131 research outputs found

    Large deep-seated gravitational slide off Ischia volcanic island, Eastern Tyrrhenian sea (Italy)

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    Ischia island develops at the edge of the shelf area and represents the sub-aerial section of a larger, E-W trending volcanic ridge including others submerged or buried volcanic edifices. In the past decade the island’s offshore has been the object of extensive hydrographic and marine geophysical surveys that have shown the structural complexity of the undersea sections and have overall shown the importance of gravity failures in island’s evolution. In this paper we report a previously unreported deep-seated slump structure and associated surficial mass wasting phenomena which occur off Ischia south-western flank. Recently acquired hydrological and geophysical data lead to identify the morphological features and the internal organization of the failed sediments which spread along the continental slope. The extent of this deep-seated deformations and the deep structural levels involved lead to investigate on the influence played by volcanic processes and regional tectonics on slope failure. The Ischia southern slope was explored through a multibeam survey and a single-channel seismic survey. Acquisition was carried out from aboard the R/V Urania at depths between 400 and 1200 m. The bathymetric data were collected using a hull mounted Reson 8160 multibeam sonar. Resolution resulted in a 20x20 m implemented with 50x50 gridded size provided by a previously collected data. Seismic survey consisted of 6 seismic lines run along the slope spaced 1 km between them and 5 cross lines. The acoustic source used was a 1Kjoule high-energy power supply system with a multi-tips (400) sparker array, fired at 2s time interval. The collected data show that a wide submerged area of 350 km2, between 400 to 1200 m depths is undergoing slow-moving deformation and associated secondary mass wasting phenomena. Morphological features include trenches, counterscarps, bulging and both extensional and contractional features while internal deformations show typical landward dipping reflectors with strong evidence of synsedimentary faulting and asymmetric anticlines. Deformation processes operate at various scales generating folds with wavelength ranging from hundreds meters to kilometers. Extensional and rotational rupture surfaces sole out at various low-angle detachment planes located at depths from few hundreds meters to 1 kilometer in subsurface

    Large deep-seated slump structure off Ischia volcanic island, Eastern Tyrrhenian sea (Italy)

