2 research outputs found

    Designing And Validating The Methodology For The Internet Assessment Of Fish Consumption At A University Setting

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    Assessing fish consumption is complex and involves several factors; however, the use of questionnaires in surveys and the use of the Internet as tool to collect data have been considered promising approaches. Therefore, the objective of this research was to design a data collection technique using a questionnaire to assess fish consumption by making it available on a specific home page on the Internet. A bibliographical survey or review was carried out to identify the features of the instrument, and therefore pre-tests were conducted with previous instruments, followed by the Focus Group technique. Specialists then performed an analysis and conducted an online pre-test. Multivariate data analysis was applied using the SmartPLS software. The results indicate that 1.966 participants belonging to the University of São Paulo (USP) community participated in the test, and after the exclusion of some variables, a statistically significant results were obtained. The final constructs comprised consumption, quality, and general characteristics. The instrument consisted of behavioral statements in a 5-point Likert scale and multiple-choice questions. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.66 for general characteristics, 0.98 for quality, and 0.91 for consumption, which indicate good reliability of the instrument. In conclusion, the results proved that the Internet assessment is efficient. The instrument of analysis allowed us to better understand the process of buying and consuming fish in the country, and it can be used as base for further research.342315323Bargas-Avila, J.A., Lotscher, J., Orsini, S., Opwis, K., Intranet satisfaction questionnaire: Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure user satisfaction with the Intranet (2009) Computers In Human Behavior, 25 (6), pp. 1241-1250. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2009.05.014Batagelj, Z., Vehovar, V., Technical and methodological issues in surveys (1998) Proceedings of the 53° Annual Conference of the American Association For Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), , http://www.ris.org/ris98/stlouis, St. Louis. 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    Lead Biosorption By Salvinia Natans Biomass: Equilibrium Study

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    The high amount of residual metal ions released in wastewaters from process such as mining, painting, smelting, batteries manufacture, and others, becomes a problem to the environment. In view of this, the adsorption process arises as an alternative treatment to metal ion removal. The use of some biological materials as adsorbents like aquatic plants has shown high affinity by metal ions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of aquatic macrophyte Salvinia natans in Pb2+ removal. Langmuir model best fitted to equilibrium data and the maximum uptake capacity was 0.614 mmol.g-1. In order to know the biosorption mechanism FT-IR analyses were performed for S. natans before and after uptake of metal ion. The results showed different functional groups on the biomass surface and the ability of these groups bind with Pb2+ ion in aqueous solution. © 2014, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.3897102Argun, M.E., Dursun, S., Ozdemir, C., Karatas, M., Heavy metal adsorption by modified oak sawdust: Thermodynamics and kinetics (2007) J. Hazard. Mater., 141, pp. 77-85Baral, S.S., Das, S.N., Chaudhury, G.R., Swamy, Y.V., Rath, P., Adsorption of Cr(VI) using thermally activated weed Salvinia cucullata (2008) Chemical Engineering Journal, 139 (2), pp. 245-255. , DOI 10.1016/j.cej.2007.07.090, PII S1385894707005475Bée, A., Talbot, D., Abramson, S., Dupuis, V., Magnetic alginate beads for Pb(II) ions removal from wastewater (2011) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 362, pp. 486-492Božić, D., Gorgievski, M., Stanković, V., Štrbac, N., Šerbula, S., Petrović, N., Adsorption of heavy metal ions by beech sawdust - Kinetics, mechanism and equilibrium of the process (2013) Ecological Engineering, 58, pp. 202-206Das, B., Mondal, N.K., Roy, P., Chattaraj, S., Equilibrium, Kinetic and Ehermodynamic study on Chromium(VI) removal from aqueous solution using pistia stratiotes biomass (2013) Chemical Science Transactions, 2, pp. 85-104Dhir, B., Kumar, R., Adsorption of heavy metals by Salvinia biomass and agricultural residues (2010) International Journal of Environmental Research., 4, pp. 427-432Ergene, A., Ada, K., Tan, S., Katircioglu, H., Removal of Remazol Brilliant Blue R dye from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto immobilized Scenedesmus quadricauda: Equilibrium and kinetic modeling studies (2009) Desalination, 249, pp. 1308-1314Hamza, I.A.A., Martincigh, B.S., Ngila, J.C., Nyamori, V.O., Adsorption studies of aqueous Pb(II) onto a sugarcane bagasse/multi-walled carbon nanotube composite (2013) Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 66, pp. 157-166Heidari, A., Younesi, H., Mehraban, Z., Heikkinen, H., Selective adsorption of Pb(II), Cd(II), and Ni(II) ions from aqueous solution using chitosan-MAA nanoparticles (2013) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 61, pp. 251-263Keskinkan, O., Goksu, M.Z.L., Yuceer, A., Basibuyuk, M., Comparison of the adsorption capabilities of Myriophylum spicatum and Ceratophyllum demersum for zinc, copper and lead (2007) Engineering in Life Sciences, 7 (2), pp. 192-196. , DOI 10.1002/elsc.200620177Lima, L.K.S., Pelosi, B.T., Silva, M.G.C., Vieira, M.G.A., Lead and Chromium Biosorption by Pistia stratiotes biomass (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, pp. 1045-1050Lima, L.K.S., Kleinübing, S.J., Silva, E.A., Silva, M.G.C., Removal of chromium from wastewater using macrophyte Lemna as biosorbent (2011) Chemical Engineering Transactions, (25), pp. 303-308Miretzky, P., Munõz, C., Enhanced metal removal from aqueous solution by Fenton activated macrophyte biomass (2011) Desalination, 271, pp. 20-28Chandra Sekhar, K., Kamala, C.T., Chary, N.S., Sastry, A.R.K., Nageswara Rao, T., Vairamani, M., Removal of lead from aqueous solutions using an immobilized biomaterial derived from a plant biomass (2004) Journal of Hazardous Materials, pp. 111-117. , DOI 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2004.01.013, PII S0304389404000706Sharma, I., Goyal, D., Adsorption kinetics: Bioremoval of trivalent chromium from tannery effluent by Aspergillus sp. Biomass (2010) Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4, pp. 1-1Wang, X.S., Zhang, B., (2010) Sorption of Al (III) from Aqueous Solution by Fresh Macrophyte Alligator Weed: Equilibrium and Kinetics, Desalination, 250, pp. 85-489Yang, L., Chen, J.P., Biosorption of hexavalent chromium onto raw and chemically modified Sargassum sp (2008) Bioresource Technology, 99 (2), pp. 297-307. , DOI 10.1016/j.biortech.2006.12.021, PII S096085240700006