4 research outputs found

    Muscle strength and body composition in severe obesity

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to evaluate associations between maximum voluntary contraction torques of the lower limbs and body composition for subjects with severe obesity. METHODS: Body composition was evaluated by bioelectrical impedance analysis, and maximum voluntary contraction torques of the lower limbs were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. One hundred thirty-two patients were enrolled (100 females and 32 males). Eighty-seven patients had a body mass index between 40 and 49.9 kg/m2 (the A group), and 45 patients had a body mass index between 50 and 59.9 kg/m2 (the B group). RESULTS: Absolute extension and flexion torques had weak associations with fat-free mass but a moderate association with absolute extension torque and fat-free mass of the lower limbs. There were no significant differences between the A and B groups with respect to absolute extension and flexion torques. For the A group, absolute extension and flexion torques were moderately associated with fat-free mass and with fat-free mass of the lower limbs. For the B group, there were only moderate associations between absolute extension and flexion torques with fat-free mass of the lower limbs. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that both groups exhibited similar absolute torque values. There were weak to moderate associations between absolute extension and flexion torques and fat-free mass but a moderate association with fat-free mass of the lower limbs. Individuals with severe obesity should strive for greater absolute torques, fat-free mass and especially fat-free mass of the lower limbs to prevent functional limitations and physical incapacity

    Association between body mass index, body composition with walking capacity in severe obesity in the late postoperative period of bariatric surgery

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade em seus diversos graus é um fator que diminuiu a capacidade de deslocamento motor, reduzindo a capacidade funcional. A utilização de índices de composição corporal total e segmentar no pós-operatório da cirurgia bariátrica poderá estimar com mais precisão, que o índice de massa corporal (IMC), a capacidade funcional durante deslocamento motor pelo teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6). Pacientes com menor redução da massa livre de gordura percentual (MLG %) no pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica apresentam melhor capacidade funcional. OBJETIVO: estudar a relação temporal entre a distância percorrida no TC6 (DTC6) e a redução do IMC, composição corporal total e segmentar no pós-operatório precoce (T1: 6 meses) e tardio (T2: 36 meses) de cirurgia bariátrica. MÉTODOS: A capacidade funcional foi avaliada em 77 pacientes que realizaram tratamento cirúrgico da obesidade por meio da DTC6 e a composição corporal através da bioimpedância elétrica (InBody 230®). Os pacientes foram classificados de acordo com a gravidade da obesidade no pré-operatório (T0): Grupo obeso mórbido (OM: IMC 40 a 49,9 kg/m2; n = 49) e Grupo superobeso (SO: IMC 50 a 59,9 kg/m2; n = 28) e de acordo com o percentual da perda do excesso de peso (%PEP >= 50%) no pós-operatório tardio de cirurgia bariátrica em: Grupo sucesso cirúrgico (GS: >= 50%; n = 35) e Grupo insucesso cirúrgico (GI: 0,05) da DTC6 entre o T1/T2. Observou-se aumento significativo (p 0,05) na DTC6 entre os pacientes OM/SO e GS/GI. Em todos os tempos (T0, T1 e T2) e grupos (OM, SO, GS, GI) a DTC6 apresentou correlação positiva forte a moderada (0,6 a 0,8; p = 50%) in the late postoperative period of bariatric surgery, patients were divided: surgical success group (SG: >= 50%; n = 35) and surgical failure group (FG: 0.05) in the 6MWD between T1/T2. There was a significant increase (p 0.05) was found in the 6MWD between patients MO/SO and SG/FG. At all times (T0, T1 and T2) and groups (MO, SO, SG, FG), the 6MWD showed a strong to moderate positive correlation (0.6 to 0.8; p < 0.05) with the percentage of FFM of lower limbs (FFMLL %) but not with BMI. CONCLUSION: Total and segmental body fat free mass indicate better functional capacity. BMI is not the best predictor of postoperative functional capacity of bariatric surgery. The best functional capacity is pointed out by FFMLL

