17 research outputs found

    Testing the gaugino AMSB model at the Tevatron via slepton pair production

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    Gaugino AMSB models-- wherein scalar and trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms are suppressed at the GUT scale while gaugino masses adopt the AMSB form-- yield a characteristic SUSY particle mass spectrum with light sleptons along with a nearly degenerate wino-like lightest neutralino and quasi-stable chargino. The left- sleptons and sneutrinos can be pair produced at sufficiently high rates to yield observable signals at the Fermilab Tevatron. We calculate the rate for isolated single and dilepton plus missing energy signals, along with the presence of one or two highly ionizing chargino tracks. We find that Tevatron experiments should be able to probe gravitino masses into the ~55 TeV range for inoAMSB models, which corresponds to a reach in gluino mass of over 1100 GeV.Comment: 14 pages including 6 .eps figure

    Quantum Transitions, Detailed Balance, Black Holes and Nothingness

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    We consider vacuum transitions by bubble nucleation among 4D vacua with different values and signs of the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda , including both up and down tunnelings. Following the Hamiltonian formalism, we explicitly compute the decay rates for all possible combinations of initial and final values of Λ\Lambda and find that up-tunneling is allowed starting not only from dS spacetime but also from AdS and Minkowski spacetimes. We trace the difference with the Euclidean approach, where these transitions are found to be forbidden, to the difference of treating the latter spacetimes as pure (vacuum) states rather than mixed states with correspondingly vanishing or infinite entropy. We point out that these transitions are best understood as limits of the corresponding transitions with black holes in the zero mass limit M→0M\rightarrow 0. We find that detailed balance is satisfied provided we use the Hartle-Hawking sign of the wave function for nucleating space-times. In the formal limit Λ→−∞\Lambda \rightarrow -\infty , the transition rates for AdS to dS agree with both the Hartle-Hawking and Vilenkin amplitudes for the creation of dS from nothing. This is consistent with a proposal of Brown and Dahlen to define `nothing' as AdS in this limit. For M≠0M\neq 0 detailed balance is satisfied only in a range of mass values. We compute the bubble trajectory after nucleation and find that, contrary to the M=0M=0 case, the trajectory does not correspond to the open universe slicing of dS. We briefly discuss the relevance of our results to the string landscape.Comment: 29 pages + appendices, 8 figures. References added. Typos fixe

    Dark Matter density and the Higgs mass in LVS String Phenomenology

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    The Large Volume Scenario for getting a non-supersymmetric vacuum in type IIB string theory leads, through the Weyl anomaly and renormalization group running, to an interesting phenomenology. However, for gravitino masses below 500 TeV there are cosmological problems and the resulting Higgs mass is well below 124 GeV. Here we discuss the phenomenology and cosmology for gravitino masses which are ≳\gtrsim 500 TeV. We find that not only is the cosmological modulus problem alleviated and the right value for dark matter density obtained, but also the Higgs mass is in the 122-125 GeV range. However the spectrum of SUSY particles will be too heavy to be observed at the LHC.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, further discussion of cosmological issues, references added, version to be published in PL

    On KKLT/CFT and LVS/CFT Dualities

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    We present a general discussion of the properties of three dimensional CFT duals to the AdS string theory vacua coming from type IIB Calabi-Yau flux compactifications. Both KKLT and Large Volume Scenario (LVS) minima are considered. In both cases we identify the large `central charge', find a separation of scales between the radius of AdS and the size of the extra dimensions and show that the dual CFT has only a limited number of operators with small conformal dimension. Differences between the two sets of duals are identified. Besides a different amount of supersymmetry (N=1\mathcal{N}=1 for KKLT and N=0\mathcal{N}=0 for LVS) we find that the LVS CFT dual has only one scalar operator with O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) conformal dimension, corresponding to the volume modulus, whereas in KKLT the whole set of h1,1h^{1,1} K\"ahler moduli have this property. Also, the maximal number of degrees of freedom is estimated to be larger in LVS than in KKLT duals. In both cases we explicitly compute the coefficient of the logarithmic contribution to the one-loop vacuum energy which should be invariant under duality and therefore provides a non-trivial prediction for the dual CFT. This coefficient takes a particularly simple form in the KKLT case.Comment: 28+12 pages, Substantial changes in the presentation. Final results unchanged. Version to match the published versio

    Lorentzian vacuum transitions: Open or closed universes?

