933 research outputs found

    Use of test day milk yields for genetic evaluation in dairy cattle - a review

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    Traditionally, the data collected in milk recording schemes are aggregated into records for entire lactations, most often standardized to a length of 305 days (P305). These records then are used in analyses related to dairy cattle breeding programmes. Recently, interest has been increasing in the use of test day milk yields (PLDC) as alternative criterion in studies involving milk yield. Among other advantages, the use of PLDC allows considering records at their origin, i.e. at the day of recording. Under this approach genetic and environmental effects specific to each single record can be considered. Using PLDC it is possible to evaluate cows before the completion of the lactation without the use of factors to extend partial lactation records and also to improve the accuracy of a sire’s genetic evaluation as there will be more daughters with production records. However, knowledge of the particularities of the methodology is needed in order for it to be recommended and effectively used in milk production research. The objective of this study was to review the literature on the viability of using the PLDC in dairy cattle genetic evaluations. It was concluded that there are more advantages associated with the use of PLDC than of P305

    Bioensaio para avaliação de Bacillus spp. no controle biológico de microescleródios de Macrophomina phaseolina.

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    As rizobactérias do gênero Bacillus possuem diversos mecanismos que beneficiam o desenvolvimento das plantas, como controle biológico, promoção do crescimento e solubilização de nutrientes. É possível que metabólitos produzidos por Bacillus spp. ajudem no combate a patógenos habitantes do solo, como Macrophomina phaseolina, que pode matar as plantas hospedeiras, principalmente sob estresse hídrico. Objetivou-se ajustar um método de seleção de Bacillus sp. antagonistas ao fungo M. phaseolina

    Efeito inibidor de metabólitos não voláteis de Trichoderma spp. contra patógenos causadores de doenças radiculares em plantas de feijoeiro-comum.

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    Cepas do gênero Trichoderma podem produzir metabólitos secundários que inibem fitopatógenos, no solo ou nas raízes das plantas. Este trabalho analisou o potencial de cepas de Trichoderma em inibir in vitro os patógenos Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium solani e Rhizoctonia solani

    Fermion localization on asymmetric two-field thick branes

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    In this paper we investigate the localization of fermions on asymmetric thick branes generated by two scalars ϕ\phi and χ\chi. In order to trap fermions on the asymmetric branes with kink-like warp factors, the couplings with the background scalars ηΨˉF(χ,ϕ)Ψ\eta\bar{\Psi}F(\chi,\phi)\Psi are introduced, where F(χ,ϕ)F(\chi,\phi) is a function of ϕ\phi and χ\chi. We find that the coupling ηΨˉχϕΨ\eta\bar{\Psi}\chi\phi\Psi do not support the localization of 4-dimensional fermions on the branes. While, for the case ηΨˉχΨ+ηΨˉϕΨ\eta\bar{\Psi}\chi\Psi+\eta'\bar{\Psi}\phi\Psi, which is the kink-fermion coupling corresponding to one-scalar-generated brane scenarios, the zero mode of left-handed fermions could be trapped on the branes under some conditions.Comment: v2: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted by CQ

    Zoneamento agroecológico do município de Lagoa Seca, PB.

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    Visa-se, cinzelar, neste estudo um zoneamento em que se considerem os aspectos agrícolas, ecológicos e sociais inerentes ao município de Lagoa Seca, PB, elaborado através da análise dos vários cenários apresentados na área. O uso de um conjunto de recursos, como fotointerpretação, processamento de imagens georreferenciadas, posicionamento por satélites, associados à teoria sistêmica de Bertrand, possibilitou a identificação, delimitação e análise das áreas de uso antrópico, agrícola e das áreas com remanescentes vegetais significativos, que caracterizam o município. Foram elaborados para a área em estudo, arquivos digitais georreferenciados, relativos aos temas: limite municipal, áreas urbanizadas, infra-estrutura viária, rede de drenagem, altimetria, cobertura vegetal natural, uso agrícola do solo e zoneamento. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o município apresenta quatro regiões com aspectos distintos, as quais foram identificadas como regiões agroecológicas, de acordo com o fator que mais se destacou em cada área

