgG receptors, in this case, FcγRIIIa, on SPR chips can yield quantitative and qualitative information on platelet-bound anti-HPA-1a antibodies. Using opsonized cells in this manner circumvents the need for purification of specific antibodies and laborious MS analysis to obtain qualitative antibody traits such as IgG fucosylation, for which no clinical test is currently available

    Lesion detection by [89Zr]Zr-DFO-girentuximab and [18F]FDG-PET/CT in patients with newly diagnosed metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    Purpose: The main objective of this preliminary analysis of the IMaging PAtients for Cancer drug selecTion (IMPACT)-renal cell cancer (RCC) study is to evaluate the lesion detection of baseline contrast-enhanced CT, [89Zr]Zr-DFO-girentuximab-PET/CT and [18F]FDG-PET/CT in detecting ccRCC lesions in patients with a good or intermediate prognosis metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (mccRCC) according to the International Metastatic Database Consortium (IMDC) risk model. Methods: Between February 2015 and March 2018, 42 newly diagnosed mccRCC patients with good or intermediate prognosis, eligible for watchful waiting, were included. Patients underwent CT, [89Zr]Zr-DFO-girentuximab-PET/CT and [18F]FDG-PET/CT at baseline. Scans were independently reviewed and lesions of ≥10 mm and lymph nodes of ≥15 mm at CT were analyzed. For lesions with [89Zr]Zr-DFO-girentuximab or [18F]FDG-uptake visually exceeding background uptake, maximum standardized uptake values (SUVmax) were measured. Results: A total of 449 lesions were detected by ≥1 modality (median per patient: 7; ICR 4.25–12.75) of which 42% were in lung, 22% in lymph nodes and 10% in bone. Combined [89Zr]Zr-DFO-girentuximab-PET/CT and CT detected more lesions than CT alone: 91% (95%CI: 87–94) versus 56% (95%CI: 50–62, p = 0.001), respectively, and more than CT and [18F]FDG-PET/CT combined (84% (95%CI:79–88, p < 0.005). Both PET/CTs detected more bone and soft tissue lesions compared to CT alone. Conclusions: The addition of [89Zr]Zr-DFO-girentuximab-PET/CT and [18F]FDG-PET/CT to CT increases lesion detection compared to CT alone in newly diagnosed good and intermediate prognosis mccRCC patients eligible for watchful waiting