6 research outputs found
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de rações fareladas, peletizadas e úmidas no desempenho de leitões na fase inicial. Realizou-se um experimento com 36 leitões mestiços (Landrace x Large White). A fim de se obter uma melhor precisão dos dados, dividiu-se o experimento em duas etapas, utilizando-se para cada etapa experimental dezoito animais na fase inicial (nove machos castrados e nove fêmeas), com peso vivo médio de idade inicial de 11kg, e 35 dias de idade, respectivamente. Em delineamento de blocos casualizados, esquema fatorial 3 x 2 (três formas físicas de ração e dois sexos) e três repetições, a análise conjunta dos dados demonstrou não haver efeitos (P>0,05) para consumo diário de ração, ganho de peso diário e final,conversão alimentar e custo com o fornecimento de ração,assim como não houve efeitos (P>0,05) na interação ração x sexo, concluindo-se que a forma física das rações (farelada, peletizada e úmida) não interferiu no desempenho dos leitões.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Alimentação, nutrição, tipo de processamento, suínos
Performance of piglets of high weaning weight receiving different types of diets and levels of protein during the starter phase
An experiment using 36 crossbred piglets (Landrace x Large White) of 7.6 kg initial bodyweight (BW) was conducted to evaluate the effects of two types of starter diets (simple and semi-complex) with three protein levels (16, 18 and 20% CP), and also residual effects during the growing and finishing phases, and the number of days required to reach 90 kg BW (mean duration 145 days). The experimental design was randomized blocks (based on initial BW and sex), with a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments (three protein levels and two types of diets), with six replications (three of males and three of females). During the starter phase the protein levels and types of diet did not affect (P>0.05) daily weight gain and daily feed intake, but the feed:gain ratio (FGR) was worse (P<0.05) for the 16% CP level than for the 20%. The type of diet did not affect FGR. During the growing, finishing and total periods there were no differences (P > 0.05) between treatments. In conclusion, a starter diet of 16% CP, whether simple or semi-complex, can be used without affecting animal performance during the final period of rearing
Neutral detergent fibre in piglet diets: performance and gastrointestinal implications
ABSTRACT The intestinal health of piglets depends on the balance between diet, microflora and mucosal integrity. Disruption of this balance can compromise the digestive functions, leading to diarrhoeal frame and decline in performance of piglets. However, the level and type of fibre can limit digestive disorders. Thirty newly weaned piglets were used to evaluate the levels of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) in diets regarding performance, pH, viscosity and concentration of short chain fatty acids of digestive contents, gastrointestinal transit time, morphology of the intestinal mucosa, weights of organs and occurrence of diarrhoea. NDF level had quadratic effect on weight gain and feed conversion ratio of piglets, estimating best results at the level of 10.4%. NDF level had no effect on the pH, viscosity and concentration of short chain fatty acids. NDF levels below 10.2% or above 13.5% reduced the transit time of digesta. There was quadratic effect on villus height in the duodenum and jejunum and in the crypt depth of jejunum. There was linear increase in stomach, caecum and colon weights and linear decrease in the occurrence of diarrhoea according to increasing NDF levels. It is concluded that levels below 10.2% and above 13.5% reduce the transit time of digesta, whereas 12.2% NDF level results in better mucosa structure of the small intestinal, with an increase in the weights of the stomach, caecum and colon and a reduction in the occurrence of diarrhoea with increasing NDF level in diets, resulting in better performance of weaned piglets with 10.4% of NDF
Exigência de Lisina para Suínos na Fase de 10 a 20 kg nas Condições do Nordeste Brasileiro
One experiment with piglets between 10 to 20 kg live weight was conducted to determine the lysine requirements. Were utilized a total 60 crossbred pigs, 30 barrows and 30 gilts in a randomized block design with four replications and three piglets(two barrows and one gilts or two gilts and one barrow) per experimental unit. The piglets were fed diets containing corn-soybean meal and sesame meal with five lysine levels(0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00 e 1.10%). Average daily gain (ADG) increased linearly (P0.05) was observed. Based on ADG using the linear model and on feed-gain using the descontinous statistical model (LRP), the levels of 1.10 and 0.98% lysine were obtained respectively.O experimento foi conduzido para estimar a exigência de lisina em suínos pesando de 10 a 20kg. Foram utilizados sessenta leitões mestiços, sendo 30 fêmeas e 30 machos castrados, em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições com três animais por unidade experimental. Os níveis de lisina em dietas à base de milho, farelo de soja, e farelo de gergelim variaram de 0,7 a 1,10%, com aumento de 0,10%. A média de ganho de peso diário (GPD) aumentou linearmente (P0,05) dos níveis de lisina foi observado sobre o consumo diário de ração e sobre os níveis de uréia no soro sanguíneo. Baseadas no ganho de peso diário usando o modelo linear e para a conversão alimentar o modelo descontínuo LRP (Linner Response Plateau), as exigências de lisina obtidas foram de 1,10 e 0,98%, respectivamente
