499 research outputs found

    The Effect of Age in the Shape of the Spermatozoa Frozen Friesian Bulls

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     تهدف الدراسة الحالية فيما إذا كانت هنالك أي اختلافات في شكل وأبعاد النطف للثيران، لمعرفة نضوج النطف واختيار السائل المنوي لتجميده لكي يستعمل في التلقيح الاصطناعي. في الوقت الحاضر أصبح الشكل المورفولوجي للنطف يشكل عنصرا مهما في تقويم السائل المنوي واختبار أفضل النطف السوية من حيث الإبعاد والشكل. قسمت الثيران حسب الأعمار إلى ثلاثة مجاميع بواقع 4 ثيران لكل مجموعة، الأولى 2-4 سنوات، الثانية 4-6 سنوات والثالثة 6-8 سنوات.اخذ السائل المنوي من كل مجموعة عشوائياً وفحصت النطف الناضجة والسليمة، بعد ذلك أخذت القياسات التالية بواسطة الحاسوب. قيس طول وعرض ومحيط ومساحة رأس النطفه، و قيست الصفات الشكلية لرأس ألنطفه الاهليليجيه والخشونة (التعضن) والاستطالة والانتظام لرأس ألنطفه. سجل طول الرأس أعلى قيمه على مستوى ((P<00.5 في فئة 6-8 سنوات بقيمة (8.20) مايكرون وفئة 2-4 سنوات هي الأقل (7.81) مايكرون، إما العرض فقد تفوقت الفئة الثالثة على الفئتين الأخريين بقيمة (4.51) مايكرون. وتفوقت الفئة الثالثة لمحيط ومساحة رأس النطفة على باقي الفئات العمرية بقيمة قدرها  (24.51) (29.50) مايكرون على التوالي، أما الاهليليجيه والخشونة فسجلت فئة 2-4 سنوات أعلى قيمه (1.85) (0.96) مايكرون على التوالي، وكذلك تفوقت الفئة الأولى بقيمة (0.30) مايكرون في الاستطالة وسجلت الفئة الثالثة 6-8 سنوات قيمه أعلى من الفئة الأولى والثانية في انتظام شكل النطفه.          من خلال هذه النتائج يمكن إن نستنتج أنه كلما تقدم الثور في العمر أصبح شكل النطفه أفضل وبالتالي يمكن اختيار سائله المنوي في التجميد.This study was aimed to determine whether there are any differences in the shape and dimensions of bulls sperm using different ages, as well as to know the maturity of the sperm, then choose the bull for insemination or to freeze the taken semen to be used in artificial insemination. Now a day become morphology shape for sperm important item in the valuation of the semen and chose the best normal sperm whence dimension and shape. Methods were used and bulls were classified by age into three groups, the first group includes 4 bulls aged 2-4 years, the second group includes 4 bulls 4-6 years old, the third group includes 4 bulls 6-8 years old. Semen of each group was taken randomly and the mature and intact semen were examined. The results were revealed that the highest value of head’s length (6-8 years category) was (8.20), while for 4-2 years category was the least (7.81). For the width, the third category was recorded the highest (4.51) along with the other. The Ellipticity inducts that 4-2 years group was the highest value (1.85), while for elongation character the 2-4 years group was the highest with (0.3) compared with the other.           It can be concluded our study in the current to the next score whenever the bull offers in the form of life has become the best sperm beltala can choose sperm in the freezer

    Measurement Based: 4G and 5G networks Analysis

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    The advancement of communications services requires the adoption of advanced technologies and the deployment of next generation networks. Nowadays, the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standard is widely used. Conversely, an increasing number of mobile network operators (MNOs) are integrating the new fifth generation (5G) radio standard into their networks. This facilitates enhanced throughput, spectral and power efficiency and extended coverage, along with minimizing latency. The effectiveness of these developments is evaluated by evaluating the Quality of Service (QoS) in mobile networks. This study describes LTE-4G and NR-5G data measurements and key performance indicator (KPI) analysis based on information collected through a test drive (DT) process for two operators in Austria. Data measurements specifically target parameters that affect network strength and quality, including reference signal received power (RSRP), reference signal received quality (RSRQ), signal-to-interference-noise ratio (SINR), and received signal strength index (RSSI). And downlink - uplink data transfer rate (DL/UL throughput). Analysis of these parameters may reveal the presence of some errors when collecting data from the mobile phone network, such as errors from DT devices, errors from the network itself, errors due to weather conditions, geographical errors, etc. Identify areas of vulnerability for specialized attention to address network errors and maintain them to increase data accuracy and improve quality of services. Ultimately, analyzing KPIs and detecting errors within the collected data provides a simplified approach to managing and monitoring mobile network performance, reducing complexity, maintenance time and costs, thus enhancing customer satisfaction

