3 research outputs found

    Kyai Leadership in Internalizing Nationalism Values at Pesantren

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    This study aims to examine the leadership of the kyai in Pesantren Salâfiyah Cidahu Pandeglang. It specifically explored the leadership of the kyai and its role in internalizing nationalism values for students in pesantren. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method. The data were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the leadership of the kyai has played a role in internalizing a spirit of nationalism for the students. The process of internalizing the spirit of nationalism was carried out through giving advice and exemplary, book recitation activities, baḥṡ al-masâ'il, community service, entrepreneurial activities, organizational activities, leadership training, maintaining traditions, and democracy-related activities. Lack of the students' motivation to learn and the limited facilities and infrastructure were the obstacles in nurturing the values of nationalism. To solve the obstacles, kyai provided motivation for the students, built the students' confidence and self-confidence, and established network with the society and government

    Integration of Religion and Culture in Muslim Minority Communities through Islamic Education

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    The clash between Islam and culture often occurs in efforts to disseminate Islamic education to the society especially in areas with Muslim minority communities. This study aims to explore the integration of culture and Islam in Muslim minority areas in the context of implementing Islamic education. The research took place at two Madrasah Aliyah schools and one Madrasah Tsanawiyah located in Tarutung City. This study applied qualitative and phenomenological approach. The data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Triangulation techniques were used to analyze the data. The informants involved in this study were community leaders, educational leaders and religious leaders. The results of the study show that Islamic religion and culture can be integrated in socializing Islamic education to people in Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. Many aspects of Batak culture are maintained because they are in accordance with Islamic religious teaching. Some aspect of Batak culture that are contrary to Islamic religious teachings are adapted to be compatible with Islamic religious teachings. In this study, the integration of Islamic religion and Batak  culture  went fairly smoothly and is accepted by the community to deliver in Islamic education in the region

    Integration of Religion and Culture in Muslim Minority Communities through Islamic Education

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    The clash between Islam and culture often occurs in efforts to disseminate Islamic education to the society especially in areas with Muslim minority communities. This study aims to explore the integration of culture and Islam in Muslim minority areas in the context of implementing Islamic education. The research took place at two Madrasah Aliyah schools and one Madrasah Tsanawiyah located in Tarutung City. This study applied qualitative and phenomenological approach. The data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Triangulation techniques were used to analyze the data. The informants involved in this study were community leaders, educational leaders and religious leaders. The results of the study show that Islamic religion and culture can be integrated in socializing Islamic education to people in Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. Many aspects of Batak culture are maintained because they are in accordance with Islamic religious teaching. Some aspect of Batak culture that are contrary to Islamic religious teachings are adapted to be compatible with Islamic religious teachings. In this study, the integration of Islamic religion and Batak  culture  went fairly smoothly and is accepted by the community to deliver in Islamic education in the region