30 research outputs found

    New model for datasets citation and extraction reproducibility in VAMDC

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    In this paper we present a new paradigm for the identification of datasets extracted from the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) e-science infrastructure. Such identification includes information on the origin and version of the datasets, references associated to individual data in the datasets, as well as timestamps linked to the extraction procedure. This paradigm is described through the modifications of the language used to exchange data within the VAMDC and through the services that will implement those modifications. This new paradigm should enforce traceability of datasets, favour reproducibility of datasets extraction, and facilitate the systematic citation of the authors having originally measured and/or calculated the extracted atomic and molecular data.Comment: 48 page

    Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations

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    This white-paper expresses common requirements of Research Communities seeking to leverage Identity Federation for Authentication and Authorisation. Recommendations are made to Stakeholders to guide the future evolution of Federated Identity Management in a direction that better satisfies research use cases. The authors represent research communities, Research Services, Infrastructures, Identity Federations and Interfederations, with a joint motivation to ease collaboration for distributed researchers. The content has been edited collaboratively by the Federated Identity Management for Research (FIM4R) Community, with input sought at conferences and meetings in Europe, Asia and North America

    Assessment of the FAIRness of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre following the Research Data Alliance evaluation framework

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    International audienceIn this paper we present the result of the analysis made on the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre infrastructure, following the FAIR Data Maturity Model framework defined by the Research Data Alliance. After recalling the technical architecture of the VAMDC e-infrastructure (subsection 1.1), we will introduce the RDA FAIR evaluation framework (section 2) and define the methodology we adopt to perform our analy- sis (subsection 2.1). In subsection 2.2 we will present the result of this analysis (the fine-grained granularity analysis from which subsection 2.2 is discussed in Appendix A). After having identified some lines of work aimed at improving the FAIRness of VAMDC (section 3), we will con- clude with some ideas for further developments of this work (section 4)

    Two- and three-field formulations for wave transmission between media with opposite sign dielectric constants

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    International audienceWe consider a simplified scalar model problem related to Maxwell equations, involving wave transmission between media with opposite sign dielectric and/or magnetic constants. We build two variational formulations equivalent to the model problem. We show that, under some suitable conditions, both formulations are well-posed since they fit into the coercive plus compact framework. Advantages over previous studies is the validity of the formulations in the general case of Lipschitz interface between the two media and L∞ dielectric and magnetic constants. An interesting feature of these formulations is that they allow a simple finite element numerical implementation. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Time harmonic wave diffraction problems in materials with sign-shifting coefficients

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    International audienceSome electromagnetic materials present, in a given frequency range, an effective dielectric permittivity and/or magnetic permeability which are negative. We are interested in the reunion of such a "negative" material and a classical one. More precisely, we consider here a scalar model problem for the simulation of a wave transmission between two such materials. This model is governed by a Helmholtz equation with a weight function in the ΔΔ principal part which takes positive and negative real values. Introducing additional unknowns, we have already proposed in Bonnet-Ben Dhia et al. (2006) [1] some new variational formulations of this problem, which are of Fredholm type provided the absolute value of the contrast of permittivities is large enough, and therefore suitable for a finite element discretization. We prove here that, under similar conditions on the contrast, the natural variational formulation of the problem, although not "coercive plus compact", is nonetheless suitable for a finite element discretization. This leads to a numerical approach which is straightforward, less costly than the previous ones, and very accurate

    IPOPv2 online service for the generation of opacity tables

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    International audienceIn the framework of the present phase – IPOPv2 – of the international Opacity Project (OP), a new web service has been implemented based on the latest release of the OP opacities. The user may construct online opacity tables to be conveniently included in stellar evolution codes in the format most commonly adopted by stellar physicists, namely the OPAL format. This facility encourages the use and comparison of both the OPAL and OP data sets in applications. The present service allows for the calculation of multi-element mixtures containing the 17 species (H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe and Ni) considered by the OP, and underpins the latest release of OP opacities. This new service provides tables of Rosseland mean opacites using OP atomic data. We provide an alternative to the OPAL opacity services allowing direct comparison as well as study of the effect of uncertainties in stellar modeling due to mean opacities

    ArchEthno - a new tool for sharing research materials and a new method for archiving your own research

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    International audienceThe archiving of ethnographic material is generally considered a blind spot in ethnographic working methods which place more importance on actual investigations and analysis than on how archives are constructed. A team of computer scientists and ethnographers has built an initial tool for sharing ethnographic materials, based on an SQL relational data model that suited the first survey processed but proved difficult to transpose to other surveys. The team developed a new tool based on dynamic vocabularies of concepts which breaks down archiving into three stages. Firstly ethnographers can select and contextualise their survey materials; secondly they structure them in a database according to the research question discovered during their survey; finally, they share this data with other researchers subject to the opinion of an ethics committee whose members are competent in ethnography

    A new compactness result for electromagnetic waves. Application to the transmission problem between dielectrics and metamaterials

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    International audienceWe consider the time-harmonic Maxwell equations, involving wave transmission between media with opposite sign dielectric and/or magnetic coefficients. We prove that, in the case of sign-shifting dielectric coefficients, the space of electric fields is compactly embedded in L 2. We build a three-field variational formulation equivalent to Maxwell system for sign-shifting magnetic coefficients and show that, under some suitable conditions, the formulation fits into the coercive plus compact framework. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company