172 research outputs found

    Phase Space Quantum Mechanics on the Anti-De Sitter Spacetime and its Poincar\'e Contraction

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    In this work we propose an alternative description of the quantum mechanics of a massive and spinning free particle in anti-de~Sitter spacetime, using a phase space rather than a spacetime representation. The regularizing character of the curvature appears clearly in connection with a notion of localization in phase space which is shown to disappear in the zero curvature limit. We show in particular how the anti-de~Sitter optimally localized (coherent) states contract to plane waves as the curvature goes to zero. In the first part we give a detailed description of the classical theory {\it \a la Souriau\/}. This serves as a basis for the quantum theory which is constructed in the second part using methods of geometric quantization. The invariant positive K\"ahler polarization that selects the anti-de~Sitter quantum elementary system is shown to have as zero curvature limit the Poincar\'e polarization which is no longer K\"ahler. This phenomenon is then related to the disappearance of the notion of localization in the zero curvature limit.Comment: 37 pgs+3 figures (not included), PlainTeX, Preprint CRM-183

    Modulational instability in dispersion-kicked optical fibers

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    We study, both theoretically and experimentally, modulational instability in optical fibers that have a longitudinal evolution of their dispersion in the form of a Dirac delta comb. By means of Floquet theory, we obtain an exact expression for the position of the gain bands, and we provide simple analytical estimates of the gain and of the bandwidths of those sidebands. An experimental validation of those results has been realized in several microstructured fibers specifically manufactured for that purpose. The dispersion landscape of those fibers is a comb of Gaussian pulses having widths much shorter than the period, which therefore approximate the ideal Dirac comb. Experimental spontaneous MI spectra recorded under quasi continuous wave excitation are in good agreement with the theory and with numerical simulations based on the generalized nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

    Edge Currents for Quantum Hall Systems, I. One-Edge, Unbounded Geometries

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    Devices exhibiting the integer quantum Hall effect can be modeled by one-electron Schroedinger operators describing the planar motion of an electron in a perpendicular, constant magnetic field, and under the influence of an electrostatic potential. The electron motion is confined to unbounded subsets of the plane by confining potential barriers. The edges of the confining potential barrier create edge currents. In this, the first of two papers, we prove explicit lower bounds on the edge currents associated with one-edge, unbounded geometries formed by various confining potentials. This work extends some known results that we review. The edge currents are carried by states with energy localized between any two Landau levels. These one-edge geometries describe the electron confined to certain unbounded regions in the plane obtained by deforming half-plane regions. We prove that the currents are stable under various potential perturbations, provided the perturbations are suitably small relative to the magnetic field strength, including perturbations by random potentials. For these cases of one-edge geometries, the existence of, and the estimates on, the edge currents imply that the corresponding Hamiltonian has intervals of absolutely continuous spectrum. In the second paper of this series, we consider the edge currents associated with two-edge geometries describing bounded, cylinder-like regions, and unbounded, strip-like, regions.Comment: 68 page


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    We present a unified framework for the quantization of a family of discrete dynamical systems of varying degrees of "chaoticity". The systems to be quantized are piecewise affine maps on the two-torus, viewed as phase space, and include the automorphisms, translations and skew translations. We then treat some discontinuous transformations such as the Baker map and the sawtooth-like maps. Our approach extends some ideas from geometric quantization and it is both conceptually and calculationally simple.Comment: no. 28 pages in AMSTE

    Equilibration, generalized equipartition, and diffusion in dynamical Lorentz gases

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    We prove approach to thermal equilibrium for the fully Hamiltonian dynamics of a dynamical Lorentz gas, by which we mean an ensemble of particles moving through a dd-dimensional array of fixed soft scatterers that each possess an internal harmonic or anharmonic degree of freedom to which moving particles locally couple. We establish that the momentum distribution of the moving particles approaches a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at a certain temperature TT, provided that they are initially fast and the scatterers are in a sufficiently energetic but otherwise arbitrary stationary state of their free dynamics--they need not be in a state of thermal equilibrium. The temperature TT to which the particles equilibrate obeys a generalized equipartition relation, in which the associated thermal energy kBTk_{\mathrm B}T is equal to an appropriately defined average of the scatterers' kinetic energy. In the equilibrated state, particle motion is diffusive
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