111 research outputs found
Vitimação criminal nos Campi Universitários (UMinho) : da prevalência às medidas de autoproteção
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia da Justiça)Face às estatísticas oficiais de criminalidade, os inquéritos de vitimação criminal apresentam-se
como um instrumento de mensuração alternativo que permite a deteção de muita criminalidade oculta.
A investigação internacional sobre a vitimação em campi universitários tem-se dedicado ao estudo da
prevalência de criminalidade neste contexto específico. O presente estudo tem como objetivo captar a
prevalência de vitimação criminal no ano letivo 2009/2010, junto dos seus utilizadores (alunos,
professores e staff) nos campi universitários da Universidade do Minho. Simultaneamente, procura
analisar as modalidades criminais com maior expressão, os segmentos da população mais vitimados,
as características do ofensor, as circunstâncias espaciais e temporais do delito, o impacto decorrente da
experiência da vitimação sofrida e a posição da vítima face à denúncia do crime. O estudo procurou,
ainda, captar as perceções de (in) segurança dos participantes face ao campus ao qual estão vinculados
pelas suas atividades académicas ou profissionais. Para tal, foi construído o inquérito Campi
Universitários (UM): Vitimação Criminal e Perceção de (In) Segurança (Costa, Matos & Mendes,
2011), administrado a uma amostra de 1001 participantes.
Os resultados documentam que 10.3% dos participantes foram alvo de, pelo menos, um
episódio de vitimação criminal nesse ano e que 41.6% observou vitimação criminal contra terceiros
(bens ou pessoas) nos campi universitários da UM (o crime de injúria foi o mais experienciado e
observado).A vítima de crime é, tipicamente, do sexo feminino, de nacionalidade portuguesa, jovem
adulta, solteira, estudante e com escolaridade superior, à exceção das vítimas do crime de coação, as
quais apresentam algumas especificidades diferenciadoras (e.g., adulto, com união civil formalizada e
não aluno). Das vítimas, 41.8% recorreram a medidas de autoproteção após a experiência de vitimação
criminal. Quanto à participação dos factos, apenas uma pequena percentagem de vítimas optou por
essa prática (14.9%), quer junto das entidades da UM, quer às entidades judiciais. O ofensor é,
habitualmente, descrito pelas vítimas como sendo um indivíduo do sexo masculino, desconhecido (à
exceção do crime de coação, no qual é conhecido das vítimas) e que não recorre a armas durante o
episódio criminal. Maioritariamente os delitos foram perpetrados em período diurno e o mês de Maio
destacou-se pela maior frequência.
Amplamente demonstrada a eficácia de medidas de prevenção situacional do crime em estudos
internacionais, avançamos com algumas sugestões finais dirigidas especificamente aos hot spots
criminais que este inquérito de vitimação permitiu identificar.Criminal victimization surveys are presented as an alternative measurement tool which allows the
detection of many hidden criminality. The international research regarding victimization on
college campi has been showing the crime prevalence in this particular context. This study aimed to
capture the criminal victimization prevalence, occurred in the year 2009/2010, between the members
of the University of Minho (students, faculty and staff). Simultaneously this study examined the most
prevalent crimes, and the most victimized groups, as well as the victimization impact, victims’
position towards crime complaint, and finally the characteristics of the offender and the spatial and
temporal circumstances of the offense. Furthermore, the study also assessed participants’ perceptions
concerning caumpus security. To reach these proposes, we developed a survey entitled “University
Campus (UM): Criminal Victimization and Perception of (In)Security (Costa Matos & Mendes, 2011).
The survey was completed by a sample of 1001 participants.
The results revealed that 10.3% of participants experienced at least one episode of criminal
victimization during the assessed period and 41.6% of participants observed criminal victimization
against other at the UM campus. The victim was typically a single young female, with Portuguese
nationality and a student in this higher education institution. An exception to this profile was found
concerning coercion victimization, wherein victims are usually adults, in formal relationships, and not
students. From the victims group, 41.8% reported the use of self-protection measures after the criminal
episode. The results also demonstrated that only a small percentage of the victims (14.9%) reported
the incident to UM officials or law enforcement agencies. The offender was usually described by the
victims as an unknown male individual (with exception of coercion crimes where the offender is
known by the victims) who did not use weapons during the crime episode. The crimes were
committed mostly during the day, being May the month with higher crimes’ frequency.