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    We consider the generalization of quantum tunneling transitions in the WKB approximation to the timeindependent functional Schrödinger and Wheeler-DeWitt equations. Following a Lorentzian approach, we compute the transition rates among different scalar field vacua and compare with those performed by Coleman and collaborators using the Euclidean approach. For gravity, we develop a general formalism for computing transition rates in Wheeler’s superspace. This is then applied to computing decays in flat space and then to transitions in the presence of gravity. In the latter case we point out the complexities arising from having nonpositive definite kinetic terms illustrating them in the simplified context of minisuperspace. This corresponds to a generalization of the well-known ‘tunneling from nothing’ scenarios. While we can obtain the leading term for the transitions obtained by Euclidean methods we also point out some differences and ambiguities. We show that there is no obstruction to keeping the spherically (SO(4)) symmetric closed slicing for the new vacuum after a de Sitter to de Sitter transition. We argue that this is the natural Lorentzian realization of the Coleman-De Luccia instanton and that a closed universe is also obtained if the mini-superspace assumption is relaxed. This is contrary to the open universe predicted by Coleman–De Luccia which relies on an analytic continuation performed after bubble nucleation. Our findings may have important cosmological implications related to the origin of inflation and to the string landscape. In particular, they question the widespread belief that evidence for a closed universe would rule out the string landscap

    Gaugino Anomaly Mediated SUSY Breaking: phenomenology and prospects for the LHC

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    We examine the supersymmetry phenomenology of a novel scenario of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking which we call Gaugino Anomaly Mediation, or inoAMSB. This is suggested by recent work on the phenomenology of flux compactified type IIB string theory. The essential features of this scenario are that the gaugino masses are of the anomaly-mediated SUSY breaking (AMSB) form, while scalar and trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms are highly suppressed. Renormalization group effects yield an allowable sparticle mass spectrum, while at the same time avoiding charged LSPs; the latter are common in models with negligible soft scalar masses, such as no-scale or gaugino mediation models. Since scalar and trilinear soft terms are highly suppressed, the SUSY induced flavor and CP-violating processes are also suppressed. The lightest SUSY particle is the neutral wino, while the heaviest is the gluino. In this model, there should be a strong multi-jet +etmiss signal from squark pair production at the LHC. We find a 100 fb^{-1} reach of LHC out to m_{3/2}\sim 118 TeV, corresponding to a gluino mass of \sim 2.6 TeV. A double mass edge from the opposite-sign/same flavor dilepton invariant mass distribution should be visible at LHC; this, along with the presence of short-- but visible-- highly ionizing tracks from quasi-stable charginos, should provide a smoking gun signature for inoAMSB.Comment: 30 pages including 14 .eps figure

    Testing the gaugino AMSB model at the Tevatron via slepton pair production

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    Gaugino AMSB models-- wherein scalar and trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms are suppressed at the GUT scale while gaugino masses adopt the AMSB form-- yield a characteristic SUSY particle mass spectrum with light sleptons along with a nearly degenerate wino-like lightest neutralino and quasi-stable chargino. The left- sleptons and sneutrinos can be pair produced at sufficiently high rates to yield observable signals at the Fermilab Tevatron. We calculate the rate for isolated single and dilepton plus missing energy signals, along with the presence of one or two highly ionizing chargino tracks. We find that Tevatron experiments should be able to probe gravitino masses into the ~55 TeV range for inoAMSB models, which corresponds to a reach in gluino mass of over 1100 GeV.Comment: 14 pages including 6 .eps figure