2,846 research outputs found

    First record of the exotic Indothais lacera (Gastropoda, Muricidae) in Brazil

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    Bioinvasions are one of the main causes of the decline of native biodiversity. Indothais lacera (Born, 1778) is a carnivorous gastropod, native to the Indo-Pacific. We present the first records of I. lacera on the Brazilian coast and the first record of this invasive species in the Western Atlantic. The specimens were found in two locations in the Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia state, northeast of Brazil. Live specimens were collected in the Itapagipe Peninsula, in Ribeira, Salvador, and dry samples (empty shells) were collected in the extreme north of Itaparica Island. Molecular analyses indicate that there was more than one event of introduction of I. lacera in the bay and alert to the potential impacts that this species can have on the benthic community in the region. We suspect that this exotic species is affecting a native population of Thaisella, which was previously locally abundant but has since become rare

    Metabolomic profiling reveals bacterial metabolic adaptation strategies and new metabolites

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    How has metabolomics helped our understanding of infectious diseases? With the threat of antimicrobial resistance to human health around the world, metabolomics has emerged as a powerful tool to comprehensively characterize metabolic pathways to identify new drug targets. However, its output is constrained to known metabolites and their metabolic pathways. Recent advances in instrumentation, methodologies, and computational mass spectrometry have accelerated the use of metabolomics to understand pathogen–host metabolic interactions. This short review discusses a selection of recent publications using metabolomics in infectious/bacterial diseases. These studies unravel the links between metabolic adaptations to environments and host metabolic responses. Moreover, they highlight the importance of enzyme function and metabolite characterization in identifying new drug targets and biomarkers, as well as precision medicine in monitoring therapeutics and diagnosing diseases

    Wheat plant stature components

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    A estatura da planta do trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) e seus componentes foram medidos em populações não segregantes (P1, P2 e F1) e segregantes (F2, RC1F1 e RC2F1), derivadas de cruzamentos entre diferentes genótipos de trigo em experimentos conduzidos a campo na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Guaíba, RS, em 1979. Amostragens de entrenós de ambos os genitores, semi-anões e altos, revelaram que: 1. O comprimento médio dos entrenós foi crescente da base ao ápice da planta; 2. Uma expressiva porção da variabilidade fenotípica do caráter "número de entrenós" era de natureza ambiental; 3. O pedúnculo contribuiu com, aproximadamente, 40% da estatura total dos genótipos.Wheat plant stature and its components were measured in non-segregated (P1, P2 and F1) and segregated (F2, RC1F1 and RC2F1) populations derived from crosses among different genotypes of wheat in field experiments carried out at the Agronomic Experimental Station/UFRGS, Guaíba, RS, in 1979. Internode patterns of both semi-dwarf and tall parents showed that: 1. Average internode lengths were progressively longer from the culm base to the spike; 2. A high portion of the phenotypic variation of the internode number was environmental in origin, and 3. The peduncle contributed with approximately 40% of the total stature of the genotypes

    Responses of wheat to low luminosity stress and their relations with genetic breeding

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    O trabalho foi conduzido na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul, RS, em 1988. O objetivo foi verificar a influência do estresse causado pela baixa luminosidade (60% da luz natural incidente) sobre seis caracteres em quatro genótipos de trigo (IAS 20-Iassul, IAC 5-Maringá, Trigo BR 34 e PF 84431) e suas respectivas populações segregantes F2 (seis combinações). Foi possível observar que houve comportamento diferenciado dos genitores e das populações segregantes F2, em todos os caracteres avaliados, quando comparados os tratamentos com e sem estresse causado por baixa luminosidade. Há evidências de maior sucesso no progresso dos caracteres que compõem o rendimento de grãos de trigo, se a seleção artificial de plantas for realizada em ambiente favorável, ou seja, em ambiente sem estresse.The work was carried out at the Estação Experimental Agronômica of UFRGS, in Eldorado do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 1988. The objective was to investigate the influence of low luminosity stress (60% of incident natural light) on six traits in four wheat (IAS 20-Iassul, IAC 5-Maringá, Trigo BR 34 e PF 84431) genotypes and on their corresponding F2 segregating populations (six combinations). When the treatments with and without low luminosity stress were compared, a differentiated behaviour of the parents, as well as of the F2 segregating populations, was observed for all traits assessed. According to this work, evidences indicate that there are greater possibilities of success in improving the main traits involved in wheat yield components if plant selection is made in an environment that favors phenotypic expression of its genetic potencial, that is, in an environment without stress