    Effect of meditative thinking on kinematic aspects of the tennis serve

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    The purpose of this study was to measure how much rookie players were thinking meditatively while mastering the serve technique, identifying the values of kinetic transmission and streamline for their performance of this skill as well as the connection, contribution, and influence of meditative thought on kinetic transmission and streamline when they perform the serve skill in tennis. This study employed a descriptive correlational design on a sample of 15 young tennis players who were specifically chosen to represent the entire target group. These players were selected from the Tennis Academy in Baghdad for the sport season 2018-2019. The Eysenck & Wilson Reflectiveness Scale was used after its translation into Arabic language. Each player’s performance for serve skill was used to measure the transmission of momentum between body parts and the kinetic streamline using the Dart fish–Team Pro 5 full version. Data were analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) for windows, version 25. The study results revealed that young players who have a high level of meditative thinking can control and master transmission of momentum between body parts with a streamline that reflects an improved performance for the serve skill in tennis. It is necessary to pay attention to support the meditative thinking in the teaching sessions for the young beginners in tennis and employing the kinetic activities to achieve the required model in performance. Furthermore, it is necessary to support the coaches in how to measure the meditative thinking and its improving to go parallel to improve the skillful performance in tennis to make players realize the local and international professionalism

    Comprehensive study: machine learning approaches for COVID-19 diagnosis

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused a large number of death since has declared as an international pandemic in December 2019, and it is spreading all over the world (more than 200 countries). This situation puts the health organizations in an aberrant demand for urgent needs to develop significant early detection and monitoring smart solutions. Therefore, that new system or solution might be capable to identify COVID-19 quickly and accurately. Nowadays, the science of artificial intelligence (AI), and internet of things (IoT) techniques have an extensive range of applications, it can be initiated a possible solution for early detection and accurate decisions. We believe, combine both of the IoT revolution and machine learning (ML) methods are expected to reshape healthcare treatment strategies to provide smart (diagnosis, treatments, monitoring, and hospitals). This work aims to overview the recent solutions that have been used for early detection, and to provide the researchers a comprehensive summary that contribute to the pandemic control such AI, IoT, cloud, fog, algorithms, and all the dataset and their sources that recently published. In addition, all models, frameworks, monitoring systems, devices, and ideas (in four sections) have been sufficiently presented with all clarifications and justifications. Also, we propose a new vision for early detection based on IoT sensors data entry using 1 million patients-data to verify three proposed methods

    Acid Transport Modeling Using Finite Element Discretization with Weak Formulation for Simulation of Acid Fracturing

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    The purpose of designing an acid fracturing model is to examine the two factors that measure the effectiveness of the acid fracturing treatment. The two factors are the acid penetration distance and the fracture conductivity after closure stress is reached. The acid fracturing model is designed by coupling a fracture propagation model and an acid transport model. The advanced fracture propagation models are developed numerically by the finite element method (FEM,) or the extended finite element method (XFEM.) However, the acid transport models that are reported in the literature are developed using the finite difference method (FDM.) The finite element method is a more stable and accurate technique to model different types of complex and coupled physics than FDM. Furthermore, FEM is a more powerful and suitable technique for meshing sophisticated geometries such as fractures. Thus, an acid transport model has been developed numerically using the finite element method. The developed model solves the Navier-Stokes equations numerically to get the velocity profile. The acid balance equation is solved considering the convection and diffusion terms in all direction of the fracture and not only across the fracture. This model considers the thermal effect by solving the energy balance equation without neglecting the temperature gradient along the fracture length and height. The developed model predicts accurate acid penetration distance with a relative error of 0.3% compared to the analytical solution, and improves the predicted acid-etched width by more than 8% compared to the reported analytical solutions, which overestimate the acid-etched width because of no taking into account the effect of wormholes when calculating the total leak-off coefficient. Finally, the fracture conductivity, after fracture closure, has been estimated by using correlations

