3 research outputs found

    The development of the pillars of the Basel Agreement, starting from Basel 1, passing through Basel 2 and ending with Basel 3 - Evaluation of the application of the new precautionary rules to Algerian banks

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    تهدف هذه الورقة إلى محاولة متابعة تطور التشريعات الاحترازية للبنوك الجزائرية وفقا لمتطلبات لجنة بازل من الاتفاقية رقم 1 حتى الاتفاقية رقم 3. إضافة إلى محاولة تقييم تطبيق البنوك الجزائرية لتلك التشريعات الاحترازية.    توصلنا من خلال ذلك أن مستوى التطبيق يعتبر مقبولا جدا في ركيزة ملاءة رأس المال ببازل 3، لكن هناك نقائص كثيرة في ركيزة الرقابة الاشرافية (نظام الرقابة الداخلية) وركيزة قواعد الافصاح(كأنظمة المعلومات) وفقا لما تنص عليه بازل 2.The aim of this paper is to try to follow up the development of precautionary legislation for  the Algerian banks in accordance with the requirements of the Basel Committee from Convention I  to Convention III, attempting to evaluate the application of these precautionary legislation by the  Algerian banks.      We have found that the level of application is highly acceptable in the Basel III capital adequacy pillar. However, there are many shortcomings in the supervisory control pillar (the internal control system) and the rule of disclosure (as information systems) as stipulated in Basel II

    The Relationship Between the Quantity of Money and Economic Growth in Algeria During the Period 1970-2019: An Econometric Study Using the Cointegration Methodology and the Error Correction Model (ECM)

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    حاولت الدراسة بحث دراسة العلاقة بين كمية النقود والناتج المحلي الإجمالي في الجزائر من خلال العمل على سلسلتين زمنيتين للفترة 1970-2019، باستخدام منهجية التكامل المشتركEngle-Grangerونموذج تصحيح الخطأ ECMبهدف اختبار وجود علاقة سببية بين المتغيرين وتحديد اتجاهها في الأجلين القصير والطويل، وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى وجود علاقة سببية في الاجل القصير من كمية النقود اتجاه الناتج المحلي الاجمالي، أما في يتعلق بالأجل الطويل فقد كانت السبية في الاتجاهين أي علاقة دائرية، وهو مايعبر عن حالة خاصة للجزائر تختلف عن النظرية التقليدية والمقاربةالكينزيةThe study focused on studying the relationship between the quantity of money and economic growth in Algeria by working on two time series for the period from 1970 until 2019, by using the Engle-Granger methodology and the error correction model ECM, with the aim of testing the existence of a causal relationship between the two variables and determining their direction in the short and long runs, thus the study concluded the existence of a causal relationship in the short run from the quantity of money towards the gross domestic product. Otherwise for the long run, the causation was in both directions, i.e. a circular relationship, which expresses a special case for Algeria that differs comparing with both the traditional theory and the Keynesian approac

    An Optimized Steepest Gradient Based Maximum Power Point Tracking for PV Control Systems

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    International audienceIn order to improve the photovoltaic (PV) production, the researchers are interestedin developing new methods to reach the Maximum Power Point (MPP) produced by thephotovoltaic field to be injected into the utility grid. This article describes a new method calledthe Optimized Steepest Gradient Method (OSGM), it is based on the first (gradient) and secondorder (hessian) derivatives of the power function in order to find the best variation of thevoltage (Vpv) with the calculation of the optimal step allowing the convergence to the tensionvalue (Vref) which ensures the MPP. The mathematical model has been developed andimplemented under Matlab/Simulink environment. To analyze Maximum Power PointTracking (MPPT) algorithm performances, time response, oscillation, overshoot and stabilityare taken into account. The OSGM is implemented and compared to three others algorithms(one of these algorithm is the ANFIS proposed in previous work). Performances obtained bythe proposed algorithm offer faster response, less oscillations around MPP and a low energyloss. In addition, numerical computation of the gradient and the hessian of the power functionallow bypassing modeling inaccuracies