3 research outputs found

    Education on Knowledge and Attitudes About Smoking Behavior in Young Men in Junior High Schools

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    Tobacco is a threat to the health of people in the world, around 8 million people die from tobacco. Every year, more than 7 million people die due to direct tobacco consumption and around 1.2 million people die due to passive smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke. The aim of this service is to increase the level of knowledge and attitudes of young men regarding smoking behavior in junior high schools. The method used was the lecture method and providing posters containing smoking behavior. The target of this activity is 30 young men from SMPN 3 Gowa Regency. The results of the service show that there has been an increase in the level of knowledge and attitudes of students regarding smoking behavior. It is hoped that the school will have educational programs such as seminars where students participate actively to exchange opinions or ask directly about smoking behavior. Apart from that, carry out an anti-smoking campaign in the school environment, put up posters about smoking behavior and involve the role of parents in supervising students

    Education on Knowledge and Attitudes about Smoking Behavior among Adolescent Boys in Junior High School

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    Tobacco is a threat to the health of the world's population, with approximately 8 million people dying from tobacco-related causes. Every year, more than 7 million people die from direct tobacco consumption and about 1.2 million people die from second-hand smoke and exposure to tobacco smoke. The purpose of this service is to increase the level of knowledge and attitudes of young men about smoking behavior at SMPN 3 Gowa. The method used is the lecture method and providing posters containing smoking behavior.  The target of this activity is young men of SMPN 3 Gowa Regency as many as 30 students. The results of the service showed an increase in the level of knowledge and attitudes of students about smoking behavior It is hoped that the school will have an educational program such as a seminar where students actively participate to exchange opinions or ask directly about smoking behavior. In addition, conduct anti-smoking campaigns in the school environment, put up posters about smoking behavior and involve the role of parents in supervising students


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    ASI merupakan cairan emas yang diracik oleh Yang Maha Sempurna dan tidak ada produk buatan manusia (susu formula ataupun sejenisnya) yang mampu menandinginya. ASI mengandung kurang lebih 500 jenis nutrisi dan susu formula hanya sekitar 40 jenis saja. ASI adalah susu yang diciptakan Tuhan khusus untuk bayi manusia. Susu formula yang dibuat dari susu sapi atau kedelai hanyalah dibuat menyerupai ASI dan iklan yang sebaliknya dapat menyesatkan. Akan tetapi karena gencarnya iklan-iklan di berbagai media target nasional 80% ASI eksklusif untuk mencapai MDGs 2015. Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) adalah makanan atau minuman yang mengandung zat gizi, diberikan kepada bayi atau anak usia 6-24 bulan guna memenuhi kebutuhan gizi selain dari ASI. MP-ASI berupa makanan padat atau cair yang diberikan secara bertahap sesuai dengan usia dan kemampuan pencernaan bayi. Pada usia 6-24 bulan ASI hanya menyediakan 1/2 kebutuhan gizi bayi. Dan pada usia 12-24 bulan ASI menyediakan 1/3 dari kebutuhan gizinya. Sehingga MP-ASI harus diberikan pada saat bayi berusia 6 bulan (Kemenkes RI, 2014)