1,343 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum satisfiability

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    We present the linear algebraic definition of QSAT and propose a direct logical characterization of such a definition. We then prove that this logical version of QSAT is not an extension of classical satisfiability problem (SAT). This shows that QSAT does not allow a direct comparison between the complexity classes NP and QMA, for which SAT and QSAT are respectively complete.Comment: In Proceedings LSFA 2011, arXiv:1203.542

    Exploring Super-Resolution for Face Recognition

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    Biometric recognition is part of many aspects of modern society. With the popularization of smartphones, facial recognition gains space in this environment of biometric technologies. With the diversity of image capture devices, of different brands and qualities, the images will not always be in the ideal standard to be recognized. This article tests and compares different scenarios and situations to assess the results obtained by facial recognition in different environments. For this, the quantity method of data analysis was used. In the first scenario, all images were submitted without changes. In the following, we have the reduction of image resolution, which may or may not be followed by enlargement to the original resolution via bicubic interpolation or through the Image Super-Resolution algorithm, these images can be all, or only that undergo tests. Results indicate that the first scenario obtained the best performance, followed by only the tests images change. The worst performance occurs where the properties of all images are affected. In situations where there is a reduction and enlargement are optional, the enlargement option performs better, so the bicubic enlargement has an advantage over the ISR, the situation in which only the reduction occurs has the worst performance.Biometric recognition is part of many aspects of modern society. With the popularization of smartphones, facial recognition gains space in this environment of biometric technologies. With the diversity of image capture devices, of different brands and qualities, the images will not always be in the ideal standard to be recognized. This article tests and compares different scenarios and situations to assess the results obtained by facial recognition in different environments. For this, the quantity method of data analysis was used. In the first scenario, all images were submitted without changes. In the following, we have the reduction of image resolution, which may or may not be followed by enlargement to the original resolution via bicubic interpolation or through the Image Super-Resolution algorithm, these images can be all, or only that undergo tests. Results indicate that the first scenario obtained the best performance, followed by only the tests images change. The worst performance occurs where the properties of all images are affected. In situations where there is a reduction and enlargement are optional, the enlargement option performs better, so the bicubic enlargement has an advantage over the ISR, the situation in which only the reduction occurs has the worst performance

    Aspecto do signo como palavra elaborada na relação Voz (fala) e Sentido

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    Resumo: Este artigo propõe um diálogo com o filósofo Jacques Derrida em algumas de suas obras, juntamente com alguns comentaristas acerca de uma temática cara ao filósofo, ou seja, uma investigação que nos permita abordar a questão do signo como mediador na relação entre voz e sentido. Advertimos o leitor que não temos pretensão de atingir perspectivas únicas, porém, aspectos possíveis deste tema.Palavras-chave: signo; palavra; elaboração; fala e sentido.Abstract: This article proposes a dialogue with the philosopher Jacques Derrida in some of his works, along with some commentators about a theme dear to philosopher, i.e. an investigation that will enable us to address the issue of the sign as a mediator in the relationship between voice and sense. We warn the reader that we claim to achieve unique perspectives, however, possible aspects of this theme.Keywords: sign; word; preparation; speech and sense

    Discriminação baseada no peso: representações sociais de internautas sobre a gordofobia

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    The concept of fat phobia has been usually used to define ways of discrimination towards overweight bodies. The present work aimed to know the social representations of fat phobia elaborated by internet users. A documental research was conducted based on internet comments on an article about fat phobia published by the Superinteressante magazine. Selected opinions comprised a textual corpus which was submitted to a lexical analysis through IRAMUTEQ, revealing five thematic classes: (i) "Health as discourse to justify discrimination", (ii) "Fat versus Slim: instituting differences", (iii) "Weight loss: reinforcement versus deconstruction of the standard", (iv) "Fat phobia: invention or reality?" and (v) "Fat phobia and the (in)appropriateness of affirmative actions". Anchored on the technical and scientific argument which affirms that obesity is an epidemic disease, the representations of internet users legitimized discrimination and prejudice processes against overweight people. Moreover, ironic propositions against quota policy for overweight people showed a dissatisfaction about the existence of affirmative actions that promote equality among social groups, ratifying the idea that the privileges cannot be granted to “inferior groups” or depreciated groups, and these groups, in order to be respected by society, should try to fit their bodies into the refined standard. In this context, aiming to make fat phobia an irrelevant topic, disqualifying the magazine’s approach on this topic, representational strategies directed to deny its existence by comparing suffering between groups or setting differences (fats x thins) was observed. Considering the lack of researches about discrimination against overweight in Brazil, other studies on this topic are suggested

    Anjos vigilantes e mulheres desveladas: uma relação possível em 1 Coríntios 11,10?

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    Em 1 Coríntios 11,2-16 Paulo está interessado em retificar a interpretação que a igreja de Corinto fizera de seus ensinamentos anteriores sobre a unidade de homem e mulher (Gal. 3,28), a liberdade em Cristo e corrigir a prática que aquela igreja adotara ao abandonar a diferenciação dos sexos no que se refere ao tratamento em relação aos cabelos e ao uso do véu no ato litúrgico. O que nos chama a atenção nessa perícope é a recomendação que Paulo faz no v. 10 para a mulher cobrir a cabeça como sinal de autoridade, por causa dos anjos. A alusão aos anjos somada ao dever de cobrir a cabeça da mulher como sinal de autoridade ecoam imagens similares presentes na tradição judaica que floresceu no período intertestamentário concernentes ao papel dos anjos na criação. Este ensaio discute de maneira breve, as possíveis influências do Mito dos Anjos Vigilantes, desenvolvida a partir do livro pseudoepígrafo 1 Enoque, com o objetivo de verificar se o autor de 1 Coríntios 11,2-16 lançou mão do imaginário apocalíptico da tradição do Mito dos Anjos Vigilantes em sua argumentação a favor do uso do véu descrita em 1 Coríntios 11,10