Supported by international studies that demonstrated the effectiveness of crime’s situational
prevention strategies against, we proposed some final suggestions towards the criminal hot spots based
on the results of our victimization survey
Preparação individualizada da medicação em doentes polimedicados
Comunicação apresentada no XI Congresso Científico AEFFUP (Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto): A Nova Era das Ciências Farmacêuticas. 25 Novembro 2016, Delegação Norte da ANF, PortoN/
Intervenções estimuladoras da adesão à terapêutica: uma reflexão sobre o contributo dos farmacêuticos para a saúde pública
"Em julho de 2014 foi reconhecido o importante papel que o farmacêutico comunitário poderá ter na promoção da adesão à terapêutica, sendo a sua intervenção referida como uma das estratégias em saúde pública consideradas prioritárias (Compromisso para a Saúde entre MS e ANF, 9 de Julho 2014).No entanto, apenas a regulamentação sobre os termos e condições da remuneração adicional às farmácias pela redução na despesa do SNS e dos utentes, através do aumento da quota de genéricos foi publicada, encontrando-se as atividades no âmbito da adesão à terapêutica ainda por regulamentar. Desta forma,
pretende-se aqui fazer uma breve reflexão sobre alguns contributos importantes nesta área, que poderão servir de incentivo ao debate e à definição de rumos possíveis a seguir.
The organizational framework of community pharmacies in Europe
This is the author’s version of a manuscript that was accepted for publication in International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. The final publication is available at link.springer.co
Barriers and facilitators for the implementation of advanced pharmaceutical services
Poster presented at the 5th PCNE Working Symposium 2016: “Work in Progress – Progress in Work”, 19-20 February 2016, Hillerød, Denmark
Evaluation of antibiotic prescription for upper respiratory tract infections in the community pharmacy setting
This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"Objectives: To empirically classify the etiology of URTI; to study the prescription pattern for antibiotics in URTI; and to analyze the necessity and adequacy of prescribed therapy.
Study design: Observational non analytical cross-sectional study.
Study sites: Two community pharmacies located in Almada and in Elvas.
Study population: Patients with an antibiotic prescription for a URTI (self use) and age greater than or equal to 18 years.
Methods: Clinical and therapeutic data were collected during patient observation performed by a training pharmacist, and complemented with information collected through a questionnaire administered face-to-face to patients meeting the inclusion criteria and agreeing to participate. Empirical classifications were developed, one to ascertain the probability of URTI, based on Centor criteria, and another, to judge the need for antibiotic therapy, based on additional criteria considering subpopulations known to be at higher risk. Data was analyzed using the software SPSS, version 20.0.
Results: The sample included 22 patients (27.3% recruited in Almada and 72.7% in Elvas). The most frequently prescribed antibiotic class was macrolides (54.5%), followed by penicillins (36.4%). In the first group, clarithromycin prevailed (66.7%) and in the second group, the more common was the association amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (75%). Considering the empirical classification developed, it was estimated that only one patient (4.5%) presented signs and symptoms suggestive of URTI with probable bacterial aetiology, and only three patients (13.6%) had an indication for antimicrobial therapy.
Conclusion: The majority of patients observed were classified as having infections with apparently non-bacterial aetiology, for which the prescription of antibiotic would have been probably needless. This alerts to the overuse of antibiotics in the community setting, particularly for URTI, and its contribution to resistance.
Management of clinical relevant drug-drug interactions with antipsychotics in nursing homes
Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Impact of harm minimization interventions on reducing blood-borne infection transmission and some injecting behaviors among people who inject drugs: an overview and evidence gap mapping
Background: This study aimed to synthetize the evidence on the effectiveness of harm minimization interventions in reducing blood-borne infection transmission and injecting behaviors among people who inject drugs (PWID) through a comprehensive overview of systematic reviews and evidence gap mapping. Methods: A systematic review was conducted with searches in PubMed and Scopus to identify systematic reviews assessing the impact of interventions aimed at reducing the harms associated with injectable drug use. The overall characteristics of the studies were extracted and their methodological quality was assessed using AMSTAR-2. An evidence gap map was constructed, highlighting the most frequently reported outcomes by intervention (CRD42023387713). Results: Thirty-three systematic reviews were included. Of these, 14 (42.2%) assessed the impact of needle/syringe exchange programs (NSEP) and 11 (33.3%) examined opioid agonist therapy (OAT). These interventions are likely to be associated with reductions of HIV/HCV incidence (10-40% risk reduction for NSEP; 50-60% for OAT) and sharing injecting paraphernalia (50% for NSEP, 25-85% for OAT), particularly when combined (moderate evidence). Behavioral/educational interventions were assessed in 12 reviews (36.4%) with most authors in favor/partially in favor of the use of these approaches (moderate evidence). Take-home naloxone programs and supervised injection facilities were each assessed in two studies (6.1%), which reported inconclusive results (limited/inconsistent evidence). Most authors reported high levels of heterogeneity and risk of bias. Other interventions and outcomes were inadequately reported. Most systematic reviews presented low or critically low quality. Conclusion: The evidence is sufficient to support the effectiveness of OAT, NSEP, and their combination in reducing blood-borne infection transmission and certain injecting behaviors among PWID. However, evidence of other harm minimization interventions in different settings and for some outcomes remains insufficient.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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