3 research outputs found

    [Khilaf Qiraat Mutawatirah: An Analysis of Menstrual Verse in Terms of Roles, Relevance and Relationship to Fiqh Law ] Khilaf Qiraat Mutawatirah: Satu Analisa pada Ayat Haid dari Aspek Peranan, Perkaitan dan Pertalian pada Hukum Fiqh

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    The aim of this study is to explore the importance of Qira’at Mutawatirah as a discipline particularly in the field of fiqh (jurisprudence). As a field of study, Qiraat (Quranic reading) plays a significant role in Islamic Fiqh by way of shaping the opinions and views of the fuqaha’ (jurists). Nevertheless, some fuqaha’ are less familiar with Qiraat as a study which has thus led to some confusion and ambiguity on the matter. It was even suggested that the differences of fiqh found within the madzhabs (sects) are based on the fuqaha’s own Qiraat. Thus this paper is a discussion on the differences of wajh Qiraat within the farsh letters as found among the Qiraat scholars. This paper also analyses the relationship and influence of the Qiraat readings among the fuqaha when it comes to deriving a hukm (principle), particularly on fiqh ibadah (the laws of worship). As such, this significant study sheds light into the approach used by the fuqaha’ when it comes to extracting and deriving laws and principles based on the different Qiraat readings. The objectives of this study are to investigate the extent and role of Qiraat, to analyse and observe the relationship between Qiraat readings of the fuqaha and its relationship to the hukm. This study is based entirely on library research. Overall, the findings show that Qiraat is undoubtedly important; the differences in Qiraat have a major impact in the way that the various Islamic Fiqh were derived from the Qur’anic verses. Nevertheless, the chosen Qiraat readings by Fuqaha, on the other hand, do not play a major role in determining the fiqh within the various sects; instead the wajh Qiraat plays a major role within their respective sects. However, in some circumstances, the chosen Qiraat readings do sometimes become a source which a hukm is decided within their sects, and vice versa. It is hoped that this study becomes a pioneer for other researchers to conduct a more in-depth study on the sciences of Qiraat by exploring it critically within the various perspectives of the Islamic discipline. It is hoped that it can be analysed, studied, understood and implemented in the field of teaching and learning, in line with its importance within the other branches of Islamic discipline. It is hoped that as a study, it can be further expanded and remain significant to the Islamic scholars and the community at large. Keyword: Qiraat Mutawatirah, Fiqh, Qiraat, fuqaha‘   Penulisan ini bertujuan merungkai hubungan rapat Qiraat dalam disiplin ilmu Islam terutamanya ilmu Fiqh. Qiraat menjadi salah satu faktor yang dominan terutamanya dalam mencorakkan perbezaan hukum Fiqh Islami dalam kalangan Fuqaha’. Namun masih terdapat kalangan yang kurang mengetahui dan memahami hakikat kewujudan ilmu Qiraat sehingga menimbulkan kekeliruan dan kesamaran mengenainya bahkan wujudnya pendapat menyatakan bahawa hukum fiqh yang diinstibatkan dalam mazhab adalah berdasarkan daripada Qiraat yang dibaca oleh kalangan fuqaha itu sendiri. Justeru kajian ini akan menyentuh dan membincangkan perbezaan wajh qiraat yang terdapat pada farsh huruf dalam kalangan ulama Qiraat. Dalam masa yang sama, kajian ini juga akan menyingkap dan menganalisis perkaitan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pengeluaran hukum oleh kalangan Fuqaha’ terutama ayat-ayat al-Quran yang melibatkan fiqh ibadat. Kajian ini penting demi memahami keadaan sebenar bagaimana kalangan Fuqaha mengeluarkan hukum fiqh berdasarkan perbezaan Qiraat. Objektif kajian ialah mengkaji sejauhmana perkaitan dan peranan Qiraat pada hukum fiqh, menganalisis dan menilai sejauh mana pertalian bacaan Qiraat yang dibaca Fuqaha’ dengan hukum yang diinstibatkan oleh Fuqaha.’ Secara keseluruhannya, kajian ini dijalankan berdasarkan kajian ke perpustakaan sepenuhnya. Ternyata dapatan hasil kajian ini merumuskan bahawa perbezaan Qiraat pula memberi impak yang besar dalam mencorakkan hukum fiqh dalam ayat al-Quran. Bacaan ‘Qiraat PilihanFuqaha‘ pula tidaklah menjadi faktor utama mempengaruhi hukum fiqh mazhab yang diasaskan oleh mereka bahkan fuqaha hanya menjadikan wajh Qiraat itu sebagai platform utama dalam menentukan hukum fiqh dalam mazhab yang diasaskan mereka. Namun tidak dinafikan juga, bacaan ‘Qiraat Pilihan Fuqaha‘ itu kekadang menjadi sebab penentuan hukum bagi mazhab mereka dan kekadangnya sebaliknya. Kajian ini diharap menjadi perintis kepada pengkaji yang lain untuk lebih prolifik mengenai ilmu Qiraat dalam membahaskannya dari pelbagai sudut disiplin ilmu Islam secara lebih kritis supaya ia dapat ditelaah, dikaji, difahami, diperkasai dan diimplimentasikan dalam aspek pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejajar dengan kepentingannya terhadap cabangan ilmu-ilmu Islam yang lain agar terus berkembang dan bertapak pada kaca mata Ilmuan Islam secara khusus dan masyarakat sejagat secara umumnya.   Kata Kunci: Qiraat Mutawatirah, Fiqh, Qiraat, fuqaha‘