    Researches Regarding the Reproduction Outline and Indices in a Beef Herd in the South of Romania

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    AbstractWorldwide, having as aim the more and more cost effective animal rearing, specialized breeds are used by practising and experimenting modern methods of animal breeding and reproduction. Planning the adequate reproduction activity to each farm purpose in view leads to some high technological indices.The aim of the present paper is the one of assessing the best methods of reproduction planning activity in a beef herd. There were analyzed the reproduction indices in a Charolais livestock, allotted to three categories of females: primiparous 36 females, 29 secundiparous females and 15 multiparous, a total of eighty-two reproduction stock. The study was conducted during three years and the reproduction indices were the following: length of pregnancy, service-period, calving interval, fertility rate, and sex ratio of the offspring. The animals come from import, from a total livestock nucleus of 21 heifers and a bull, the farm livestock increasing gradually to 96 heads. The females were used maximum five calving, and then culled. The age of females’ introduction to reproduction is 22-24 months, the first calving being achieved at 2,5 years, maximum 3 years. There were used the grouped calving system and individual calving system along the year.Following the three years study, even the reproduction indices did not differ significantly, by the grouped calving system obtained in early spring with the aid of synchronized heats, the early calves used better the grazing season offering increasing amounts of meat with less costs

    Four dimensional hyperchaotic communication system based on dynamic feedback synchronization technique for image encryption systems

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    This paper presents the design and simulation of a hyperchaotic communication system based on four dimensions (4D) Lorenz generator. The synchronization technique that used between the master/transmitter and the slave/receiver is based on dynamic feedback modulation technique (DFM). The mismatch error between the master dynamics and slave dynamics are calculated continuously to maintain the sync process. The information signal (binary image) is masked (encrypted) by the hyperchaotic sample x of Lorenz generator. The design and simulation of the overall system are carried out using MATLAB Simulink software. The simulation results prove that the system is suitable for securing the plain-data, in particular the image data with a size of 128×128 pixels within 0.1 second required for encryption, and decryption in the presence of the channel noise. The decryption results for gray and colored images show that the system can accurately decipher the ciphered image, but with low level distortion in the image pixels due to the channel noise. These results make the proposed cryptosystem suitable for real time secure communications

    Building an efficient portfolio by using the weighted moving average in the light of the global pandemic (COVID19) (An applied study in the Iraq stock market)

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    The research aims to study how to build an efficient portfolio by using the weighted moving average in the light of the global pandemic and compare it with the efficient portfolio for the previous period before the global pandemic. The rapid spread of Corona virus (COVID-19) is having major impacts on the financial markets around the world. However, the global pandemic caused a great risk, which led the investors to suffer huge losses in a very short period of time, in addition, to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the economic recession and the drop in oil prices led to a drop in the share prices of companies, as well as most of the companies listed in the Iraq Stock Market (Iraq Stock Exchange), trading in their shares decreased after the appearance of the first case in Iraq in 25/2/2019. The weighted moving average is one of the technical analysis tools, and this technical and mathematical tool has been used to build a portfolio consists of (24 companies). The first ten companies that have the highest weighted moving average have been selected and the research period is divided into the period before the global pandemic which started from 25/2/2019 to 24/2/2020 and the concurrent period of the global pandemic from 25/2/2020 to 2/24/2021 and the researcher used the statistical program [Microsoft Excel 10]. It has been concluded from the research that the Sharpe ratio for the technical portfolio for the concurrent period of the global pandemic was higher than the Sharpe ratio for the previous technical portfolio before the global pandemic, although the Sharpe ratio for both portfolios is negative, meaning that the returns of the portfolio are less than the risk-free return, but the Sharpe ratio for the technical portfolio for the concurrent period is better than the technical portfolio for the previous period, which confirms that the decrease in the number of trading sessions and the volume of trading have affected the performance of the investment portfolio, the smaller the number of trading volume, the better the performance of the portfolio. The researcher recommends with using other technical and mathematical tools to build an efficient investment portfolio in the light of the global pandemic