3 research outputs found

    Effects of Size Distributions From Two Distinct Polluted Environments On Dry Deposition of Atmospheric Aerosols

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    Um modelo matemático simples foi utilizado para estudar oefeito da distribuição de tamanho das partículas sobre a eficiência deremoção por deposição seca. Para esta finalidade foram utilizadas duasdistribuições de tamanho de aerossóis, típicas de ambientes poluídos:uma distribuição de ambiente de queimada (Amazônia) e outra de ambienteurbano (São Paulo). Os resultados mostraram que partículas origináriasde ambiente urbano são mais eficientemente removidas por deposiçãoseca do que partículas de queimada. Este comportamento está associadoao fato de que a natureza de remoção das partículas por deposiçãoseca é pouco eficiente para diâmetros entre 0,1 e 1,0 mm, domínioem que se concentra a maior parte das partículas de queimada. Esse mecanismodiferencial de deposição é o que explica o maior efeito deletériodas partículas ultra-finas no sistema respiratório humano

    Limited area models coupling atmosphere (mm5) and ocean (pom) and its application in southwest south atlantic bight

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    In this study it is presented the methodology used to develop a coupled modeling system between atmosphere and ocean. MM5 (Mesoscale Modelling System 5th Generation) and Princeton Ocean Model (POM) have been used as the basic tools for the proposed methodology. Interpolation routines were created, using Barnes (1964) objective analysis that was used as base method in order to exchange fields between the models. POM has been setup to transfer sea surface temperature to MM5, while it back with momentum flux and solar radiation. Results obtained from Ocean Data Assimilation (ODA) Experiment, developed by the Geophysical Fluids Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) using the Modular Ocean Model (MOM), have been used as initial and boundary condition for temperature, salinity and horizontal velocity components. In atmosphere Global Forecast System Model (National Centers for Environmental Prediction - NCEP) analysis has been used as initial and boundary conditions, updated every six hours. Computational, and some physical aspects, of the coupled system are investigated for the Southwest Atlantic Bight (region near shore Vitória-Trindade chain extending to Itajaí on 27°S latitude). The results have shown some computational throughputs in interpolation routines when transferring fields between models. Both atmospheric and ocean models has shown physical results reasonable with that encountered in that region.Pages: 1373-138