    Correlation between body composition and walking capacity in severe obesity

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade em seus diversos graus é um fator que diminuiu a capacidade de deslocamento motor, reduzindo a capacidade funcional. A utilização de índices de composição corporal total e segmentar em obesos poderá estimar com mais precisão, que o índice de massa corporal (IMC), a capacidade funcional durante deslocamento motor pelo teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6). OBJETIVO: Correlacionar a distância percorrida no TC6 (DTC6) com o IMC e com a composição corporal total e segmentar de acordo com a gravidade da obesidade. MÉTODOS: A capacidade funcional foi avaliada em 90 pacientes com obesidade grave (grupo obesos mórbidos: OM e superobesos: SO, por meio da DTC6 e a composição corporal através da impedância bioelétrica (%). RESULTADOS: Na obesidade grave a DTC6 apresentou correlação positiva e significativa (p < 0,05) com a massa livre de gordura (MLG, r = 0,5), massa livre de gordura dos membros superiores (MLG_MS, r = 0,4), tronco (MLG_TR, r = 0,3), membros inferiores (MLG_MI, r = 0,5) e correlação negativa e significativa (p < 0,05) com o IMC (r = -0,3), massa de gordura (MG, r = -0,5), massa de gordura dos membros superiores (MG_MS, r = - 0,4), tronco (MG_TR, r = -0,3) e membros inferiores (MG_MI, r = -0,5). O grupo OM apresentou uma DTC6 superior (524,7 ± 44,0 m, p = 0,014) ao grupo SO (494,2 ± 57,0 m). Não foi encontrada correlação da DTC6 com o IMC quando os pacientes foram classificados de acordo com a gravidade da obesidade. No grupo OM a DTC6 apresentou correlação positiva e significativa (p < 0,05) com a MLG, MLG_MS, MLG_MI (r = 0,4), MLG_TR (r = 0,3) e correlação negativa e significativa (p < 0,05) com a MG, MG_MS (r = -0,4) e MG_TR (r = -0,3). No grupo SO foi encontrada correlação positiva e significativa (p < 0,05) com a MLG (r = 0,5), MLG_TR, MLG_MI (r = 0,4) e correlação negativa e significativa (p < 0,05) com a MG (r = -0,5), MG_TR e MG_MI (r = -0,4). CONCLUSÕES: A massa livre de gordura corporal total e segmentar indicam melhor capacidade funcional, enquanto a massa de gordura corporal total e segmentar indicam pior capacidade funcional na obesidade grave. O IMC não é o melhor preditor de desempenho funcional de acordo com a gravidade da obesidade. Melhor capacidade funcional é apontada pela MLG_MS, MLG_TR e MLG_MI no grupo OM e MLG_TR, MLG_MI no grupo SO e pior capacidade funcional esta correlacionada com a MG_MS e MG_TR no grupo OM e MG_TR, MG_MI no grupo SOBACKGROUND: Obesity in various degrees is a factor that reduced the capacity of engine displacement, reducing the functional capacity. The use of variables of the total and segmental body composition in obese can estimate more accurately, than body mass index (BMI), functional capacity by the sixminute walk test (6MWT). OBJECTIVE: To correlate the distance walked during the six-minute walk test (6MWD) with body mass index and total and segmental body composition according to the severity of obesity. METHODS: Functional capacity was assessed with 6MWD and body composition (%) by bioelectrical impedance analysis in 90 patients with severe obesity (morbid obese group: MO and super obese group: SO). RESULTS: In severe obesity, 6MWD showed a significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) with fatfree mass (FFM, r = 0.5), fat-free mass of upper limbs (FFM_UL, r = 0.4), trunk (FFM_TR, r = 0.3), lower limbs (FFM_LL, r = 0.5) and a significant negative correlation (p <0.05) with BMI (r = -0.3), fat mass (FM, r = -0.5), fat mass of upper limbs (FM_UL, r = -0.4), trunk (FM_TR, r = -0.3) and lower limbs (FM_LL, r = -0.5). The MO group showed a higher 6MWD (524.7 ± 44.0 m, p = 0.014) than the SO group. There wasn\'t correlation between 6MWD and BMI when patients were stratified according to the severity of obesity. In the MO group there was a significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) with the FFM, FFM_UL, FFM_LL (r = 0.4), FFM_TR (r = 0.3) and a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) with FM, FM_UL (r = -0.4) and FM_TR (r = - 0.3). In the SO group there was a significant positive correlation (p <0.05) with FFM (r = 0.5), FFM_TR, FFM_LL (r = 0.4) and a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) was found with FM (r = -0.5), FM_TR and FM_LL (r = - 0.4). CONCLUSION: The total and segmental fat free mass indicates better functional capacity, while total and segmental body fat mass indicates worse functional capacity in severe obesity. BMI is not the best functional predictor according to the severity of obesity. Better functional capacity is correlated by FFM_UL, FFM_TR and FFM_LL in MO group and FFM_TR, FFM_LL in SO and worse functional capacity by FM_UL and FM_TR in MO and FM_TR and FM_LL in SO grou

    Muscle strength and body composition in severe obesity

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to evaluate associations between maximum voluntary contraction torques of the lower limbs and body composition for subjects with severe obesity. METHODS: Body composition was evaluated by bioelectrical impedance analysis, and maximum voluntary contraction torques of the lower limbs were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. One hundred thirty-two patients were enrolled (100 females and 32 males). Eighty-seven patients had a body mass index between 40 and 49.9 kg/m2 (the A group), and 45 patients had a body mass index between 50 and 59.9 kg/m2 (the B group). RESULTS: Absolute extension and flexion torques had weak associations with fat-free mass but a moderate association with absolute extension torque and fat-free mass of the lower limbs. There were no significant differences between the A and B groups with respect to absolute extension and flexion torques. For the A group, absolute extension and flexion torques were moderately associated with fat-free mass and with fat-free mass of the lower limbs. For the B group, there were only moderate associations between absolute extension and flexion torques with fat-free mass of the lower limbs. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that both groups exhibited similar absolute torque values. There were weak to moderate associations between absolute extension and flexion torques and fat-free mass but a moderate association with fat-free mass of the lower limbs. Individuals with severe obesity should strive for greater absolute torques, fat-free mass and especially fat-free mass of the lower limbs to prevent functional limitations and physical incapacity