    Antimicrobial prescribing confidence and knowledge regarding drug resistance : perception of medical students in Malaysia and the implications

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    Background: Worldwide, microbes are becoming more challenging by acquiring virulent skills to adapt and develop antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This is a concern as AMR increases morbidity, mortality, and costs. Consequently, physicians need to be trained on appropriate antimicrobial prescribing, starting as medical students. Objective: To evaluate medical students’ confidence in antimicrobial prescribing and AMR. Methods: Cross-sectional study assessing medical students’ knowledge, perception, and confidence in prescribing antimicrobials and AMR in a Malaysian University. A universal sampling method was used. Results: Most responding students believed that educational input regarding overall prescribing was sufficient. Regarding the principle of appropriate and accurate prescriptions, female medical students had less knowledge (odds ratio (OR) = 0.51; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.25–0.99; p = 0.050). Year-IV and year-V medical students had more excellent knowledge than year-III students regarding confidence in potential antibiotic prescribing once qualified. Year-V students also showed an appreciably higher confidence in the broad principles of prescribing, including antibiotics for infectious diseases, compared to those in other years. Conclusion: Overall, medical students gain more knowledge and confidence regarding the potential prescribing of antimicrobials as their academic careers progress. This is important given concerns with the current excessive use of antimicrobials in Malaysia

    Medical Students’ Perception Regarding Health Policy Teaching and Their Participation in Health Policy Roles: A Survey at a Public University in Malaysia

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    Background: Health policy is a set of comprehensive principles and legislations that guide how healthcare should be effectively delivered in the community. Medical schools should prepare students to undertake managerial responsibilities by incorporating health policy into the curriculum to deal with the intricacies of healthcare systems and their clinical roles in their future professional careers. Objective: To examine medical students’ perception at a Public University in Malaysia regarding teaching health policy and their participation in health policy roles. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study using universal sampling was carried out among the medical students using a paper-based questionnaire to collect the data. Results: Most respondents opined their willingness to learn health policy (80.9%) and that teaching health policy (83.6%) should be compulsory for medical students. The respondents thought health policy should be introduced earlier in Year 1 or 2. The student scores on their knowledge regarding health policy and year of study were significantly associated with their involvement in the health policy roles in both the simple and multiple logistic regression. Both statistical tests reported higher participation in health policy roles with the higher year of study, though only Year 4 and 5 were significant in the simple logistic regression and only Year 5 in the multiple logistic regression compared to Year 1. On the other hand, age and type of admission show significant results only in the simple logistic regression, while the race was only significant at the multivariate level. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that most respondents showed their willingness to learn health policy, participate in the health policy programs, and recommend that health policy be considered an essential topic in the medical curriculum, which should be taught right from the first year of medical school. We recommend encouraging students’ participation in health policy activities