    Chronic inflammatory diseases, subclinical atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases: Design, objectives, and baseline characteristics of a prospective case-cohort study ‒ ELSA-Brasil

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    Objectives: This analysis describes the protocol of a study with a case-cohort to design to prospectively evaluate the incidence of subclinical atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in Chronic Inflammatory Disease (CID) participants compared to non-diseased ones. Methods: A high-risk group for CID was defined based on data collected in all visits on self-reported medical diagnosis, use of medicines, and levels of high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein >10 mg/L. The comparison group is the Aleatory Cohort Sample (ACS): a group with 10% of participants selected at baseline who represent the entire cohort. In both groups, specific biomarkers for DIC, markers of subclinical atherosclerosis, and CVD morbimortality will be tested using weighted Cox. Results: The high-risk group (n = 2,949; aged 53.6 ± 9.2; 65.5% women) and the ACS (n=1543; 52.2±8.8; 54.1% women) were identified. Beyond being older and mostly women, participants in the high-risk group present low average income (29.1% vs. 24.8%, p < 0.0001), higher BMI (Kg/m2) (28.1 vs. 26.9, p < 0.0001), higher waist circumference (cm) (93.3 vs. 91, p < 0.0001), higher frequencies of hypertension (40.2% vs. 34.5%, p < 0.0001), diabetes (20.7% vs. 17%, p = 0.003) depression (5.8% vs. 3.9%, p = 0.007) and higher levels of GlycA a new inflammatory marker (p < 0.0001) compared to the ACS. Conclusions: The high-risk group selected mostly women, older, lower-income/education, higher BMI, waist circumference, and of hypertension, diabetes, depression, and higher levels of GlycA when compared to the ACS. The strategy chosen to define the high-risk group seems adequate given that multiple sociodemographic and clinical characteristics are compatible with CID

    Thermoregulatory and Behavioral Responses of Buffaloes With and Without Direct Sun Exposure During Abnormal Environmental Condition in Marajó Island, Pará, Brazil.

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    This study aimed to assess the effect of thermal-hydraulic variables in female buffaloes with or without direct solar exposure in a year of strong El Niño through behavior responses and infrared thermography to reinforce the environmental comfort indicators, in Marajó Island, Pará, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in Cachoeira do Arari municipality and 20 female Murrah buffaloes were randomly assigned to two groups: Group WS (n = 10) was kept in pickets with native trees. Group NS (n = 10) was kept in crush squeeze with no shade. Data on air temperature (AT, °C), relative air humidity (RH, %), wind velocity (WV, m/s), rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR), and body surface temperature (BST) were collected. Practical Buffalo Comfort Climatic Condition Index (BCCCI), practical Buffalo Environmental Comfort Index (BECI), Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and Benezra's Thermal Comfort Index (BTCI) were obtained. Infrared thermography analysis was carried out with a FLIR T-series T640bx camera. Data on time spent grazing, ruminating, idleness, and in other activities were recorded. A significant difference in AT of ~1°C was found between the groups at 6 a.m., 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. THI indicated emergency conditions. Female buffaloes were at danger PBCCCI conditions at 2 p.m. There was also significant difference for RT between treatments at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., whose values were higher (P < 0.05) for animals from NS Group, with the highest mean time at 2 p.m. Pearson correlation was significant and positive (P < 0.01) between RT mean and VUL, TI and ORB mean, maximum and minimum temperatures. The total time given to grazing was 518.2 min for the group NS and 629.5 min for the group WS. Rumination was more pronounced in the afternoon shift for the group NS. Buffaloes kept in a system with trees graze, ruminate and perform other activities with more intensity than animals raised in systems without access to shade, and tend to hyperthermia, mainly at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., in Marajó Island, Pará, Brazil