5 research outputs found

    Título: Dīwān Abī al-Ṭayyib al-Mutanabbī

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    Fecha de publicación en número romano

    [Diwān. Árabe]

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    Fecha de publicación en número romano

    Arabe 6784-6800. محمد بن عبد الله الكسائي عجائب الملكوت

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    Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Titre au f. 2. Copie achevée le 14 muḥarram 1188 / 27 mars 1774 par Ṣāliḥ ibn Ḥasan Nāsir ibn Aḥmad Šarīf ibn ʿAlī habitant de Našammah à la demande de Aḥmad, dont le nom du père a été laissé en blanc (f. 78v-79).Lieu de copie : Našamma

    Treatises on the Salvation of Abū Ṭālib

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    The following article surveys a few treatises regarding the salvation of the Prophet Muḥammad’s uncle, Abū Ṭālib b. ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib (d. circa 619ce). The controversy concerning Abū Ṭālib’s place in the hereafter stems from a wealth of reports condemning him to hell due to his refusal to convert to Islam and others which testify to his lifelong belief in God and the prophethood of Muḥammad. The first group of reports was canonized in the collections of Bukhārī and Muslim, while the second group largely appeared insīraand Shīʿīḥadīthliterature. Although Shīʿī thinkers have upheld the faith and salvation of Abū Ṭālib from the earliest periods of Islamic history, very few Sunnīs shared this opinion despite transmitting some of the same proof-texts cited in Shīʿī works. According to most Sunnīs, these proof-texts were either inconclusive or insufficient in proving Abū Ṭālib’s conversion to Islam or his salvation. However, there is a remarkable shift in the sensibilities of some Sunnīs after the ninth centuryhijrī(fifteenth centuryce). In contrast to early Sunnīs who considered such a possibility to be unlikely or flatly denied it, a few Sunnīs over the past five centuries have joined their Shīʿī co-religionists in their commitment to the salvation of Abū Ṭālib. This article introduces the relevant proof-texts and theological arguments that classical Shīʿī and modern Sunnī writers have utilized to advocate the belief in Abū Ṭālib’s salvation

    [Tafsīr al-Wāḥidī ... etc., 17th century].