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    Ischia island is located over the Campania sector of Eastern Tyrrhenian margin and represents the sub-aerial section of a larger, E-W trending volcanic ridge including others submerged or buried volcanic edifices. The island itself result from the coalescence of a multitude of small to medium scale eruptions leading to the emplacement of domes, lava flow and pyroclastic deposits and ignimbrites (VEZZOLI et al., 1988) ranging from alkali basalts to trachytes. The oldest basement dates back to 150 ky and crops out along the perimeter of the island especially to the south. Latest eruption occurred in 1302 A.D. and together with strong hydrothermal activity, ground uplift and seismic shaking indicates the presence of a still active magmatic reservoir at depth. Most recent (Holocene) magmatic activity with local volcanic eruptions has clustered in the eastern island’s sector the while central sector is dominated by the Mt. Epomeo, consisting of an ignimbritic tuff (Green tuff Auct.) uplifted of 600-700 m in the past 33ka. In the past decade the island’s offshore has been the object of extensive hydrographic and marine geophysical surveys that have shown the structural complexity of the undersea sections and have overall shown the importance of gravity failures in island’s evolution. In particular a 1.5-3 km3 debris avalanche due to a subaerial and/or submarine flank collapse was emplaced along the steep and unbuttressed island’s flank during pre-historical or even historical times (CHIOCCI & DE ALTERIIS, 2006; de Alteriis et al., 2010) whereas three other similar deposits of comparable volumes were found over the continental shelf to the west and to the north (VIOLANTE et al, 2004; DE ALTERIIS & VIOLANTE, 2009). Here we report a previously unrecognized deep-seated slump structure and associated surficial mass wasting phenomena which occur off Ischia south-western flank. Recently acquired hydrological and geophysical data lead to identify the morphological features and the internal organization of the failed sediments which spread along the continental slope. The extent of this deep-seated deformations and the deep structural levels involved lead to investigate on the influence played by volcanic processes on slope failure. DATA AND METHODS Our dataset was acquired during the geophysical cruise PECOS 2010 carried out on R/V Urania (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR, Italy) between December 22th 2010 and January 2nd 2011 in the frame of a project leaded by Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero, (IAMC-CNR), Naples-Italy with the collaboration of Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (Palermo University), Palermo-Italy regarding coastal and offshore slope instability in the Bay of Napoli. The Ischia southern slope was explored through a multibeam survey and a single-channel seismic survey. Acquisition was carried out between 400 and 1200 m. The bathymetric data were collected using a hull mounted Reson 8160 multibeam sonar. Resolution resulted in a 20x20 m implemented with 50x50 gridded size provided by a previously collected data. The seismic survey consisted of 6 dip-lines NNE-SSW run along the slope and 5 cross lines parallel to the slope totalling 170 km. Average spacing between diplines was slightly less than 1 km while spacing between crosslines was variable from 1.2 to 2.5 km. NNE-SSW and WNW-ESE directions. The acoustic source used was a 1Kjoule high-energy power supply system with a multitips (400) sparker array, fired at 2s time interval. RESULTS The collected data show that a wide submerged area of 350 km2, between 400 to 1200 m depths is undergoing slow-moving deformation and associated secondary mass wasting phenomena. Morphological features include trenches, counterscarps, bulging and both extensional and contractional features while internal deformations show typical landward dipping reflectors with strong evidence of synsedimentary faulting and asymmetric anticlines. Deformation processes operate at various scales generating folds with wavelength ranging from hundreds meters to kilometers. Extensional and rotational rupture surfaces sole out at various low-angle detachment planes located at depths from few hundred meters to 1 kilometer in subsurface. The internal organization of the failing mass shows different pattern of deformation that allows the identification of three main units: 1) a basal unit consisting of a very broad, asymmetric slump fold with a wavelength of about 5 km and amplitude of some 100 m. The fold axis is not vertical and the three dimensional interpretation indicates that the structure is not cylindrical. The fold strictly correlates with a morphological bulge seen on bathymetry at about 20 km south of Ischia Island. 2) A wedge shaped intermediate unit characterized by discontinuous and folded reflectors, locally showing basal detachment planes and compressional features. 3) A surficial slump unit affecting the upper and middle slope characterized by a basal decollément surface and normal growth faults that sole out at depths ranging from 70 to 40 m in subsurface. It is still unclear whether the landslide process can be favored by the volcano-tectonic evolution and rapid vertical accretion of Ischia volcano or is solely due to possibly volcanic spreading of the Ischia Island. REFERENCES CHIOCCI, F. L. & DE ALTERIIS, G. (2006) - The Ischia debris avalanche. First, clear submarine evidence in the Mediterranean of a volcanic island pre-historic collapse. Terra Nova, 18, 202–209. DE ALTERIIS, G., INSINGA D. ET AL. (2010) - Age of submarine debris avalanches and tephrostratigraphy offshore Ischia Island, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. Marine Geology 278 (2010) 1– 18. DE ALTERIIS, G. & VIOLANTE, C. (2009) - Catastrophic landslides off Ischia volcanic island (Italy) during prehistory. In: C. Violante, (ed.) Geohazard in Rocky Coastal Areas. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 322, 73– 104. VEZZOLI, L. (1988) Island of Ischia. Quaderni de ‘La Ricerca Scientifica’ Progetto finalizzato ‘Geodinamica’, CNR Monografie finali, 10. VIOLANTE, C., BUDILLON, F., ET AL. (2004) - Submerged hummocky topographies and relations with landslides on the northwestern flank of Ischia island, southern Italy. In: ‘Occurrence and mechanisms of flow-like landslides in natural slopes and earthfills’, Sorrento, 14–16 May 2003. AGI, 2, 309–315

