32 research outputs found

    High resolution inelastic X-ray scattering from thermal collective excitations

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    Softening of Cu-O bond stretching phonon in tetragonal HgBa2_2CuO4+δ_{4+\delta}

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    Phonons in nearly optimally doped HgBa2_2CuO4+δ_{4+\delta} were studied by inelastic X-ray scattering. The dispersion of the low energy modes is well described by a shell model, while the Cu-O bond stretching mode at high energy shows strong softening towards the zone boundary, which deviates strongly from the model. This seems to be common in the hole-doped high-TcT_\mathrm{c} superconducting cuprates, and, based on this work, not related to a lattice distortion specific to each material.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Charge fluctuations and electron-phonon interaction in the finite-UU Hubbard model

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    In this paper we employ a gaussian expansion within the finite-UU slave-bosons formalism to investigate the momentum structure of the electron-phonon vertex function in the Hubbard model as function of UU and nn. The suppression of large momentum scattering and the onset a small-q{\bf q} peak structure, parametrized by a cut-off qcq_c, are shown to be essentially ruled by the band narrowing factor ZMFZ_{\rm MF} due to the electronic correlation. A phase diagram of ZMFZ_{\rm MF} and qcq_c in the whole UU-nn space is presented. Our results are in more than qualitative agreement with a recent numerical analysis and permit to understand some anomalous features of the Quantum Monte Carlo data.Comment: 4 pages, eps figures include

    Phonon dispersion and lifetimes in MgB2

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    We measure phonon dispersion and linewidth in a single crystal of MgB_2 along the Gamma-A, Gamma-M and A-L directions using inelastic X-Ray scattering. We use Density Functional Theory to compute the effect of both electron-phonon coupling and anharmonicity on the linewidth, obtaining excellent agreement with experiment. Anomalous broadening of the E_2g phonon mode is found all along Gamma-A. The dominant contribution to the linewidth is always the electron-phonon coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Inelastic X-ray Scattering by Electronic Excitations in Solids at High Pressure

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    Investigating electronic structure and excitations under extreme conditions gives access to a rich variety of phenomena. High pressure typically induces behavior such as magnetic collapse and the insulator-metal transition in 3d transition metals compounds, valence fluctuations or Kondo-like characteristics in ff-electron systems, and coordination and bonding changes in molecular solids and glasses. This article reviews research concerning electronic excitations in materials under extreme conditions using inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS). IXS is a spectroscopic probe of choice for this study because of its chemical and orbital selectivity and the richness of information it provides. Being an all-photon technique, IXS has a penetration depth compatible with high pressure requirements. Electronic transitions under pressure in 3d transition metals compounds and ff-electron systems, most of them strongly correlated, are reviewed. Implications for geophysics are mentioned. Since the incident X-ray energy can easily be tuned to absorption edges, resonant IXS, often employed, is discussed at length. Finally studies involving local structure changes and electronic transitions under pressure in materials containing light elements are briefly reviewed.Comment: submitted to Rev. Mod. Phy

    Phonon anomalies at the valence transition of SmS : An inelasticX-ray scattering study under pressure

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    The phonon dispersion curve of SmS under pressure was studied by inelastic x-ray scattering around the pressure-induced valence transition. A significant softening of the longitudinal acoustic modes propagating along the [111] direction was observed spanning a wide qq region from (2π3a,2π3a,2π3a\frac{2\pi}{3a},\frac{2\pi}{3a},\frac{2\pi}{3a}) up to the zone boundary as SmS becomes metallic. The largest softening occurs at the zone boundary and stays stable up to the highest measured pressure of 80 kbar while a gradual hardening of the low qq modes simultaneously appears. This phonon spectrum indicates favorable conditions for the emergence of pressure-induced superconductivity in SmS.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Superconductivity of bulk CaC6

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    We have obtained bulk samples of the graphite intercalation compound, CaC6, by a novel method of synthesis from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. The crystal structure has been completely determined showing that it is the only member of the MC6, metal-graphite compounds, which has rhombohedral symmetry. We have clearly shown the occurrence of superconductivity in the bulk sample at 11.5K, using magnetization measurements.Comment: 8 pages of text + 4 figures = 12 page

    Sharp optical phonon softening close to optimal doping in La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4+δ_{4+\delta}

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    We report a direct observation of a sharp Kohn-like anomaly in the doubly degenerate copper-oxygen bond-stretching phonon mode occurring at q=(0.3,0,0)\mathbf{q}\mathrm{=(0.3, 0,0)} in La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4+δ_{4+\delta} with x=0.14±0.01\mathrm{x=0.14\pm0.01}, thanks to the high Q\mathbf{Q} resolution of inelastic x-ray scattering. This anomaly is clearly seen when the inelastic signal is analysed using a single mode but is also consistent with a two mode hypothesis possibly due to a splitting of the degenerate modes due to symmetry breaking stripes. Our observation shows that the effect persists at the stripe propagation vector in a superconducting system close to optimal doping

    Observation of Umklapp processes in non-crystalline materials

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    Umklapp processes are known to exist in cristalline materials, where they control important properties such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity and electrical conductivity. In this work we report the provocative observation of Umklapp processes in a non-periodical system, namely liquid Lithium. The lack of a well defined periodicity seems then not to prevent the existence of these scattering processes mechanisms provided that the local order of the systems i.e. the maxima of the static structure factor supply the equivalent of a reciprocal lattice vector in the case of cristalline materials.Comment: 13 pages P

    Poor screening and nonadiabatic superconductivity in correlated systems

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    In this paper we investigate the role of the electronic correlation on the hole doping dependence of electron-phonon and superconducting properties of cuprates. We introduce a simple analytical expression for the one-particle Green's function in the presence of electronic correlation and we evaluate the reduction of the screening properties as the electronic correlation increases by approaching half-filling. The poor screening properties play an important role within the context of the nonadiabatic theory of superconductivity. We show that a consistent inclusion of the reduced screening properties in the nonadiabatic theory can account in a natural way for the TcT_c-δ\delta phase diagram of cuprates. Experimental evidences are also discussed.Comment: 12 Pages, 6 Figures, Accepted on Physical Review