21 research outputs found

    Culturas de Convergência: Avatar de James Cameron

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    This article is the a theoretical exploration centered on the theme of convergence of cultures, with the backdrop of Avatar, James Cameron. The objective is to clarify the concepts of participatory culture and collective intelligence as practices of transmedia narrative associated with the film. Interests us understand the man's dynamics with technological convergence, given the new possibilities. In the specific case of this study, we can see the dissemination of Avatar in the media: cinema, internet, mobile phone, DVD and Blu-Ray, where there are established protocols between Twentieth Century Fox, Ubisoft and Weta Digital. The analysis in this paper enabled the identification of the power of convergence culture when understood by the fields of cinema, marketing, business, education and any other organization or any other media that need to communicate or promote the active participation of the publicinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Concurso de curtas-metragens enquanto laboratório de criatividade narrativa - Relato da experiência académica na ESEV

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    Narrative art is as old as human kind and assumes itself as a fundamental element of everyday life. In this sense, since a narrative is a story that presents a diegetic universe composed of real or imaginary events, lived by fictional or true beings in a given time and space, this paper’s objective is to establish and present some thought about the video competition held by the School of Education from Viseu as a laboratory for narrative creativity. This initiative, which has already held twelve editions, integrates itself within the sphere of the institution's cultural activities and it is an encouragement space for short cinematographic creations. In parallel, it aims to stimulate the talent, the creativity and the quality of the work submitted. In this contest, the students are invited, individually or in small groups, to create a short film with a maximum duration of 10 minutes, in Portuguese or in English and authors are free to propose the theme. The genres accepted in the competition are fiction, documentary and animation. The analysis of this experience allows us to list several positive aspects, such as the added value of the academic competition of short films as a mean to motivate and encourage Portuguese cinematographic production within an academic context, as well as to allow the development of skills in filming, editing and post-production by students from different study cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Audiovisual production MOOCS: analysis of organizational, content, and methodological criteria

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed unprecedented changes and challenges to the ways of learning, teaching, and communicating within educational institutions. Prophylactic isolation measures, adopted globally, have discontinued face-to-face teaching and precipitated distance learning. This reality highlighted the importance of online courses as creative initiatives to overcome space and time constraints in a limited pedagogical context. It was in this scope that the Project "Exploration of online methodologies in the development of competencies in the audiovisual area" emerged, proposing the creation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in the audiovisual area (from the idea to the final product) and the development of the online platform LOOP for the implementation and availability of this and other courses held afterward. The project involves three Portuguese higher education institutions and one Spanish one, motivated to develop innovative proposals, both in research and education. Moreover, this network presents a diversity of training in degree courses, master's, and technological specialization programs, which allows us a privileged contact with the students and helps us establish priorities and needs. This paper focuses on the survey and analysis, at the national and international level, of MOOCs dedicated to the themes of audiovisual production to expose parameters of both organizational and content scope. The methodological approach will be divided into two phases: a) identification of the criteria for analyzing courses through the literature review; b) and selection of the courses to be analyzed. This selection will be conducted through a database search, identifying the keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish: audiovisual online course; audiovisual free course; filmmaking course; scriptwriting course; video editing course; and other derivations. It is hoped to present a set of guidelines for developing the course related to the organization and the content.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Online course "from idea to final product": organizational, content, and methodological aspects

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed unprecedented changes and challenges to the ways of learning, teaching, and communicating within educational institutions. Prophylactic isolation measures, adopted globally, have discontinued face-to-face teaching and precipitated distance learning. This reality highlighted the importance of online courses as creative initiatives to overcome space and time constraints in a limited pedagogical context. It was in this scope that the Project "Exploration of online methodologies in the development of competencies in the audiovisual area" emerged, proposing the creation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in the audiovisual area (from the idea to the final product) and the development of the online platform LOOP for the implementation and availability of this and other courses held afterward. The project involves three Portuguese higher education institutions and one Spanish one, motivated to develop innovative proposals, both in research and education. Moreover, this network presents a diversity of training in degree courses, master's, and technological specialization programs, which allows us privileged contact with the students and helps us establish priorities and needs. This paper focuses on the survey and analysis, at the national and international level, of MOOCs dedicated to the themes of audiovisual production to expose parameters of both organizational and content scope. The methodological approach will be divided into two phases: a) identification of the criteria for analyzing courses through the literature review; b) and selection of the courses to be analyzed. This selection will be conducted through a database search, identifying the keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish: audiovisual online course; audiovisual free course; filmmaking course; scriptwriting course; video editing course; and other derivations. It is hoped to present a set of guidelines for developing the course related to the organization and the content.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O consumo e a partilha de conteúdos na Internet pelos estudantes do ensino superior – contextos e práticas