    Suscetibilidade de Merremia cissoides, Neotonia wightii e Stizolobium aterrimum aos herbicidas amicarbazine, imazapic e sulfentrazone

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    Three experiments were developed with the goal to evaluate the susceptibility of Merremia cissoides, Neonotonia wightii and Stizolobium aterrimum to the amicarbazone, imazapic and sulfentrazone herbicides, by means of rate-response curves. The experiments were installed in clay soil, where eight doses of each herbicide were applied, in pre-emergency. The used doses were: 8D, 4D, 2D, D, 1/2D, 1/4D, 1/8D, and check plots without application; whereas D is the recommended dose of amicarbazone (1200 g ha-1), imazapic (147 g ha-1) or sulfentrazone (800 g ha-1). For M. cissoides and N. wightii species, the three tested herbicides demonstrated effective control up to the 60 days, in the recommended doses. For the S. aterrimum species, only amicarbazone herbicide was effective, in the recommended dose. Control levels ensure these three herbicides as control options in pre-emergence for the M. cissoides and N. wightii species and only the amicarbazone herbicide, as control option for S. aterrimum.Três experimentos foram desenvolvidos com o objetivo de avaliar a suscetibilidade das plantas daninhas Merremia cissoides, Neonotonia wightii e Stizolobium aterrimum aos herbicidas amicarbazone, imazapic e sulfentrazone, por meio de curvas de dose-resposta. Os experimentos foram instalados em solo argiloso, onde foram aplicadas oito doses de cada herbicida, em pré-emergência. As doses utilizadas foram: 8D, 4D, 2D, D, 1/2D, 1/4D, 1/8D e testemunha sem aplicação; sendo D a dose recomendada de amicarbazone (1200 g ha-1), imazapic (147 g ha-1), ou sulfentrazone (800 g ha-1). Para as espécies M. cissoides e N. wightii, os três herbicidas testados demonstraram controle eficaz até os 60 dias, nas doses recomendadas. Para a espécie S. aterrimum, somente o herbicida amicarbazone foi eficaz, na dose recomendada. Os níveis de controle garantem estes três herbicidas como opções de controle em pré-emergência para as espécies M. cissoides e N. wightii e apenas o herbicida amicarbazone, como opção de controle da S. aterrimum

    Effects of populations and selection methods applied in wheat segregating generations

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    Dois experimentos foram conduzidos durante os anos de 1979 e 1980. na Estação Experimental Agronômica/UFRS em Guaíba, RS, com a finalidade de determinar os efeitos de um ciclo de pressão de seleção de seis métodos (SSD - single seed descent, colméia, massal, populacional, "bulk maior" e "bulk menor"), aplicados na geração F2 e testados em F3 de 16 populações de trigo hexaplóide. Uma oscilação positiva foi observada nestas populações, em função dos métodos de seleção para os caracteres: rendimento de grãos, peso de grãos, rendimento biológico, número de colmos/m2, índice de colheita e estatura de planta. Os resultados obtidos em certas características agronômicas indicaram que os métodos de seleção colméia, massal e "bulk maior", com base em aferições quantitativas, podem ser praticados com vantagens e sem resposta adversa para a maioria dos caracteres. Além disto, foram discutidas as implicações práticas dos resultados obtidos.Two experiments were carried out during the years 1979 and 1980, as the Agronomic Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Guaíba, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, aiming to determine the effects of a selection pressure cycle in six methods (SSD – single seed descent, honeycomb method, massal populational method, bigger bulk and small bulk), applied in F2 and tested in F3 generations of 16 populations of hexaploid wheat. A positive shift was noted in these populations, on account of the methods of selection for the characters grain yield, kernel weight, biological yield, tillering number/m2, harvest index and plant stature. Results on certain agronomic characters indicated that the methods of selection honeycomb, mass selection and bigger bulk based on quantitative observations could be practiced with certain advantages and without adverse response for most of these characters. Practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Sistema Kanban para fábrica de tintas

