99 research outputs found

    Arabic Learning by Using Hybrid Learning Model in University

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    The Arabic language learning for university students in University is faced by various problems that impact the lack of language proficiency. Some problems faced by university students come from negative learning attitudes, low motivation, unhappy feelings toward the Arabic course that tends to be boring as well as a non-supportive language environment. The use of Hybrid Learning approach in Arabic language learning was done by strengthening students’ physical and mental state. This research aims to: (1) analyze the Arabic language learning by using Hybrid Learning Approach, (2) analyze lecturers' technology literacy level in deciding the success of the learning process (3) analyze the effectiveness of  Hybrid learning model on students' learning outcomes in Arabic language.This study applied the Mixed-Method Research to examine students' Arabic proficiency and learning process by using Hybrid Learning approach..The research respondents in this study are college students who take an Arabic language subject that consist of 80 students in each College. The data collection technique used in this research is a test, questionnaire, and interview. The use of Hybrid learning in Arabic language learning can improve students' positive attitude and learning motivation. Besides, this also can enhance students’ Arabic language skills. The significance of the research is to solve various problems of Arabic language learning faced by lecturers. The implementation of Hybrid learning can create an effective learning environment that can enhance Arabic language skills. This research result can be applied by Arabic language lecturers to handle various problems regarding attitude and learning motivation


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    Students' difficulties in learning come from boredom, lack of excitement, and laziness stimulated by monotonous and uninteresting learning. This research aims to analyze three things: (1) how the use of animation video technology takes place in the process of Arabic learning; (2) how the students' learning attitude performs while using animation video technology; and (3) how the effectiveness of the use of animation video technology enhances the students' Arabic language mastery. This research method uses mixed-method research by combining qualitative and quantitative methods, focusing on the data collection and data analysis process. This research's respondents are the students of State Islamic Elementary School of Metro City, Lampung totalling 70 students. The research instrument is the list of questions to gain data on the implementation of learning using the animation video technology. The test instrument to get data about the results of Arabic learning before and after using animation video technology. This study results in findings that animation video technology has created a psychological atmosphere that is fun for the children. The feeling of pleasure has developed students' positive attitude in learning. The results of the t-test show that sig (2-tailed) is equal to 0.019 < the value of α (0.05), which means that there is a significant influence on the use of animation video technology on students' Arabic langauge ability. This study concludes that animation video technology designed interestingly has overcome various difficulties of students' learning. This study recommends using animation video technology in teaching the Arabic language. &nbsp


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    Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian  dan pengembangan model materi ajar bahasa Arab berbasis cerita rakyat untuk Madrasah Ibtidaiyah disimpulkan bahwa model materi ajar bahasa Arab yang  dibutuhkan peserta didik dan guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah adalah berbasis cerita rakyat yang mencakup empat keterampilan bahasa seimbang, menarik disertai gambar warna-warni dan  sesuai dengan kehidupan peserta didik sehari-hari. Materi harus  disertai dengan latihan-latihan yang cukup. Rancangan model Materi ajar bahasa Arab yang akan dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari: (1)   analisis kebutuhan, (2) proses penyusunan draf model yang terdiri dari analisis kondisi pembelajaran yaitu analisis tujuan dan sumber belajar,  langkah pengembangan yang terdiri dari kegiatan merumuskan SK-KD, menyusus silabus ,menetapkan metode dan media dan menyusun instrumen evaluasi dan langkah pengukuran hasil belajar. (3) menyusun draf materi ajar yang terdiri dari kata pengantar,petunjuk penggunaan materi dan petunjuk buku, analisis program pembelajaran dan kegiatan pembelajaran. Kesemuanya ini dirumuskan oleh peneliti dalam satu kesatuan materi ajar yang terdiri dari: isi materi, latihan dan evaluasi. Desain model materi ajar  ini baru sebatas desain yang disusun berdasarkan penelitian pendahuluan. Untuk menguji efektifitas keberhasilan materi ini terhadap keterampilan berbahasa peserta didik perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjut This article deals with folklore-based learning materials for Arabic lesson at Islamic elementary school. Learning materials are supposed to be colorful and contextual to students’ daily lives. They also should be equipped by adequate exercises. The learning materials model designed in this study included: (1) needs analysis; (2) drafting instruction model which consisted of teaching objectives, teaching resources, competencies, syllabus, media, and assessment instruments; (3) designing the learning materials which embraced the acknowledgement, manual, and classroom activities. The learning materials design presented in this writing is preliminary in nature. The effectiveness of the learning materials needs a further investigation

    Pengajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kota Metro

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    This study was based on three questions (1) how are the problems felt by students in the process of learning Arabic? (2) what is the current level of motivation for learning Arabic in Madrasah Ibtidaiyahstudents today? (3) what is the current level of Arabic mastery of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students? Toanswer this, class observations, questionnaires and language skills were evaluated. This study showsthat learning Arabic in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 3 Metro City experiences various difficulties.Difficulties felt by students are not being able to master Arabic. Students cannot identify the meaningof the mufradat that is heard, cannot speak about daily activities, cannot read fluently and fluently andexperience various difficulties in writing Arabic. These difficulties are triggered by learning processesthat are less oriented towards active students. Students are not involved in learning optimally. And thelanguage environment that is not conducive and does not support the language learning process. Thisweak Arabic learning process causes low student motivation which, in turn, impacts on the achievementof students’ mastery in Arabic language. This study suggests the need for action studies to overcomedifficulties in the learning process