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    Este artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura acerca do consumo e partilha de conteúdos na Internet e surge no âmbito de um projeto de investigação que procura compreender as práticas de utilização de conteúdos entre os estudantes de uma instituição de ensino superior. Grande parte dos estudos encontrados permite concluir que a geração que frequenta atualmente o ensino superior é multitarefa e disponível para a utilização ativa de dispositivos, plataformas e serviços online quer no domínio pessoal, quer no de aprendizagem. Emerge como tendência desta pesquisa a forte presença da tecnologia e dos media sociais no dia-a-dia dos jovens, o que lhes confere uma dinâmica comunicacional intensiva e participativa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trends in online consumption and sharing of content by higher education students

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    This article presents a literature review about media consumption and content sharing on the Internet and is part of a research project that aims to outline and understand practices shared among students of a specific Portuguese higher education institution. Much of the studies found allow us to conclude that students that currently attend higher education are used to multitasking and are active users of online devices, platforms and services in both personal and learning contexts. Research shows that the presence of technology and social media in the daily life of young people is no longer just a growing trend but rather a current fact, which produces intensive and participatory communication dynamics.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The consumption and sharing of media and content on the Internet by higher education students - contexts and practices

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    Este artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura acerca do consumo e partilha de conteúdos na Internet e surge no âmbito de um projeto de investigação que procura compreender as práticas de utilização de conteúdos entre os estudantes de uma instituição de ensino superior. Grande parte dos estudos encontrados permite concluir que a geração que frequenta atualmente o ensino superior é multitarefa e disponível para a utilização ativa de dispositivos, plataformas e serviços online quer no domínio pessoal, quer no de aprendizagem. Emerge como tendência desta pesquisa a forte presença da tecnologia e dos media sociais no dia-a-dia dos jovens, o que lhes confere uma dinâmica comunicacional intensiva e participativa.This article presents a literature review about media consumption and content sharing on the Internet and is part of a research project that aims to outline and understand practices shared among students of a specific Portuguese higher education institution. Much of the studies found allow us to conclude that students that currently attend higher education are used to multitasking and are active users of online devices, platforms and services in both personal and learning contexts. Research shows that the presence of technology and social media in the daily life of young people is no longer just a growing trend but rather a current fact, which produces intensiveinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produção audiovisual para plataformas digitais interativas: os desafios do gênero documentário.

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    Storytelling transmedia: a fórmula narratológica da cultura de convergência dos média

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    The media convergence scenario, established by the increasing technological expansion, seems to entail significant changes in ways of relationship to the communication products and with the media platforms. Are visible today cultural changes, subsequent of technology use, that push the public towards a participatory appropriation of messages / media products. In this context it stands out the collaborative nature of the Internet as a transmedia practices catalyst. Largely associated to the entertainment contexts, these practices reflect the extension of information or stories, coming from a medium to other media, joining individuals / consumers with common interests and available to contribute for expansion and perpetuation of an initial content. In this paper, it is noted the phenomenon of transmedia narratives by exploiting its conceptual framework and analyzing the television fiction Lost.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A experiência da ESEV TV - televisão académica on-line

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    The study focuses on the analysis of the academic experience entitled Television of the Superior School of Education from Viseu (ESEV TV). This academic project has been an online experience since 2011 and comprises a space of experimentation and broadcasting for audiovisual contents. The significance of the digital sphere embodied mostly through the internet places this medium as the ideal platform to the exchange of contents created by the academic community and favors its dissemination to a heterogeneous audience. The implementation of this audiovisual project encourages the collaboration and the creative initiative of those involved in it and, at the same time, intents to improve the capabilities of expression and communication skills of the participants. It is also an objective of this creative initiative to build an historical archive of audiovisual produced material as also as to promote the integration of students, strengthening ethical and moral values and increasing communication strategies. ESEV TV is available to all study cycles from the institution where it is allocated and represents a workshop camp where it is possible to practice techniques and develop knowledge in the television production area. The accomplishment of the project purpose is inextricably dependent on the existence of a working group constantly updated, also multidisciplinary, that aggregates students from different areas. This complex interdependent mission is guided by teachers with knowledge and experience in the audiovisual field. The team work expects to produce an interesting online schedule that reunites, at the same time, information, culture, education and entertainment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio