4 research outputs found

    The Level of University Performance Using Advanced Balanced Score Card: an Empirical Study of Tebessa University - ALGERIA

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    Abstract: The adoption of the Balanced Score Card in the field of higher education has great benefits, including on-going development of methods, tools and means used by  universities to achieve their goals, so as to respond to the community’s evolving needs and requirements. Consequently, the evaluation of the strategic performance of the university achieves an accurate examination of the current situation to determine strengths and enhance them, and to pinpoint weaknesses and address them. Results indicate that the Balanced Score Card can be adopted and adapted to measure and evaluate the performance of Tebessa University.  It is also possible to measure the dimensions of Balanced Score Card which should be made available since it is one of the modern techniques, which assist in developing administrative performance and achieving a comprehensive measure for university performance and development. Based on the study results, a set of recommendations was proposed.

    The role of e-marketing in supporting the tourism sector

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة توضيح دور التسويق الالكتروني في دعم وتنشيط قطاع السياحة، هذا القطاع الذي يمثل أهم القطاعات الحيوية اقتصاديا واجتماعيا وله أبعاد دولية مهمة. حيث يحتاج التسويق السياحي إلى تفعيل آليات التسويق الالكتروني لدعم التنمية السياحية بمختلف اتجاهاتها، فالتسويق الالكتروني يمكن أن يخدم القطاع السياحي من خلال دوره في تطوير الوجهات السياحية وترويجها، تحسين مستوى جودة الخدمات السياحية المقدمة للزبائن، توفير معلومات دقيقة وسريعة للمقاصد السيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاحية، تحفيز الطلب السياحي عن طريق توفير مقومات الجذب السياحي، نشر الإشعارات عبر الانترنيت والتي تحتوي آراء العملاء...الخ. وعليه توصلت هذه الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها أنه في العصر الحالي أصبح للتسويق الالكتروني دور فعال في إنعاش وتنمية قطاع السياحة، نتيجة وجود أثر ايجابي وعلاقة طردية موجبة بين التسويق الالكتروني والتسويق السياحي، فالتسويق الالكتروني أثر بشكل كبير على صناعة السياحة والتحول الرقمي فرض آفاقا هامة للسفر غبر العالم الافتراضي. وعليه أوصت هذه الورقة بضرورة الاستثمار في وسائل تكنولوجيا المعلومات في كل مجالات المزيج التسويق السياحي وتعزيزها للوصول إلى أشكال جديدة من السياحة المتطورة أو ما يسمى بالسياحة الرقمية.This study aims to clarify the role of e-marketing in supporting and revitalizing the tourism sector, which represents the most important economic and social vital sectors and has important international dimensions. Where tourism marketing needs to activate the mechanisms of electronic marketing to support tourism development in its various directions. Tourist by providing the elements of tourist attractions, posting notices via the Internet that contain customer satisfaction...etc. Accordingly, this study reached a set of results, the most important of which is that in the current era, e-marketing has an effective role in reviving and developing the tourism sector, as a result of the presence of a positive impact and a positive direct relationship between e-marketing and tourism marketing. Digital transformation imposes important prospect for travel across the virtual world. Accordingly, this paper recommended the necessity of investing in information technology means in all areas of the tourism marketing mix and strengthening them to reach new forms of advanced tourism or the so-called digital tourism

    Bank of Algeria and establishing the decisions of the Basel ‎Committee for Banking Supervision and Supervision, an ‎analytical evaluation study for the period (2003-2015)‎

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    تزايد الإهتمام بالاستقرار المالي بعد تداعيات الانهيارات المالية والمصرفية لبعض أقطاب البنوك الأمريكية والأوروبية، وما ترتب على ذلك من حدوث أزمة مالية عالمية في سنة 2008وأخرى أوروبية منذ سنة 2010. وقد سارعت العديد من الدول إلى تبني المقررات الجديدة للجنة بازل للإشراف والرقابة. وفي الجزائر، تواصلت خلال السنوات الأخيرة الأشغال الرامية إلى إرساء إطار متكامل للرقابة والإشراف المصرفيين على مستوى المؤسسات المالية والمصرفية. ومحاولة تبني أهم ما وصلت إليه الصناعة المصرفية من نماذج ناجحة وذات مصداقية في هذا المجال والمتمثلة أساسا في مقررات لجنة بازل من اتفاقية بازل2 إلى اتفاقية بازل3.It has observed an increased attention for financial stability after the repercussions of the financial and banking collapses of some large American and European banks; in turn, it led to a global financial crisis in 2008 and European crisis in 2010. Many countries had rushed to adopt new measures of Basel Committee for supervision and control. In Algeria, the works aimed at establishing a complete framework for the control and supervision of bankers at the level of financial and banking institutions have continued in recent years. It has attempted to adopt the most successful and credible models of the banking industry mainly represented in the Basel Committee’s decisions 2 and Basel 3

    The Importance of Disseminating Entrepreneurial Education

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    This study aims at shedding light at the significant role of the House of Entrepreneurship, at the Algerian University, in spreading the entrepreneurial culture. The study takes the House of Entrepreneurship, at Tebessa University, as its case. The House purports to spread the entrepreneurial thought amongst prospective graduate students. The educational process aims at providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills, and motivating them to start their entrepreneurial projects. This method is represented in developing entrepreneurial attitudes and values, as well as having knowledge related to entrepreneurship amongst students of universities. The study revealed that entrepreneurial education plays a vital role in the success of the entrepreneurial activity as well as the development of small and medium enterprises. It is a successful mechanism for the development of creative ideas. It also reduces the possibilities of entreprises’ failure and bankruptcy. The study indicated that there are challenges as far as entrepreneurial learning is concerned; notably the refinement of technical skills and technology use for the teacher and the learner in this field. Accordingly, the study recommends the training, which is a necessity, of those in charge of the entrepreneurial educational process. The study also recommends the teaching of contractors to ensure more efficiency, and to enhance their capabilities to use modern technology. The latter can be achieved through purposeful training courses, based on a clearly defined strategy and non-routine steps that ensure reaching actual established goals, and getting rid of the traditional methods of work