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    Fine Maghribī copy of Abū al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad al-Wāḥidī's (d.1076) terse philological commentary on the Qurʼān entitled al-Wajīz fī maʻānī al-Qurʼān al-ʻazīz, followed by a commentary on al-Qaṣīdah al-Shaqrāṭīsīyah and the text of al-Waraqāt fī uṣūl al-fiqh of Imām al-Ḥaramayn Abū al-Maʻālī al-Juwaynī. Additional excerpts from other text appear on front flyleaf (p.1), 'title page' (p.3), following the tafsīr (p.289-p.291), and verso of final leaf (p.328)Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 462Origin: As appears in colophon on p.289, Tafsīr al-Wāḥidī copied by Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm ... al-ʻIyāḍī [?] and Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī during the days of their examination with their shaykh Abū Zakarīyā ʻAlī ibn ʻAlī, with transcription completed 15 Jumādá I in what appears to be a year between 1001 and 1100. Paper, etc. suggest 17th century. As appears in colophon on p.323, Sharḥ al-Qaṣīdah al-Shaqrāṭīsīyah copied by Muḥammad al-Saʻīdī ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Waghlīsī for Abū [?] Zakarīyā Yaḥyá ibn Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī al-Kharrāṭī al-Farāwṣanī. Date of transcription not specified ; paper, etc. suggest 17th century.Accompanying materials: a. University of Michigan General Library charge slip for "Traité de versification arabe" -- b. Acquisitions slip from Yahuda.Former shelfmark: From front flyleaf (p.1), "IL 50 D" (likely supplied by Yahuda, see acquisitions slip).Binding: Covers lost, only spine (in dark brown leather) remains ; sewn in cream thread, two stations ; only traces of endbands remain ; overall in quite poor condition with upper and lower covers lost, lifting and losses of spine leather, etc. ; housed in box for protection.Support: European laid paper of two main types ; opening type with 7 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines difficult to view but seemingly spaced roughly 35-40 mm. apart (horizontal), and possible three hats watermark (see p.92/p.106, Heawood 2596, etc.) ; following type also with 7 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines roughly 25 mm. apart and watermark of crescent in circle with cross [?] (see pp. 233-4, 245-6, 269-70, 301-2, etc.) ; all quite sturdy and well-burnished ; extensive pest damage.Decoration: Keywords, section headings, excerpts and abbreviation symbols (mainly sigla) rubricated ; occasional textual dividers in the form of three dots.Script: Maghribī ; two main hands, quite elegant with sweeping descenders, etc. ; occasional vocalization (in red).Layout: Written in 31 lines per page ; frame-ruled.Collation: I-1 (1), V+1 (12), V (22), V+1 (33), V (43), VI (55), II (59), VI (71), V (81), VI (93), 3 V(123), I (125), 3 V(155), V-1 (164) ; chiefly quinions ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization.Colophon: [Tafsīr al-Wāḥidī] "Scribal," rectangular, reads "كان الفراغ منه يوم الخميس بعد صلاة الظهر في شهر الله المعظم جمادى الاول في اليوم الخامس عشر منه عام [...؟] بعد الالف ... من الهجرة النبوية على صاحبها الصلاة والسلام ... على يد العبد الفقير ... محمد ابن محمد ابن ابراهيم الشوشي [؟] العياضي تاب الله عليه وغفر له نسخته انا وسيده احمد بن علي ... على ايام امتحاننا ... الى شيخنا ... ابي زكريا سيده علي بن علي ... والحمد لله رب العالمين ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم" ; [Sharḥ al-Qaṣīdah al-Shaqrāṭīsīyah] "Scribal," rectangular, reads "تأليف الشيخ الشهير السيد الاكمل الفقيه القاضي ابي عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن معزة الهواربي رحمه الله على يد العبد الفقير ... الراجي عفو ربه وغفرانه محمد السعيدي بن محمد بن محمد الوغليسي نسبا [؟] المالكي مذهبا الاشعري اعتقادا غفر الله له ولوالده ... نسخته للفقيه الاجل الموحد الافضل ابعلا [ابو ؟] زكريا يحيى بن محمد بن علي الخراطي الفراوضي ... الحمد لله رب العالمين"Explicit: [al-Waraqāt] "ووجه الدليل ان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قد خطا المجتهد تارة وصوبه اخرى والله سبحانه اعلم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم تسليما انتهت الورقات المفيدات لامام الحرمين ابي المعاني الجويني رحمه الله"Incipit: [Tafsīr al-Wāḥidī] "وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا كثيرا كثيرا الحمد لله الكريم بالائه والعظيم بكبريائه القادر فلا يمانع والقاهر فلا ينازع ... اما بعد فان لكل زمان نشوة ولكل نشوى علما"Title supplied by cataloguer.Ms. composite codex.4. p.324-p.327 : al-Waraqāt al-mufīdāt / Imām al-Ḥaramayn Abū al-Maʻālī al-Juwaynī.3. p.292-p.323 : [Sharḥ Qaṣīdat Abī Muḥammad ʻAbd Allāh ibn Abī Zakarīyā Yaḥyá ibn ʻAlī ibn Zakarīyā al-shahīr bi-al-Shaqrāṭīsī ] / Abū ʻAbd Allah Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Maʻazzah al-Hawāribī.2. p.289-p.291 : [assorted excerpts].1. p.4-p.289 : [Tafsīr al-Wāḥidī] / Abū al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad al-Wāḥidī.Brockelmann, C. GAL,Fine Maghribī copy of Abū al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad al-Wāḥidī's (d.1076) terse philological commentary on the Qurʼān entitled al-Wajīz fī maʻānī al-Qurʼān al-ʻazīz, followed by a commentary on al-Qaṣīdah al-Shaqrāṭīsīyah and the text of al-Waraqāt fī uṣūl al-fiqh of Imām al-Ḥaramayn Abū al-Maʻālī al-Juwaynī. Additional excerpts from other text appear on front flyleaf (p.1), 'title page' (p.3), following the tafsīr (p.289-p.291), and verso of final leaf (p.328)Mode of access: Internet.Acquired in 1926 from the bookseller Isaac Benjamin S.E. Yahuda via purchase transacted on his behalf by Abraham Shalom Yahuda (1877-1951), his younger brother.Glosses and marginal corrections ; occasional notabilia (sideheads)