2 research outputs found

    A Propensity Score Approach In The Impact Evaluation On Scientific Production In Brazilian Biodiversity Research: The Biota Program

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    Evaluation has become a regular practice in the management of science, technology and innovation (ST&I) programs. Several methods have been developed to identify the results and impacts of programs of this kind. Most evaluations that adopt such an approach conclude that the interventions concerned, in this case ST&I programs, had a positive impact compared with the baseline, but do not control for any effects that might have improved the indicators even in the absence of intervention, such as improvements in the socio-economic context. The quasi-experimental approach therefore arises as an appropriate way to identify the real contributions of a given intervention. This paper describes and discusses the utilization of propensity score (PS) in quasi-experiments as a methodology to evaluate the impact on scientific production of research programs, presenting a case study of the BIOTA Program run by FAPESP, the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (Brazil). Fundamentals of quasi-experiments and causal inference are presented, stressing the need to control for biases due to lack of randomization, also a brief introduction to the PS estimation and weighting technique used to correct for observed bias. The application of the PS methodology is compared to the traditional multivariate analysis usually employed.101185107Abadie, A., Semiparametric difference-in-differences estimators (2005) The Review of Economic Studies, 72 (1), pp. 1-19Azoulay, P., Zivin, J.S.G., Manso, G., Incentives and creativity: Evidence from the academic life sciences (2011) RAND Journal of Economics, 42 (3), pp. 527-554Böhmer, S., von Ins, M., Different—Not just by label: Research-oriented academic careers in Germany (2009) Research Evaluation, 18 (3), pp. 177-184Carney, J., Smith, W., Parsad, A., Johnston, K., Millsap, M., (2008) Evaluation of the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program, , Abt Associates Inc, Bethesda, MD:Chen, S., Mu, R., Ravallion, M., Are there lasting impacts of aid to poor areas? Evidence for rural China. 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    Evaluation Of R&d Results And Impacts - Methodological Improvements And Challenges Based On A Case Study [avaliação De Resultados E Impactos Da Pesquisa E Desenvolvimento Avanços E Desafios Metodológicos A Partir De Estudo De Caso]

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    This paper discusses efforts to improve and adapt a method of evaluation of results and impacts of research programs and its application to the PROSABprogram (Basic Sanitation Research Program) sponsored by FINEP, Brazil's federal agency for financing studies and projects. The PROSAB program is executed mainly by universities, although its purpose is to meet the technological needs of Brazilian society in the area of sanitation. The study concentrates on the discussion of the importance of evaluating research programs and on the creation of a methodology that can capture the inherent aspects resulting from those programs. The study was developed along two lines: evaluation of results, which concentrated on measuring the program's inputs and outputs; and evaluation of impacts, which was based on measurements of the intensity and importance of potential or perceived transformations in Brazilian society as a result of the program. The evaluation of results focused on the people executing the program (PROSAB researchers), and the unit of reference for the analysis was the research project. The evaluation of impacts encompassed the entire set of actors related to Brazil's sanitation sector, comprising the research community, sanitation companies, public actors at local and federal levels, and the unit of analysis was the program itself.152381392BACH,L.;COHENDET,P.;LAMBERT,G.;LEDOUX,M.Measuring and Managing Spinoffs: The Case of Spinoffs Generated by ESA programs. J. S. Greenberg and H. R. Hertzfeld (Editors). Space Economics, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series, V-144, Hardback, Reston-VA, p. 171-206, 1992BACH, L., CONDE-MOLIST, N., LEDOUX, M.J., MATT, M., SCHAEFFER, V., Evaluation of the economic effects of BriteEuram. programmes on the European industry (1995) Scientometrics, 34 (3), pp. 325-349. , Budapest, vBONACELLI, M. B. M.ZACKIEWICKZ, M.BIN, A. 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