6,250 research outputs found
Поняття "термін-фразема” у лінгвістиці
Закцентовано увагу на проблемі визначення лексичних одиниць, які інтегрують ознаки терміна й фраземи. Систематизовано погляди мовознавців на цей феномен.The paper is about a special group of lexical units which belong both terminology and phraseology, the ideas of linguists are analyzed in relation to the noted problem
A Denotational Semantics for First-Order Logic
In Apt and Bezem [AB99] (see cs.LO/9811017) we provided a computational
interpretation of first-order formulas over arbitrary interpretations. Here we
complement this work by introducing a denotational semantics for first-order
logic. Additionally, by allowing an assignment of a non-ground term to a
variable we introduce in this framework logical variables.
The semantics combines a number of well-known ideas from the areas of
semantics of imperative programming languages and logic programming. In the
resulting computational view conjunction corresponds to sequential composition,
disjunction to ``don't know'' nondeterminism, existential quantification to
declaration of a local variable, and negation to the ``negation as finite
failure'' rule. The soundness result shows correctness of the semantics with
respect to the notion of truth. The proof resembles in some aspects the proof
of the soundness of the SLDNF-resolution.Comment: 17 pages. Invited talk at the Computational Logic Conference (CL
2000). To appear in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Scienc
New Polymer Tensiometers: Measuring Matric Pressures Down to the Wilting Point
Tensiometers are commonly used for measuring soil water matric pressures. Unfortunately, the water-filled reservoir of conventional tensiometers limits their applicability to soil water matric pressures above approximately –0.085 MPa. Tensiometers filled with a polymer solution instead of water are able to measure a larger range of soil water matric pressures. We designed and constructed six prototype polymer tensiometers (previously called osmotic tensiometers) consisting of a wide-range pressure transducer with a temperature sensor, a stainless steel casing, and a ceramic plate with a membrane preventing polymer leakage. A polymer chamber (0.1–2.2 cm3) was located between the pressure transducer and the plate. We tested the polymer tensiometers for long-term operation, the effects of temperature, response times, and performance in a repacked sandy loam under laboratory conditions. Several months of continuous operation caused a gradual drop in the osmotic pressure, for which we developed a suitable correction. The osmotic potential of polymer solutions is temperature dependent, and requires calibration before installation. The response times to sudden and gradual changes in ambient temperature were found to be affected by polymer chamber height and polymer type. Practically useful response times (<0.2 d) are feasible, particularly for chambers shorter than 0.20 cm. We demonstrated the ability of the instrument to measure the range of soil water pressures in which plant roots are able to take up water (from 0 to –1.6 MPa), to regain pressure without user interference and to function properly for time periods of up to 1 yr
Word problems versus image-rich problems: an analysis of effects of task characteristics on students’ performance on contextual mathematics problems
This article reports on a post hoc study using a randomised controlled trial with 31,842 students in the Netherlands and an instrument consisting of 21 paired problems. The trial showed a variability in the differences of students’ results in solving contextual mathematical problems with either a descriptive or a depictive representation of the problem situation. In this study the relation between this variability and two task characteristics is investigated: (1) complexity of the task representation; and (2) the content domain of the task. We found indications that differences in performance on descriptive and depictive representations of the problem situation are related to the content domain of the problems. One of the tentative conclusions is that for depicted problems in the domain of measurement and geometry the inferential step from representation of the problem situation to the mathematical problem to be solved is smaller than for word problems
Schoolexamens academisch schrijven als voorbereiding op het hbo en wo
Een professionele leergemeenschap Nederlands (plg) heeft zich de afgelopen jaren gebogen over mogelijke invullingen van het onderdeel schrijfvaardigheid van het schoolexamen
One in six physiotherapy practices in primary care offer musculoskeletal ultrasound - an explorative survey
BACKGROUND: The first aim of this research was to investigate the current prevalence of musculoskeletal ultrasound in Dutch physiotherapy practices. The second aim was to explore experiences of physiotherapists with musculoskeletal ultrasound in a primary care setting with patients presenting with shoulder complaints. METHODS: A random sample of 1000 owners of primary care physiotherapy practices was sent a questionnaire to investigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal ultrasound. A second questionnaire was sent to physiotherapists using musculoskeletal ultrasound to explore experiences with it in patients with shoulder complaints. RESULTS: The net response rate of the first questionnaire was 57.7%. In 18% of the physiotherapy practices musculoskeletal ultrasound was offered. Sixty-nine physiotherapists returned the second questionnaire. Physiotherapists indicated they most often used musculoskeletal ultrasound in patients with shoulder complaints, mainly for suspected tissue damage (83.7%), followed by making a diagnosis (63.3%) and for determining the choice of treatment (36.7%). Physiotherapists reported the biggest advantage was that they were better able to diagnose presenting shoulder complaints. The most frequently mentioned disadvantage of the use of musculoskeletal ultrasound was that assessment is difficult and that there is a risk that findings may not be sufficiently linked to history and physical examination. CONCLUSION: One in six physiotherapy practices in the Netherlands offer musculoskeletal ultrasound. It is mainly used for patients with shoulder complaints, with an emphasis on detecting tissue damage and as an aid for diagnosis. Physiotherapists trained to work with musculoskeletal ultrasound seem enthusiastic and are at the same time aware of it
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