131 research outputs found

    Current-voltage scaling of a Josephson-junction array at irrational frustration

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    Numerical simulations of the current-voltage characteristics of an ordered two-dimensional Josephson junction array at an irrational flux quantum per plaquette are presented. The results are consistent with an scaling analysis which assumes a zero temperature vortex glass transition. The thermal correlation length exponent characterizing this transition is found to be significantly different from the corresponding value for vortex-glass models in disordered two-dimensional superconductors. This leads to a current scale where nonlinearities appear in the current-voltage characteristics decreasing with temperature TT roughly as T2T^2 in contrast with the T3T^3 behavior expected for disordered models.Comment: RevTex 3.0, 12 pages with Latex figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B 54, Rapid. Com

    Trabajo colaborativo y Educación Física: Una propuesta didáctica de escalada en Educación Primaria

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    En este trabajo se expone una experiencia diseñada para dar respuesta a los bajos niveles de implementación de las actividades en el medio natural en los colegios del barrio de Las Delicias en la ciudad de Zaragoza. El coste económico de las actividades y la falta de infraestructuras y materiales son los factores que más limitan a los maestros de Educación Física para poder incorporar estos contenidos en sus centros. La experiencia presentada tiene por objetivo superar estas dificultades. De este modo, queda constituida por dos apartados: en primer lugar, la construcción de un rocódromo a bajo coste. En segundo lugar, una unidad didáctica de ocho sesiones. Las actividades presentadas favorecen un uso responsable del rocódromo, favoreciendo la autonomía del alumnado en la iniciación a este deporte, pasando por los roles de escalador, asegurador y guía. La propuesta ha tenido gran acogida en el centro, implicando también a docentes del área de Educación Infantil en la decoración de la nueva infraestructura. This paper presents an experience designed to address the low levels of implementation of outdoor activities in schools in ''Las Delicias'' neighborhood, Zaragoza. The (high) cost of these activities and the lack of equipment and facilities are the main limitations that Physical Education teachers face when they try to carry them out in schools. The main objective of the experience we present is to overcome the aforementioned difficulties. To this end, it consists of two parts: firstly, the construction of a low-cost climbing wall. Secondly, the development of an eight-session teaching unit that will take place using the aforesaid climbing wall. These actions promote a responsible use of the climbing wall as well as the autonomy of the students through their introduction to this sport, where they will be requested to take the roles of climber, insurer, and guide

    Current-voltage scaling of chiral and gauge-glass models of two-dimensional superconductors

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    The scaling behavior of the current-voltage characteristics of chiral and gauge glass models of disordered superconductors, are studied numerically, in two dimensions. For both models, the linear resistance is nonzero at finite temperatures and the scaling analysis of the nonlinear resistivity is consistent with a phase transition at T=0 temperature characterized by a diverging correlation length ξTνT\xi \propto T^{-\nu_{T}} and thermal critical exponent νT\nu_{T}. The values of νT\nu_{T}, however, are found to be different for the chiral and gauge glass models, suggesting different universality classes, in contrast to the result obtained recently in three dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (included), to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Superconducting Fluxon Pumps and Lenses

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    We study stochastic transport of fluxons in superconductors by alternating current (AC) rectification. Our simulated system provides a fluxon pump, "lens", or fluxon "rectifier" because the applied electrical AC is transformed into a net DC motion of fluxons. Thermal fluctuations and the asymmetry of the ratchet channel walls induce this "diode" effect, which can have important applications in devices, like SQUID magnetometers, and for fluxon optics, including convex and concave fluxon lenses. Certain features are unique to this novel two-dimensional (2D) geometric pump, and different from the previously studied 1D ratchets.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, in press (1999); 4 pages, 5 .gif figures; figures also available at http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~nori/ratche