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    This paper presents a case study for the project and implementation of a kanban system in a paint factory. The paint factory uses a continuous production system, which brings two main problems for the kanban system. The first is that of the number of kanbans in the system (that is, the determination of the amount of each batch to be manufactured). The formula which has been consecrated by Toyota requires that the manufacture time of each batch is known, In addition, in the case in question, the entire batch is finished in a single period. The second problem is that of altering the size of the batch during the manufacture. In discrete production systems (car parts, for example), as the intention is to avoid the accumulation of stock, it is usual to interrupt the production of an item as soon as all the empty boxes are filled again. In this case, if, at the beginning of the manufacture of an item there are kanbans still in stock, this decision is difficult if one wishes to avoid the lack of excess stock in the system. This study presents a proposal to deal with these problems.Neste trabalho apresenta-se um estudo de caso de projeto e implementação de um sistema kanban em uma fábrica de tintas. Trata-se de um sistema de produção contínua, situação que oferece duas dificuldades ao projeto de sistema kanban. A primeira surge da determinação do número de kanbans no sistema (isto é, determinação do lote de fabricação). A fórmula consagrada pela Toyota para esse fim requer que se conheça o tempo de fabricação de uma caixa de produtos. Todavia, no caso em questão, o lote todo é concluído a um só tempo. A segunda dificuldade surge da impossibilidade de alterar o tamanho do lote durante sua fabricação. Nos sistemas de produção discreta (peças, por exemplo), como o propósito é evitar acumulação de estoque, é usual interromper a produção de um item assim que todas as caixas vazias estejam reabastecidas. Para o caso em questão, se no início da fabricação de um item existirem kanbans em estoque, essa decisão torna-se difícil, caso se deseje evitar falta ou excesso de estoque no sistema. O trabalho apresenta uma proposta para lidar com essas duas dificuldades

    Estimating sex by analyzing linear measurements of Brazilians’s dry skulls

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    Brazilian forensic physical anthropology has developed substantially in recent years, thus, new regression models are being obtained and models proposed by international researchers are being validated, both in a national sample. This search is greatly significant for national forensic anthropology, due to our unique ancestral constitution, allowing for a gain in efficiency and reliability in the process of human identification. We sought to evaluate 12 linear measures, aiming to verify the existence of sexual dimorphism, as well as the possibility of developing a regression model to estimate sex. The researcher was properly trained and calibrated (ICC=0.95). After this stage, the data measured in 186 skulls (105 males and 81 females, with ages ranging from 18 to 80 years old, were analyzed. To perform the linear measurements, straight and curved digital calipers, duly calibrated, were used. According to the statistical analysis, all measurements performed are dimorphic. It was possible to build a logistic regression model for sex estimation. Notably, a sensitivity of 81.7% and specificity of 79.2% were found, with an accuracy of 80.65%. It was found that the logistic regression model obtained can be used as an auxiliary method in estimating sex in Brazilians

    Effect of tillage reduction on the productive behavior of cassava

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    Em experimento de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) instalado em Latossolo Amarelo, na cidade de Cruz das Almas (BA), foram comparados tratamentos envolvendo um sistema de preparo reduzido do solo (preparo do solo restrito às linhas de plantio) e o preparo convencional (preparo do solo de toda a área), este consorciado ou não com leguminosa para adubação verde. A mandioca, cultivar BGM-001 (aipim-bravo), plantada no espaçamento de 2,50 m x 0,50 m x 0,50 m, em fileiras duplas, foi colhida aos doze meses após o plantio. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, introduzindo-se, ao final do quinto ciclo, o fator ano como repetição. Os resultados obtidos, após cinco anos de cultivos sucessivos na mesma área, mostraram que não houve diferenças de produção da mandioca entre os tratamentos testados, sendo que o preparo reduzido do solo proporcionou uma redução de 65% a 75% nos custos referentes à aração do solo, em relação ao preparo convencional.In a cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) experiment conducted in a yellow latossol, in Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil, two tillage systems were compared: reduced tillage (soil preparation only in the planting rows) and conventional tillage (preparation of the whole area), the former being intercropped or not with a legume for green manure. The cassava cultivar BGM 001 ("aipim-bravo") planted in a 2.50 m x 0.50 m x 0.50 m double row spacing was harvested twelve months after planting. The experimental design was completely randomized, and years were taken as replications. The results after five years of continuous cultivation have shown no difference among the treatments for cassava root production, but the reduced tillage system gave a reduction of 65% to 75% on the costs of soil preparation, when compared to the conventional system