A total of 64 piglets, castrated male and female, of commercial lineage, weaned at 43 days of age and with average live weight of 10.73 ± 1.85kg, were used with the objective of evaluating the effect of the inclusion of different levels of rice bran (RB) in ration up to 67 days of age on productive performance, feeding forms and economic viability. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement, four levels of inclusion of RB (0, 10, 20 and 30%) and two feeding forms (dry ration and wet ration), with four replicates per treatment, and the experimental unit consisted of two animals. The daily feed intake (DFI), daily weight gain (DWG) and feed conversion (FC) did not differ significantly (P> 0.05) for the different levels of inclusion of RB or the feeding forms. The economic analysis showed that the inclusion of 30% of RB had the best economic response. It was concluded that the supply of rice bran was viable until the level of 30% of inclusion in diets of piglets in the period from 43 to 67 days of initial phase, regardless of the feeding forms
Determinação e validação ex post de equações de predição dos valores energéticos do milho para suínos em crescimento
The aim of this study was to determine and validate prediction equations for digestible (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) of corn for growing pigs. The prediction equations were developed based on data on the chemical composition, digestible and metabolizable energy of corn grain (30 samples) evaluated in experiments in Embrapa Suínos e Aves, Brazil. The equations were evaluated using regression analysis, and adjusted R² was the criterion for selection of the best models. Two equations were tested for DE and ME, each. To validate the equations, 1 experiment with 2 assays was performed to determine the values of DE and ME of 5 corn cultivars. In each assay, we used 24 growing pigs with initial average weight of 54.21 ± 1.68 kg in complete randomized block design with 6 treatments and 4 replicates. Treatments consisted of a reference diet and 5 ration tests composed of 60% of the reference diet and 40% of corn (1 of the 5 cultivars). Based on the results of the metabolic experiment and predicted values obtained in the equations, the validation of the equations was conducted using the lowest prediction error (pe) as a criterion for selection. The equations that produced the most accurate estimates of DE and ME of corn were as follows: DE = 11812 – 1015.9CP – 837.9EE – 1641ADF + 2616.3Ash + 47.5(CP2) + 114.7(CF2) + 46(ADF2) – 1.6(NDF2) – 997.1(Ash2) + 151.9EECF + 23.2EENDF – 126.4CPCF + 136.4CPADF – 4.0CPNDF, with R2 = 0.81 and pe = 2.33; ME = 12574 – 1254.9CP – 1140.5EE – 1359.9ADF + 2816.3Ash + 77.6(CP2) + 92.3(CF2) + 54.1(ADF2) – 1.8(NDF2) – 1097.2(Ash2) + 240.6EECF + 26.3EENDF – 157.4CPCF + 96.5CPADF – 4.4CPNDF, with R2 = 0.89 and pe = 2.24. Thus, using the data on chemical composition, it is possible to derive prediction equations for DE and ME of corn for pigs; these equations seem to be valid because of the small prediction errors suggestive of high accuracy of these models.Objetivou-se determinar e validar equações de predição para energia digestível (ED) e metabolizável (EM) do milho para suínos em crescimento. Foram utilizados dados de composição química e de digestibilidade e metabolizabilidade de 30 amostras de grãos de milho avaliadas em experimentos na Embrapa Suínos e Aves, sendo as equações estimadas por meio da análise de regressão e o R² ajustado como critério para selecionar os melhores modelos. Para a validação das equações, foi realizado um experimento com dois ensaios para a determinação dos valores de ED e EM dos grãos de milho de cinco cultivares. Em cada ensaio, 24 leitões machos castrados com peso médio inicial de 54,21±1,68 kg foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram uma ração referência e cinco rações testes, compostas por 60% da ração referência e 40% do milho de cada um dos cinco diferentes cultivares. A partir dos resultados do experimento e dos valores preditos pelas equações, procedeu-se a validação das equações, sendo o critério de seleção o menor erro de predição. As equações que melhor se ajustaram para os valores de ED e EM do milho foram: ED = 11812 – 1015,9(PB) – 837,9(EE) – 1641(FDA) + 2616,3(MM) + 47,5(PB2) + 114,7(FB2) + 46(FDA2) – 1,6(FDN2) – 997,1(MM2) + 151,9(EEFB) + 23,2(EEFDN) – 126,4(PBFB) + 136,4(PBFDA) – 4,0(PBFDN), com R2=0,81 e ep=2,33; EM = 12574 – 1254,9(PB) – 1140,5(EE) – 1359,9(FDA) + 2816,3(MM) + 77,6(PB2) + 92,3(FB2) + 54,1(FDA2) – 1,8(FDN2) – 1097,2(MM2) + 240,6(EEFB) + 26,3(EEFDN) – 157,4(PBFB) + 96,5(PBFDA) – 4,4(PBFDN), com R2=0,89 e ep=2,24. A partir dos dados de composição química, foi possível determinar equações de predição para os valores de ED e EM do milho para suínos, sendo estas validadas pelo menor erro de predição para maior acurácia dos modelos.