3,807 research outputs found

    Expressão de genes ligados à maciez da carne em bovinos da raça Nelore.

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    Dentre as características da carne, a maciez é a mais desejada pelo consumidor. Bovinos de origem Bos taurus indicus são conhecidos por produzirem carne de menor maciez quando comparado às raças de origem taurina. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a expressão dos genes codificadores de proteínas da família ?heat shock? (CRYAB, HSPB1 e DNAJA1) em bovinos da raça Nelore (Bos taurus indicus). A expressão do gene CRYAB foi associada à maciez aos sete (P=0,003) e 14 dias (P=0,01) de maturação, e do gene HSPB1 associado à força de cisalhamento 24 horas (P=0,04) após abate e aos 7 (P=0,003) e 14 dias (P=003) de maturação. Baseado nos resultados, é possível sugerir que os genes CRYAB e HSBP1 podem ser potenciais marcadores de maciez da carne em bovinos da raça Nelore

    Manejo de moscas-das-frutas na cultura da manga na regiao do Submedio Sao Francisco.

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    Objetivando-se ,solucionar os entraves quarentenários existentes. em 1989 iniciou-se o trabalho de Monitoramento de moscas-das-frutas nas culturas de MANGUEIRA (Mangifera indica), VIDEIRA (Vitis vinifera), MELOEIRO (Cucumls meIo) e GOIABEIRA (Psidium guajava

    Survey on the clinical trial results achieved in Brazil comparing praziquantel and oxamniquine in the treatment of mansoni schistosomiasis

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    A random, double-blind, parallel group clinical trial program was carried out to compare praziquantel, a recently developed anti-helmintic drug, and oxamniquine, an already established agent for treating mansoni schistosomiasis. Both drugs were administered orally as a single dose, on the average, praziquantel 55 mg/kg and oxamniquine 16 mg/kg BWT. The diagnosis and the parasitological follow-up lasting for a minimum of six months, were based on stool examinations according to Kato/Katz technique. A patient was considered cured if all results were negative and if he had performed at least three post-treatment controls, each one comprising three stool examinations. The finding of a single S. mansoni egg in any stool examination indicated, a therapeutical failure. A total of 267, cases were treated with praziquantel and 272 with oxamniquine. The two groups were homogeneous in regard to patients, age, clinical form of the disease, risk of reinfection and worm burden, relevant factors in the therapeutical response. The incidence and severity of untoward, effects were similar in both groups but abdominal distress and diarrhoea were more frequently reported under praziquantel and dizzines under oxamniquine (p 0.05). Amongst the noncured aptients a reduction of 88.6% and 74.6% in the mean number of eggs/g of feces Was seen following the treatment with praziquantel and oxamniquine, respectively (p < 0.05). In conclusion, in spite of their different chemical, pharmacological and toxicological profiles as well as mechanisms-of-action, inclusively praziquantel already had proved to be 100% active against S. mansoni strains resistant to oxamniquine, both drugs showed comparable tolerance and therapeutical efficacy

    Action potential variability in human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes obtained from healthy donors

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    Human pluripotent stem cells (PSC) have been used for disease modelling, after differentiation into the desired cell type. Electrophysiologic properties of cardiomyocytes derived from pluripotent stem cells are extensively used to model cardiac arrhythmias, in cardiomyopathies and channelopathies. This requires strict control of the multiple variables that can influence the electrical properties of these cells. In this article, we report the action potential variability of 780 cardiomyocytes derived from pluripotent stem cells obtained from six healthy donors. We analyze the overall distribution of action potential (AP) data, the distribution of action potential data per cell line, per differentiation protocol and batch. This analysis indicates that even using the same cell line and differentiation protocol, the differentiation batch still affects the results. This variability has important implications in modeling arrhythmias and imputing pathogenicity to variants encountered in patients with arrhythmic diseases. We conclude that even when using isogenic cell lines to ascertain pathogenicity to variants associated to arrythmias one should use cardiomyocytes derived from pluripotent stem cells using the same differentiation protocol and batch and pace the cells or use only cells that have very similar spontaneous beat rates. Otherwise, one may find phenotypic variability that is not attributable to pathogenic variants