    Metabolically healthy obesity (Mho) vs. metabolically unhealthy obesity (muo) phenotypes in pcos: Association with endocrine-metabolic profile, adherence to the mediterranean diet, and body composition

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    Obesity and obesity-related low-grade inflammation are common findings in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common endocrine-metabolic disorder-affecting women in reproductive age. The terms metabolically healthy obese (MHO), and metabolically unhealthy obese (MUO) have been introduced to define individuals with obesity in whom cardio-metabolic risk factors are absent or present, respectively. To date, evidence investigating differences in body composition and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) between MHO and MUO-PCOS women are lacking. Aim of this study was to better characterize the determinants of the metabolic health status in PCOS patients with obesity according to MHO and MUO phenotypes by evaluating endocrine-metabolic profile, inflammatory status, adherence to the MD, and body composition. The study population consisted of 94 treatment-naïve women with PCOS and obesity (BMI = 38.23 ± 6.62 kg/m2 and age = 24.12 ± 3.68 years). Compared PCOS MHO with PCOS MUO patients, the latter had higher levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (p < 0.001), testosterone (p < 0.001), and insulin (p < 0.001), worse metabolic parameters, and higher Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HoMA-IR), Visceral Adiposity Index (VAI), and Fatty liver Index (FLI) (p < 0.001). Furthermore, PCOS MUO patients had lower adherence to the MD (p < 0.001) in spite of the same total energy intake (p = 0.102) as compared to PCOS MHO. The presence of MUO was associated with highest hs-CRP levels (OR = 1.49, p < 0.001), more severe hyperandrogenism and cardio-metabolic indices (p < 0.001). On the contrary, being PCOS MUO was associated with lower adherence to the MD (OR = 0.28, p < 0.001), and smaller PhAs (OR = 0.04, p < 0.001). Using a regression linear analysis model PREDIMED score entered at the first step (p < 0.001), followed by VAI (p < 0.001), and FLI (p = 0.032) in this analysis. At ROC analysis, a PREDIMED score of ≤4 (p < 0.001, AUC 0.926) could serve as a threshold for a significantly increased risk of presence the MUO-PCOS phenotype. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that characterized MHO and MUO-PCOS women on the basis of their adherence to the MD, body composition, and cardio-metabolic indices, providing evidence of the usefulness of adjunctive diagnostic parameters to better differentiate the MHO/MHO phenotypes in this cohort of PCOS patients with obesity

    Magneto-seismic interpretation of subsurface volcanism in the Gaeta Gulf (Italy, Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    The occurrence of a former subaerial volcanic edifice off the Volturno River (Tyrrhenian Sea, Gulf of Gaeta) in the 41°N parallel is suggested by joint interpretation of multichannel seismic lines and ship-borne magnetic data. In the Campanian region igneous (volcanic) rocks are very close to the carbonate Mesozoic basement and seismics cannot always discriminate between them. A joint seismic-magnetic analysis was very effective in assessing the lithological nature of the bodies evidenced by both geophysical methods. Distortion analysis showed that the main magnetic source in the area is characterised by a not normal-polarity direction of the magnetization, similar to other Pleistocene volcanoes in the Tyrrhenian region. Hence we argued that the overall magmatic emplacement for this source occurred during a reverse-polarity chron, very likely the 0.78-1.78 Ma time span. This magnetically-derived time constraint is in agreement with seismic stratigraphy that shows that the entire volcano is sealed by the Volturno River prograding delta from Middle Pleistocene to Present in age. Our interpreted volcano belongs to a set of inferred onshore and offshore volcanic edifices all lying along the 41°N paralle

    Influence of the mediterranean diet on 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in adults

