1,846 research outputs found

    A test of first order scaling in Nf=2 QCD

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    We complete our analysis of Nf=2 QCD based on the lattice staggered fermion formulation. Using a series of Monte Carlo simulations at fixed (amq*Ls^yh) one is able to test the universality class with given critical exponent yh. This strategy has been used to test the O(4) universality class and it has been presented at the previous Lattice conferences. No agreement was found with simulations in the mass range amq=[0.01335,0.15] using lattices with Ls=16 up to 32 and Lt=4. With the same strategy, we now investigate the possibility of a first order transition using a new set of Monte Carlo data corresponding to yh=3 in the same mass and volume range as the one used for O(4). A substantial agreement is observed both in the specific heat scaling and in the scaling of the chiral condensate, while the chiral susceptibilities still presents visible deviation from scaling in the mass range explored.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Presented at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4 2007, Regensburg, German

    Two flavor QCD and confinement - II

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    This paper is part of a program of investigation of the chiral transition in Nf=2 QCD, started in Phys.Rev.D72:114510,2005. Progress is reported on the understanding of some possible systematic errors. A direct test of first order scaling is presented.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Sulla illegittimit\ue0 costituzionale dei decreti-legge \u201ctaglia-leggi\u201d

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    Sommario: 1. I decreti-legge \u201ctaglia-leggi\u201d nel procedimento di semplificazione della legislazione vigente. 2. Sulla asserita necessit\ue0 ed urgenza di una abrogazione espressa. 3. Sulla necessit\ue0 del provvedimento e del provvedere con l\u2019abrogazione differita. 4. Sulla straordinariet\ue0 come fondamento del potere normativo primario del Governo. 5. Sulle interferenze tra decreto-legge e delega legislativa. 6. Infine, alcune considerazioni di merito: una semplificazione\u2026 un po\u2019 troppo complicata

    A test of first order scaling in Nf =2 QCD: a progress report

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    We present the status of our analysis on the order of the finite temperature transition in QCD with two flavors of degenerate fermions. Our new simulations on large lattices support the hypothesis of the first order nature of the transition, showing a preliminary two state signal. We will discuss the implications and the next steps in our analysis.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Talk presented at The XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 14 - 19, 2008 - Williamsburg, Virginia, US

    On the phase diagram of the Higgs SU(2) model

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    The Higgs SU(2) model with fixed Higgs length is usually believed to have two different phases at high gauge coupling (\beta), separated by a line of first order transitions but not distinuguished by any typical symmetry associated with a local order parameter, as first proved by Fradkin and Shenker. We show that in regions of the parameter space where it is usually supposed to be a first order phase transition only a smooth crossover is in fact present.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Talk presented at The XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 14 - 19, 2008 - Williamsburg, Virginia, US
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