3,625 research outputs found

    Zoneamento climático da Heveicultura no Brasil.

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    Para o zoneamento da aptidão climática da heveicultura no Brasil, considerou-se as exigências climáticas da espécie a ser cultivada e da principal doença que afeta a cultura. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se a temperatura média anual do ar, a deficiência hídrica no solo e a temperatura média do mês mais frio, como condicionantes do desempenho da cultura e da ocorrência de surtos epidêmicos do Microcyclus ulei (P. Henn) V. Arx., principal patógeno da seringueira no Brasil e causador do "mal-das-folhas". Considerando esses fatores, elaborou-se uma carta de aptidão climática da heveicultura no Brasil, baseada em isolinhas de temperatura, precipitação, e de outros fatores de interesse, estabelecendo-se, assim, as regiões brasileiras com condições climáticas aptas, restritas, marginais e inaptas para o cultivo comercial da seringueira.bitstream/CNPM/1254/1/d24_heveic_fin.pd

    Report of the Second International Symposium on Molecular Epidemiology in Childhood Leukaemia and Embryonal Tumours, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    The recent International Symposium on Molecular epidemiology in Embryonal Tumours and Paediatric Leukaemia was held on 4–6 March 2008 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It proved a very productive meeting in which studies relating to genetics, therapeutical trials, identification of risk factors in acute leukaemia neuroblastoma and Wilms’ tumours were presented. Over 120 participants gathered for three days of fruitful discussions, including representatives of paediatrics, haematology, laboratory, epidemiology and pathology. Debates were held about strategies of applications of important biomarkers for clinical trials. Highlights of each of the scientific presentations are summarized below

    Assessment of clogging effects on lateral hydraulics: proposing a monitoring and detection protocol

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    International audienceAgeing of drip irrigation systems due to clogging of emitters is considered the largest maintenance problem in microirrigation and this problem is enhanced in subsurface irrigation systems. Whatever the source of the clogging problem, a methodology for early detection of clogging in the field can be useful in decision-making about deploying cleaning processes (flushing or injection of chemicals) and avoiding replacement of laterals. This work presents a methodology for simulating clogging conditions able to reproduce the effects of clogging on pressure profiles, head loss, and emitters flow rate distribution along a single levelled lateral with constant inlet pressure. This methodology was validated by several experiments conducted under controlled conditions of clogging induced by changes in the flow rate of emitters. The effects of clogging intensity and position on hydraulic parameters of a single lateral were analysed in detail and aspects relating to pressure, head loss, and flow rate measurements were discussed. For a given lateral set-up, it is possible to draw a chart relating flow rate and head loss for various levels and positions of clogging. Assuming that measurements of head loss and flow rate are available, this diagram enables immediate estimation of the level and location of clogging

    O pensamento social de universitários sobre beleza e cirurgia estética

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    O estudo objetivou identificar as representações sociais de homens e mulheres com diferentes formações acadêmicas, a respeito de beleza e da cirurgia estética. Pesquisa de natureza descritiva e comparativa, com delineamento transversal, com a participação de 120 universitários; plano de investigação multimétodo desenhado por A.S. de Rosa através de questionário semiestruturado, autoaplicável, dividido em cinco par- tes; envolvendo análise estatística descritiva, relacional e análise textual de redes associativas. Os resultados destacam diferenças significativas nas representações sociais dos grupos em relação aos objetos sociais, beleza e cirurgia estética, em termos de conteúdo, avaliações e dimensões sociopsicológicas. A proximidade dos indivíduos e grupos com o corpo confirma parcialmente as evidências das variáveis influentes em termos de gênero e formação acadêmica dos participantes nas repre- sentações dos objetos pesquisados. The study aimed to identify the social representations of men and women with different academic backgrounds, regarding beauty and aesthetic surgery. This study is a descriptive and comparative research, with cross-sectional design, based on the par- ticipation of 120 university students; Multi-method research plan designed by A.S. de Rosa through a semi-structured, self-administered questionnaire, divided into five parts; involv- ing descriptive and relational statistical analysis, and textual analysis of associative networks. The results highlight significant differences in the social representations of the groups in relation to social objects, beauty and aesthetic surgery, in terms of contents, assessments and socio-psychological dimensions. The proximity of individuals and groups to the body partially confirms the evidence of influential variables in terms of gender and academic training of the participants in the representations of the objects surveyed

    An inexpensive direct reading tensiometer

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    Foi desenvolvido e testado um tensiômetro simples de leitura direta no tubo transparente e estabelecidas as relações entre a altura da câmara visível e a correspondente tensão, lida em manômetros. As regressões obedecem à lei dos gases perfeitos de Boyle-Mariotte e podem ser expressas por equações hiperbólicas, cujas constantes variam com a altura inicial da câmara. A melhor regressão é obtida quando se inicia a operação com uma câmara de ar entre 0,5 e 1,0 cm de altura. Nesse caso, a curva de regressão obtida pode ser expressa pela equação y = 800x/ (x + 1,8), onde y = tensão em mb e x = altura da câmara em cm. O tensiômetro de leitura direta, dispensando manômetros, torna-se um instrumento simples, barato e bastante confiável.A transparent tube tensiometer was developed and tested to establish the relationship between the visible chamber height and the tension read in the manometers. The regressions follow the law of perfect gas (Boyle & Mariotte) and may be expressed by hiperbolic equations. The constants of the equations varies with the initial chamber height. The best values of initial chamber height were between 0.5 to 1.0 cm, corresponding to the equation: y = 800x/ (x + 1.8), where y is the tension (mb) and x the chamber height (cm). The direct reading tensiometer described here makes unnecessary the manometers so making the tensiometer inexpresive and more reliable