1,119 research outputs found

    OpenJML: Software verification for Java 7 using JML, OpenJDK, and Eclipse

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    OpenJML is a tool for checking code and specifications of Java programs. We describe our experience building the tool on the foundation of JML, OpenJDK and Eclipse, as well as on many advances in specification-based software verification. The implementation demonstrates the value of integrating specification tools directly in the software development IDE and in automating as many tasks as possible. The tool, though still in progress, has now been used for several college-level courses on software specification and verification and for small-scale studies on existing Java programs.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2014, arXiv:1404.578

    OMV mission simulator

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    The Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle (OMV) will be remotely piloted during rendezvous, docking, or proximity operations with target spacecraft from a ground control console (GCC). The real-time mission simulator and graphics being used to design a console pilot-machine interface are discussed. A real-time orbital dynamics simulator drives the visual displays. The dynamics simulator includes a J2 oblate earth gravity model and a generalized 1962 rotating atmospheric and drag model. The simulator also provides a variable-length communication delay to represent use of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) and NASA Communications (NASCOM). Input parameter files determine the graphics display. This feature allows rapid prototyping since displays can be easily modified from pilot recommendations. A series of pilot reviews are being held to determine an effective pilot-machine interface. Pilots fly missions with nominal to 3-sigma dispersions in translational or rotational axes. Console dimensions, switch type and layout, hand controllers, and graphic interfaces are evaluated by the pilots and the GCC simulator is modified for subsequent runs. Initial results indicate a pilot preference for analog versus digital displays and for two 3-degree-of-freedom hand controllers

    Social Security and Retirement during Transition: Microeconometric Evidence from Slovenia. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 57, 2 September 2008

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    This paper analyses old-age retirement decisions of Slovenian men and women eligible to retire in the period 1997-2003. In addition to established market economies, relatively high hazard rates of retirement are found, which decline with age. This peculiar pattern can be partly attributed to weak incentives to work inherent in the design of social security and is reflected in predominantly negative values of accruals and to transition-specific increases in wage inequality in the late 1980 and early 1990s. The authors also find that the probability of retirement increases with social security wealth and decreases with net wages, although the response to option value to work, with controlling for wage differences, is rather weak. The results also imply that less educated persons, persons with great private wealth and persons entitled to severance payment are more likely to retire

    SPEEDY: An Eclipse-based IDE for invariant inference

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    SPEEDY is an Eclipse-based IDE for exploring techniques that assist users in generating correct specifications, particularly including invariant inference algorithms and tools. It integrates with several back-end tools that propose invariants and will incorporate published algorithms for inferring object and loop invariants. Though the architecture is language-neutral, current SPEEDY targets C programs. Building and using SPEEDY has confirmed earlier experience demonstrating the importance of showing and editing specifications in the IDEs that developers customarily use, automating as much of the production and checking of specifications as possible, and showing counterexample information directly in the source code editing environment. As in previous work, automation of specification checking is provided by back-end SMT solvers. However, reducing the effort demanded of software developers using formal methods also requires a GUI design that guides users in writing, reviewing, and correcting specifications and automates specification inference.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2014, arXiv:1404.578

    Country report Slovenia

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    The Income Tax Reform in Slovenia: Should the Flat Tax Have Prevailed?

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    In 2007 Slovenia launched a comprehensive reform of its tax system. This article presents an analysis of several envisaged tax reform scenarios, including the flat tax proposal, with a dynamic general equilibrium model of the Slovenian economy, linked to a microsimulation model. We focus mainly on the macroeconomic and welfare aspects of the proposed scenarios, thus capturing the overall effect on individual taxpayers and the government budget. The main characteristics of the model are presented along with the results of different reform scenarios, including the one that finally passed the parliament and now forms part of Slovenia’s tax system. Our results suggest that options other than the flat tax system are better suited to the country’s long-term economic development.flat tax; general equilibrium model; income inequality; macroeconomic effects; personal income tax; Slovenia; tax reform; welfare analysis

    R&D and Economic Growth in Slovenia: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach with Endogenous Growth

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    In the article, we model R&D as a major endogenous growth element in a small open economy general equilibrium framework and consider several R&D policy scenarios for Slovenia. Increase of the share of sectoral investment in R&D that is deductible from the CIT and increase of government spending on R&D turned out to be the most effective policy measures. While the former policy measure is still in part followed by an undesired dividend increase, the increase of government spending on R&D boosts long-run productivity in the economy, thus increasing the future value of firms, which is reflected in a desire dividend increase. The households that would gain more utility from such policy scenarios are those with more skilled and highly skilled labour, but not the very top earners in the economy.endogenous growth; general equilibrium modelling; R&D; Slovenia

    Demasque van het christelijk onderwijs?

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    Rede in verkorte vorm uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar aan de universiteit Utrecht vanwege het Utrechts Universiteitsfonds op het terrein van de ‘Levensbeschouwelijke opvoeding en vorming in een multi-religieuze context

    Corporate Risk Management in Slovenian Firms

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    In today’s competitive environment the modern firm increasingly focuses on identifying, measuring and managing various risk exposures. Risk management is interwoven with the firm’s business strategy and impacts considerably on its competitive position. Thus, management should develop an integrated approach to address it. Although hedging using derivatives accounts for just one part of such an approach, the article solely covers financial risk management using derivatives. Namely, it is found that even Slovenian blue-chip firms still have room to improve as they have only recently started to use derivatives. The article reviews some of the most interesting characteristics and practices of modern Slovenian financial risk management departments and provides a practically oriented case-study which describes the important steps a risk manager must take to hedge commodity price exposure.risk management, derivatives, corporate finance, hedging accounting, reporting, supervision, auditing

    Use of Simulation Models for the Tax Reform in Slovenia

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    In 2007 Slovenia launched a comprehensive reform of its tax system. To estimate the different proposals (including a flat-tax proposal) and their overall effect on individual taxpayers and government budget a static micro-simulation model was constructed and combined with a computable general equilibrium model. It uses a large, comprehensive database (6% of the population) provided by relevant ministries and government agencies and proved to be a reliable tool during implementation of the reform. In the paper, the main characteristics of both models are presented along with the results of different reform scenarios, including those which finally passed the parliament and now form part of the Slovenian tax system.tax reform, personal income tax, income inequality, microsimulation, CGE