    Domain Walls and Phase Transitions in the Frustrated Two-Dimensional XY Model

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    We study and compare the critical properties of the two-dimensional (2D) XY model in a transverse magnetic field with magnetic filling factors f=1/3 and f=2/5. In addition to the spin waves, the low energy excitations of the system consist of various domain walls between degenerate ground states. The lowest energy domain wall has a similar structure for both f=1/3 and f=2/5 and its properties dictate the nature of the phase transition. For f=2/5 these lowest energy walls have a negative energy for binding to each other, giving rise to a branching domain-wall structure and leading to a first order phase transition. For f=1/3 this binding energy is positive, resulting in a linear critical interface. In order to make a comparison to recent experiments, we investigate the effect of small quenched bond disorder for f=2/5. A finite-size scaling analysis of extensive Monte Carlo simulations strongly suggests that the critical exponents of the phase transition for f=1/3, and for f=2/5 with disorder, fall into the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figures, REVTEX, revised version with new figure

    Dynamics of An Underdamped Josephson Junction Ladder

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    We show analytically that the dynamical equations for an underdamped ladder of coupled small Josephson junctions can be approximately reduced to the discrete sine-Gordon equation. As numerical confirmation, we solve the coupled Josephson equations for such a ladder in a magnetic field. We obtain discrete-sine-Gordon-like IV characteristics, including a flux flow and a ``whirling'' regime at low and high currents, and voltage steps which represent a lock-in between the vortex motion and linear ``phasons'', and which are quantitatively predicted by a simple formula. At sufficiently high anisotropy, the fluxons on the steps propagate ballistically.Comment: 11pages, latex, no figure

    Dynamical Phase Transition in a Driven Disordered Vortex Lattice

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    Using Langevin dynamics, we have investigated the dynamics of vortices in a disordered two dimensional superconductor subjected to a uniform driving current. The results provide direct numerical evidence for a dynamical phase transition between a plastic flow regime and a moving ``hexatic glass." The simulated current-voltage characteristics are in excellent agreement with recent transport measurements on amorphous Mo77Ge23{\rm Mo_{77}Ge_{23}} thin film superconductors.Comment: 13 pages, latex, revtex, 4 figures available upon request from [email protected]

    Orientational pinning and transverse voltage: Simulations and experiments in square Josephson junction arrays

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    We study the dependence of the transport properties of square Josephson Junctions arrays with the direction of the applied dc current, both experimentally and numerically. We present computational simulations of current-voltage curves at finite temperatures for a single vortex in the array (Ha2/Φ0=f=1/L2Ha^2/\Phi_0=f=1/L^2), and experimental measurements in 100×1000100\times1000 arrays under a low magnetic field corresponding to f0.02f\approx0.02. We find that the transverse voltage vanishes only in the directions of maximum symmetry of the square lattice: the [10] and [01] direction (parallel bias) and the [11] direction (diagonal bias). For orientations different than the symmetry directions, we find a finite transverse voltage which depends strongly on the angle ϕ\phi of the current. We find that vortex motion is pinned in the [10] direction (ϕ=0\phi=0), meaning that the voltage response is insensitive to small changes in the orientation of the current near ϕ=0\phi=0. We call this phenomenon orientational pinning. This leads to a finite transverse critical current for a bias at ϕ=0\phi=0 and to a transverse voltage for a bias at ϕ0\phi\not=0. On the other hand, for diagonal bias in the [11] direction the behavior is highly unstable against small variations of ϕ\phi, leading to a rapid change from zero transverse voltage to a large transverse voltage within a few degrees. This last behavior is in good agreement with our measurements in arrays with a quasi-diagonal current drive.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Transverse depinning and melting of a moving vortex lattice in driven periodic Josephson junction arrays

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    We study the effect of thermal fluctuations in a vortex lattice driven in the periodic pinning of a Josephson junction array. The phase diagram current (II) vs. temperature (TT) is studied. Above the critical current Ic(T)I_c(T) we find a moving vortex lattice (MVL) with anisotropic Bragg peaks. For large currents IIc(T)I\gg I_c(T), there is a melting transition of the MVL at TM(I)T_M(I). When applying a small transverse current to the MVL, there is no dissipation at low TT. We find an onset of transverse vortex motion at a transverse depinning temperature Ttr(I)<TM(I)T_{tr}(I)<T_M(I).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Figure 2 changed, added new reference