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    The Mediterranean diet (MD) is a dietary pattern effective in terms of prevention of obesity-related diseases, and represents the gold standard in preventive medicine, due to the synergistic action of many nutrients with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, excess body weight significantly increases the risk of hypovitaminosis D, a well-recognized common feature of individuals with obesity. It is well-known that there is a clear gender difference in the adherence to the MD. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between adherence to the MD and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) levels in adults, according to gender. Study population consisted of 617 participants; 296 were males and 321 were females, matched by age and body mass index (BMI). A validated 14-item questionnaire PREDIMED (Prevención con dieta Mediterránea) was used for the assessment of adherence to the MD. The 25OHD levels were determined by a direct competitive chemiluminescence immunoassay. Females have a higher PREDIMED score than males (7.4 ± 2.8 vs. 6.7 ± 3.1 score, p = 0.001), and according to PREDIMED categories, a greater percentage of males had low adherence to the MD compared to their female counterparts (40.2% vs. 37.1%; χ2 = 8.94, p = 0.003). The 25OHD levels were higher in males than in females (18.3 ± 7.3 vs. 16.8 ± 7.8 ng/mL, p = 0.01), and a higher percentage of males had sufficient 25OHD levels (>30 ng/mL) than their female counterparts (10.5% vs. 3.4%, χ2 = 10.96, p 5 in males (p 7 in females (p < 0.001) could serve as thresholds for 25OHD levels above the median. The results of our study highlighted a novel positive association between adherence to the MD and 25OHD levels in both genders. Although 25OHD levels were higher in males than females, 69.7% were deficient. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to show that high adherence to the MD is associated with low BMI and high 25OHD levels in both genders, probably through the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects that are synergistically exerted by either MD or vitamin D on body weight

    A New Light on Vitamin D in Obesity: A Novel Association with Trimethylamine-N-Oxide (TMAO)

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    Abstract: Vitamin D deficiency and obesity are two public health problems extensively exacerbated over the last years. Among the several mechanisms proposed to account for the complex interplay between vitamin D and obesity, one that has gained particular attention is related to the emerging role of obesity-related changes in gut microbiota and gut-derived metabolites, such as Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). Vitamin D deficiency and high circulating TMAO levels are associated with body weight and the severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Considering the link of obesity with vitamin D on the one hand and obesity with TMAO on the other hand, and the central role of the liver in both the vitamin D and TMAO metabolism, the aim of this cross-sectional observational study was first, to confirm the possible inverse association between vitamin D and TMAO across different body mass index (BMI) classes and second, to investigate if this association could be influenced by the presence of NAFLD. One hundred and four adult subjects (50 males and 54 females; 35.38 ± 7.49 years) were enrolled. The fatty liver index (FLI) was used as a proxy for the diagnosis of NAFLD. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 65 participants (62.5%), while 33 subjects (31.7%) had insufficient levels, and the remaining subjects had sufficient levels of vitamin D. Subjects with both vitamin D deficiency and FLI-NAFLD had the highest TMAO levels (p < 0.001). By stratifying the sample population according to the BMI classes, vitamin D levels decreased significantly along with the increase of plasma TMAO concentrations, with the lowest vitamin D levels and highest TMAO, respectively, in class III obesity. Vitamin D levels showed significant opposite associations with circulating levels of TMAO (r = -0.588, p < 0.001), but this association was no longer significant after the adjustment for FLI values. The highest values of TMAO were significantly associated with the severity of obesity (OR 7.92; p < 0.001), deficiency of vitamin D (OR 1.62; p < 0.001), and FLI-NAFLD (OR 3.79; p < 0.001). The most sensitive and specific cut-off for vitamin D to predict the circulating levels of TMAO was ≤19.83 ng/mL (p < 0.001). In conclusion, our study suggests that high TMAO levels are associated with vitamin D deficiency and NAFLD. Further studies are required to investigate if there is a causality link or whether all of them are simply the consequence of obesity

    Phase angle: A possible biomarker to quantify inflammation in subjects with obesity and 25(OH)D deficiency

