4,577 research outputs found

    Conformal Anomaly Of Submanifold Observables In AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We analyze the conformal invariance of submanifold observables associated with kk-branes in the AdS/CFT correspondence. For odd kk, the resulting observables are conformally invariant, and for even kk, they transform with a conformal anomaly that is given by a local expression which we analyze in detail for k=2k=2Comment: 11 p

    Domestic Service: The YWCA and Women's Employment Agencies in Vancouver, 1898-1915

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    Contrary to the negative stereotype created by progressive era reformers and maintained by later commentators, women's employment agencies in Vancouver provided a needed service to women workers before the First World War. More often than not, the agent's interest in profits complemented the domestic and non-domestic worker's needs for security and job flexibility in a local labour market which was in constant flux. These beneficial conditions were less true for the Vancouver chapter of the YWCA which was also in the 'business' of job placement. Rather, the YWCA was committed to the importation, training and distribution of domestic workers for the greater benefit of the city's middle-class employers. Because the women's employment agents did not actively serve the household labour needs of these employers, most were either condemned by YWCA officials and other reform institutions for moral crimes or were ignored entirely.Contrairement aux clichés répandus par les réformistes de l'ère progressiste et repris par la suite par certains commentateurs, les agences de placement pour femmes, de Vancouver, fournissaient un service essentiel aux travailleuses avant la Première Guerre mondiale. Le plus souvent, la recherche du profit les incitait à défendre les besoins des travailleuses en matière de sécurité et de flexibilité d'emploi sur un marché du travail très instable. Ce n'était pas tout à fait le cas du YWCA qui avait pour mission d'importer, de former et de placer les employées de maison pour le compte de familles de la classe moyenne de la ville. Mais comme les agences de placement en question ne servaient pas vraiment les besoins de cette catégorie d'employeurs, la plupart furent condamnées par le YWCA et d'autres institutions réformistes pour des délits d'ordre moral ou furent purement et simplement ignorées

    Metabolism of the plant toxins nitropropionic acid and nitropropanol by rumen microorganisms

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    Exploratory Study Asks Adults With ADD/ADHD to Consider and Share a Project & the Learning Processes That Led to Success

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    Purpose — This study explored the learning processes related to projects used by adults with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), along with the environmental factors that aided or detracted from learning. Design/methodology/approach — Using a modified appreciative inquiry type question approach, adults with ADD/ADHD were asked to participate in either an online questionnaire or a focus group conducted in late 2015. The population consisted of adults, age 18 or older, who could attest to having ADD/ADHD diagnosed in childhood or as an adult. The intent was to discover successful strategies employed by this population to start, create, and finish projects. The theoretical approaches included selflearning, embodiment as a different way of knowing, and transformational learning. Findings —The results indicate that complexity, novelty in using new programs or researching a topic, persistence, passion for a topic or process, and choice were motivational factors among the participants. Participants also shared the challenges, such as procrastination or electronic distractions, that they adapted to in order to create final portfolios for classes, spearhead resistance to urban sprawl, start on a masters degree or graduate school, and to organize, fundraise, create a business plan, and apply life experiences in advocating for others. Originality/value — The results can be used to consider ways to improve instruction and add to a growing field of research into whole-body ways of learning. These findings could also start a conversation that focuses on how this population can add to a better understanding of adult learners overall, rather than concentrating on deficits

    Enrichment, isolation, and characterization of a nitropropanol metabolizing bacterium from the rumen

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    Acquisition of tolerance by ruminants to 3-nitropropanol and 3-nitropropionic acid, the nitro-toxins contained in many forages (various milkvetchs), depends on rates of nitro-toxin metabolism by ruminal microbes. This study was undertaken to define conditions which promote enhanced rates of nitro-toxin detoxification and to determine the microbes predominantly responsible for this activity. Rates of 3-nitropropanol metabolism were increased when mixed populations of ruminal microbes were serially transferred in a rumen fluid based medium containing ground milkvetch forage or alfalfa forage plus 4.2 mM 3-nitropropanol. Rates increased more rapidly when the medium also contained the protein component phytone (0.8% wt/vol) and rates were much faster with H[subscript]2:CO[subscript]2 than with CO[subscript]2 as the gas phase. Most probable number estimates indicated that 3-nitropropanol metabolizing bacteria were markedly enriched as they increased from approximately 10[superscript]4 organisms/ml in rumen fluid collected from a naive animal to approximately 10[superscript]8 organisms/ml in the enrichment cultures. A gram-positive, non-motile 3-nitropropanol metabolizing bacterium (strain NPOH1) was isolated from such an enrichment culture. Growth of strain NPOH1 was stimulated by H[subscript]2, formate, or lactate but not by any of a number of other potential hydrogen donors. Growth of strain NPOH1 was supported by the acceptors 3-nitropropanol, 3-nitropropionic acid, nitrate, 2-nitropropanol, nitroethanol, nitroethane, and miserotoxin (3-nitro-1-propyl-[beta]- scD-glucopyranoside). Sulfate, sulfite, nitrite, 2-nitrobutane, nitrobenzene, azide, chlorate, perchlorate, and fumarate did not support growth. When grown with both nitrate and 3-nitropropanol (5 mM each), nitrate was reduced to nitrite before 3-nitropropanol was metabolized. When grown with excess reductant, nitrite produced from the reduction of nitrate was reduced to ammonia. Potential products of 3-nitropropanol and 3-nitropropionic acid reduction, amino-propanol and [beta]-alanine, were not detected. Analyses of cellular fatty acid profiles and of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain NPOH1 revealed that this organism is probably a new species. The capacity of strain NPOH1 to metabolize 3-nitropropanol, when compared to this ability in other known ruminal bacteria, suggests that bacteria similar to strain NPOH1 may be important in ruminal nitropropanol detoxification

    International Computer Conferencing for Professional Development: The Bangkok Project

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    The Bangkok Project, which recently linked educational computer networks world wide, was a successful application of the new international electronic mail and computer conferencing networks to support professional development and reflection by members of the distance education community. This article discusses the Project's rationale and operational details. The authors conclude that this medium offers an exceptionally cost and learning-effective means of providing inservice support to distance educators on a global scale
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