5 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Difference between the Euclidean Distance and the Actual Road Distance in Brazil

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    AbstractSoybean is a commodity that has an important influence on the Brazilian economy because it accounts for the largest share among the grains in the export market. Its main production centers excel in regions far from major consuming centers, requiring long commutes especially in road transport. The distance is the most influential factor in transport costs and is directly related to the freight. To define actual road distances, particularly in unfamiliar roads, it is necessary to use a correction factor. In addition to estimating a better correction factor, the paper aims to contribute by developing a procedure to identify this factor. This paper will analyze the relationships between existing Euclidean distances in numerous points, the producing centers and Brazilian's ports, performing comparisons between the correction factor obtained by calculation in this article with the factors obtained by other authors, also seeking to relate the road distances calculated based on intervals and freight. The advantage of obtaining a more accurate factor k is to allow the results of different location, such as p- median be more accurate. The result was satisfactory when comparing with the existing literature


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    O objetivo do estudo é avaliar alternativas para o transporte de mercadorias, no Estado do Mato Grosso, adotando o método Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Portanto, utilizamos três modelos, denominados tradicional (VRS e CRS) e a Cross - Evaluation. Os insumos foram a taxa de frete, custo de acidentes e emissões de CO2, enquanto a saída foi a velocidade média ponderada de cada alternativa. O estudo avaliou o desempenho de sete macrorregiões. Os resultados indicaram as melhores alternativas para cada microrregião, em particular, a adoção do modo ferroviário em todo o processo de transporte foi indicada considerando todos os cenários

    Seleção de indicadores ambientais com foco em armazém verde: Selection of environmental indicators with focus on green warehouse

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    As emissões geradas por edifícios de logística, incluindo armazéns e instalações de triagem, são significativas, representando cerca de 11% das emissões da cadeia de suprimentos. No caso da operação de um armazém, a iluminação, refrigeração/aquecimento e equipamentos de carga são os principais responsáveis pelo consumo energético e emissão de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE). Entretanto, a norma ISO 14001, que trata da gestão ambiental, não define quais os principais indicadores a serem utilizados para avaliação e monitoramento da operação. Desta forma, foi identificada a necessidade de se adotar práticas verde na operação de armazém. A proposta deste artigo é apresentar um método para selecionar indicadores que permitam avaliar e monitorar práticas que tornem a operação do armazém, de fato, verde. Esta pesquisa analisa a confiabilidade dos indicadores escolhidos por meio do método alfa de Cronbach, seguido de sua validação. O resultado aponta 27 indicadores mais relevantes a serem considerados para armazém verde

    Methodology for Prioritizing Best Practices Applied to the Sustainable Last Mile—The Case of a Brazilian Parcel Delivery Service Company

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    The ever-increasing impacts of the last mile delivery sector on the environment and the quality of life of the urban population, such as increased congestion, demand best practices to be incorporated by companies to reduce impacts such as emission of air pollutants and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and depletion of natural resources, among others. However, a myriad of strategies has been developed for this purpose but there is a lack of methodologies that allow the choice of the best ones for a specific case. Therefore, this study looks for those best practices to be employed through an innovative methodology that consists of SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), a map of strategies of the delivery service, and using the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), with the differential of considering the peculiarities of each company. The results applied in a Brazilian last mile delivery service company show that best practices such as route optimization, implementation of new infrastructure and business models for urban deliveries, and use of information systems for fleet tracking and monitoring contribute significantly to improving performance indicators and achieving the sector’s goal to become more sustainable, and especially meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8, 9, 11, and 17

    Systematic review of feasibility studies on transport: a contribution to waterway transport

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    This article aims to identify the feasibility studies for transport systems using the systematic review.This review has as a resource the exhaustion in the pursuit of studies reviewed, justified selection of the studies and the assessment of the methodological quality. A literature review was conducted, resulting in the inclusion of 47 articles; however, 18 articles were highlighted by submitting application in case studies. The systematic review was used in order to identify and discuss the contributions of the variables and methods/tools applied in feasibility studies on different modes of transport and that could contribute to a waterway transport system. These variables and tools are being adopted in order to propose a structured detailing to apply in future case studies, where environmental, social, economic, financials, and operational and technical aspects are considered