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    Obesity is associated to chronic low-grade metabolic inflammation and hypovitaminosis D. Among extra-skeletal effects, an important role in inflammation has been described for vitamin D (25(OH)D). Phase angle (PhA) is a bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) parameter that represents an indicator of cellular health in chronic inflammatory states. However, it is still unknown whether a low 25(OH)D levels might correlate with PhA in obesity. Considering the lack of evidence correlating the 25(OH)D levels with PhA in obesity, the aim of this study was to investigate their possible relationship in a group of patients with obesity stratified according to body mass index (BMI) categories. Four hundred and fifty-five adult subjects (219 males and 236 females; 36 ± 11 years) were enrolled. Body composition, including PhA, was assessed using a BIA phase-sensitive system. Serum levels of 25(OH)D was determined by a direct competitive chemiluminescence immunoassay. Most of the participants were affected by grade III obesity (24%) and had 25(OH)D deficiency (67%). Subjects with 25(OH)D deficiency had highest BMI (p 14 ng/mL (p < 0.001). In conclusion, we provided preliminary insights into a novel link between 25(OH)D levels and PhA in the setting of obesity. This association uncovered a new potential usefulness of PhA as expression of cell membrane integrity and predictor of inflammation in low 25(OH)D status that might help in identifying high-risk patients with obesity who could benefit from careful 25(OH)D supplementation

    Magneto-seismic interpretation of subsurface volcanism in the Gaeta Gulf (Italy, Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    The occurrence of a former subaerial volcanic edifice off the Volturno River (Tyrrhenian Sea, Gulf of Gaeta) in the 41°N parallel is suggested by joint interpretation of multichannel seismic lines and ship-borne magnetic data. In the Campanian region igneous (volcanic) rocks are very close to the carbonate Mesozoic basement and seismics cannot always discriminate between them. A joint seismic-magnetic analysis was very effective in assessing the lithological nature of the bodies evidenced by both geophysical methods. Distortion analysis showed that the main magnetic source in the area is characterised by a not normal-polarity direction of the magnetization, similar to oth- er Pleistocene volcanoes in the Tyrrhenian region. Hence we argued that the overall magmatic emplacement for this source occurred during a reverse-polarity chron, very likely the 0.78-1.78 Ma time span. This magnetically-derived time constraint is in agreement with seismic stratigraphy that shows that the entire volcano is sealed by the Volturno River prograding delta from Middle Pleistocene to Present in age. Our interpreted volcano belongs to a set of in- ferred onshore and offshore volcanic edifices all lying along the 41°N parallel

    Sex differences of vitamin D status across BMI classes: An observational prospective cohort study

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    Growing evidence reported that vitamin D deficiency is a common finding in obesity. Vitamin D status also seems to be sex-related, although little is known regarding this association. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the sex-related differences of serum 25OH vitamin D (25OHD) concentrations across body mass index (BMI) classes and, if there were any differences, whether they could be explained by sex-related differences in body composition. We enrolled 500 subjects (250 males, age 37.4 ± 11.8 years; 250 females, age 36.6 ± 11.8 years). Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) phase-sensitive system. Serum 25OHD concentration was quantified by a direct, competitive chemiluminescence immunoassay. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as a serum 25OHD concentrations < 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L). Stratifying the sample population according to sex and BMI categories, 25OHD concentrations were significantly higher in males compared to females in all BMI classes and decreased along with the increase of BMI values. Females with vitamin D deficiency had higher fat mass (FM) % compared to males with vitamin D deficiency. The 25OHD concentrations inversely correlated with FM % in both sexes. In a multiple regression analysis model, sex, FM %, and BMI were predictive factors of 25OHD concentration. In conclusion, our study suggests that 25OHD concentrations were lower in females than males across all BMI categories. Given the tight correlation between 25OHD concentrations and FM %, it can be hypothesized that the lower 25OHD concentrations in females than males can be explained by the fact that females have a higher amount of fat than males
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