15 research outputs found

    Hak Asasi Manusia Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    HAM is basically God's greatest gift to man in carrying out his duties and functions as khalifatullah without discrimination between one another. However, there are some people who think that in Islamic law does not find the formulation of human rights as the concept of Western-style human rights but only contains the rules of duty and duty to obey God and His law alone. Based on the searches of the verses of the Qur'an and Sunnah it is concluded that Islamic law has formulated the regulation and protection of human rights for human beings. Unlike anthrophocentric Western human rights, human rights in Islamic law not only recognize the right of human beings (huququl 'ibad) but it is based on the basic human obligation to serve Allah Almighty (huququllah). Islamic law establishes the main principles in the protection of human rights that are significant with the objectives of Islamic law namely the principle of protection of religion (hifdz al-din), soul (hifdz al-nafs), reason (hifdz al-'aql), descendants (hifdz al-nasl) and treasure (hifdz al-mal)

    Istishlah Dan Aplikasinya Dalam Penetapan Hukum Islam

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    In essence, all the laws that have been established by God Almighty it has benefits because all legal aspects either the command or prohibition provides benefits in human beings. However, when humans find a problem that does not have sharih argument,then benefit consideration and prevention of damages becomes urgent in law enforcement.In its application as evidence, scholars are divided into two groups: first, scholars who received istishlah as evidence under the condition that the beneficiaries is essential and it is not the alleged beneficiaries, it is general, personal, and it is not contrary to the arguments of syara\u27.Secondly, scholars who deny the application of istishlah as evidence in establishing Islamic law

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Based on Web to Improve the Performance of the Company

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    Customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the model that can be used to maintain the relationship between customer and company. CRM is really helpful for the company to increase the customer interest toward the company, improve the economic condition, and improve the product promotion through the use of intimate customer knowledge. But, most of the company still can't utilize CRM well, one of the problems is to increase the company performance. In this Journal will talk about the utility of CRM based on web  to increase the company performance, the method that used in this journal is waterfall method which includes, analysis and systems engineering, requirements analysis, design, coding, programming, implementation and maintenance, and also literature review. With the e-CRM application is expected to provide benefits of the company, helps companies to know the wishes of customers, and can monitor the performance of employees, so the company is able to improve the performance of the company

    Induced Spawning of Selais Fish (Ompok Hypopthalmus) Under Different Doses of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormon (HCG)

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the best effect of Human ChorionicGonadotropin Hormon (hCG) doses (800, 1000, and 1200 IU/Kg body weight offemale on breeding performance of selais fish (O. hypopthalmus) under alaboratory condition. The breeding performance was judged on the base of thetotal weight of stripped eggs, fertilization rate, hatching and survival of 6 days oldfry were considered.The results indicated that the total weight of stripped eggs were the highestwhen females were injected with 1200 IU/Kg body weight (45 eggs/g of female)compared to those injected with 1000 IU/Kg and 800 IU/Kg of body weight.Percentages of total fertilized eggs and hatching were 41,58% and 31,94%respectively, which were the highest among treatments. The highest net survivalof 6 days old fry was found to be 97,24% at 800 IU/ Kg weight of female

    Morfometrik dan Meristik Ikan Kelabau (Osteochilus Melanopleurus) dari Sungai Kampar, Provinsi Riau

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    Osteochilus melanopleurus or kalabau fish is indigenous fish of the Kampar River,Riau. The information on morphological and meristical characteristics of this fish,however, is almost none. To understand the morphological and meristical characteristicsof the fish, a study has been conducted from April to September 2017. The fishwas sampled using fish trap and nets (1.15 cm and 5 cm mesh size). Twenty one characteristicswere measured using a Vernier calliper and then each character was comparedto Standard Length (SL). There were 96 fishes captured, consist of 59 males(160-355 mm SL, 100-1800 g BW), 22 females (310-515 mm SL, 850-4000 g BW)and 15 juveniles (80 -180 mm SL, 11.50- 194 g BW). In general, there was no differencecharacteristics in male and female fish. The distance between mouth lip to pectoralfin was around 51% of SL; dorsal fin to pelvic fin was around 39% of SL; dorsalback to caudal bottom was around 28 % of SL and anal fin back was around 21 % ofSL and TL was around 130% of SL. Meristical characteristics of fish are as follows: D.II. 151/2-191/2 ; P. I. 14-17; V. I.8; A.II.61/2; C.VI.6.II. The sex of juveniles, however,could not be identified as gonad in this young fish was not developed yet. Based ondata obtained, it can be concluded that the relative growth of all characteristics measuredwere almost isometric to SL

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Penyuntikan Ovaprim dan Prostaglandin F 2 Α (Pgf 2 α) terhadap Volume Semen dan Kualitas Spermatozoa Ikan Tambakan (Helostama Temmincki CV)

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    This research was aimed to know the effect of the best ovaprim andprostaglandin F2 α injection combination toward semen volume and spermatozoaquality of fish tambakan (Helostama temmincki CV). The result of this researchdemonstrated that the best injection combination was 50 % ovaprim + 50 % PGF2 (0,250 ml ovaprim + 1500 g PGF2 / kg of body), with a semen volume 1,10 ml,spermatozoa concentration 24.27x 10 9/ml, spermatozoa viability 87,23 % andspermatozoa motility 82,27 %

    Aktivitas Antioksidan ICTP (Infusa Campuran Teh dengan Pepaya) dan EECTP (Ekstrak Etanol Campuran Teh dan Pepaya)

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    Berdasarkan pengalaman empiris telah digunakan perpaduan antara seduhan teh yang direndam dalam media pepaya muda untuk menghilangkan rasa nyeri USAi bekerja. Kandungan kimia dalam perpaduan tersebut diduga kaya akan antioksidan yang berperan dalam penangkapan radikal bebas penyebab nyeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan yang dinyatakan dengan nilai IC50 dari dua sampel, yakni kombinasi infusa campuran teh dengan pepaya (ICTP) dan ekstrak etanolik teh dan papaya (EECTP). Uji Aktivitas antioksidan kedua sampel dilakukan dengan metode DPPH. Kuersetin digunakan sebagai kontrol positif sedangkan control negatif tanpa penambahan Kuersetin ataupun sampel. Kemudian dibaca absorbansinya secara spektrofotometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ICTP maupun EECTP menghasilkan masing-masing nilai IC50 17,75 µg/ml dan 7,78 µg/ml, sedangkan Kuersetin sebagai pembanding menghasilkan nilai IC50 1,57 µg/ml. Ketiganya memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang poten

    Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Kepemilikan Manajerial, Kepemilikan Asing, dan Dewan Komisaris Independen terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2010-2014)

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of firm size, managerial ownership, foreign ownership, and the board of commissioners independent of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2014. This study uses the annual report as the data with a sample of the company is 26 observation data. Selection of research sample was conducted using purposive sampling nonprobability form. The annual reports used were obtained from sites www.idx.co.id. Data processing was done by using multiple linear regression and has been qualified classical assumption test. The results showed that the variable size of the company, positive and significant impact, while the variable managerial ownership, foreign ownership and independent commissioners significant negative effect on the Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure. R-square value of 13.4% indicates that 13.4% of corporate social responsibility disclosure can be explained by the independent variables used in this study, while the remaining 86.6% is explained by other factors not be used as an independent variable in this stud