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    This study aims to answer the research questions (1) how does the ability of Arabic teachers in implementing and developing teaching methods and strategies, (2) how does the ability of Arabic teachers in implementing and developing learning media, (3) how does language environment in the Arabic learning, (4) how does the students’ motivation in learning Arabic (5) how does the students’ mastery level in Arabic language. This study is quantitative research with survey approach. The respondents of this research were Arabic teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Madrasah Aliyah, each of them consisted of 15 teachers, and the students at each level was 100. This research found that the students’ ability of Arabic language in Madrasah is not satisfying. This fact is as the impact of Arabic teachers who have not implemented the learning process optimally. Teachers have not optimized the implementation and the development both learning methods and media. In addition, the factors which trigger the non-success of students in learning Arabic language due to the unavailability of language environment which is created by teachers and responsible Madrasah as a media in learning Arabic as a second language


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    Anak usia dini merupakan masa terpenting bagi perkembangan, sehingga anak usia dini sedang dalam tahap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang paling pesat baik fisik maupun mental. perkembangan otak sebagai pusat kecerdasaan terjadi sangat cepat  karena  perkembangan otak pada anak usia dini telah mencapai 80 prosen dari orang dewasa sehingga masa itu disebut sebagai golden age. Sehingga pendidik harus memperhatikan karakteristik anak didik agar rancangan pembelajarannya sesuai dengan aspek perkembangan anak. salah  satu aspek perkembangan yang harus dikembangkan adalah bahasa. Bahasa mempunyai peran penting dalam perkembangan anak dengan menggunakan bahasa anak akan berkembang menjadi manusia dewasa yang dapat bersosialisasi dengan orang-orang yang berada dilingkungannya. Setelah bahasa pertama  atau bahasa ibu sudah matang matang, maka anak usia dini dapat belajar bahasa kedua. Dengan kondisi inilah kemudian menjadi dasar pemikiran mengapa pembelajaran bahasa Arab sebaiknya sudah mulai diajarkan pada anak usia dini dengan tidak melupakan penanaman nilai karakter didalamnya. Dengan cara mendesain pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa meliputi analisis kebutuhan, bentuk tujuan, desain silabus, metodologi, tes dan evaluasi. lalu mendesain pembelajaran bahasa berbasis penanaman karakter anak usia dini dengan kegiatan bermain, bernyanyi, mendongeng atau bercerita, menggambar dan pola tanda.Anak usia dini merupakan masa terpenting bagi perkembangan, sehingga anak usia dini sedang dalam tahap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang paling pesat baik fisik maupun mental. perkembangan otak sebagai pusat kecerdasaan terjadi sangat cepat  karena  perkembangan otak pada anak usia dini telah mencapai 80 prosen dari orang dewasa sehingga masa itu disebut sebagai golden age. Sehingga pendidik harus memperhatikan karakteristik anak didik agar rancangan pembelajarannya sesuai dengan aspek perkembangan anak. salah  satu aspek perkembangan yang harus dikembangkan adalah bahasa. Bahasa mempunyai peran penting dalam perkembangan anak dengan menggunakan bahasa anak akan berkembang menjadi manusia dewasa yang dapat bersosialisasi dengan orang-orang yang berada dilingkungannya. Setelah bahasa pertama  atau bahasa ibu sudah matang matang, maka anak usia dini dapat belajar bahasa kedua. Dengan kondisi inilah kemudian menjadi dasar pemikiran mengapa pembelajaran bahasa Arab sebaiknya sudah mulai diajarkan pada anak usia dini dengan tidak melupakan penanaman nilai karakter didalamnya. Dengan cara mendesain pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa meliputi analisis kebutuhan, bentuk tujuan, desain silabus, metodologi, tes dan evaluasi. lalu mendesain pembelajaran bahasa berbasis penanaman karakter anak usia dini dengan kegiatan bermain, bernyanyi, mendongeng atau bercerita, menggambar dan pola tanda

    The Mediating Role of Depressive Symptom in Burnout and Career Readiness Relationship: A Study on Arabic Language Learners

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    The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between burnout, career readiness, and depressive symptoms among Arabic language learners in Indonesia. The study used a cross-sectional design and surveyed a sample of Arabic language learners. Results of the study suggest that there is a moderate to low positive correlation between burnout, career readiness, and depressive symptoms, with burnout having a stronger correlation with career readiness and depressive symptoms than career readiness does with depressive symptoms. Additionally, the results suggest that burnout is a significant predictor of career readiness. However, the relationship between burnout and career readiness, through depression, is weak. These findings provide valuable insights into the relationship between burnout, career readiness, and depressive symptoms among Arabic language learners in Indonesia, but it is important to consider the limitations of the study, such as the small sample size, when interpreting the results. Future research should aim to address these limitations in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between these concepts

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2016

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    This research aims to reveal the data of Arabic language learning in Lampung. This research is focused on teachers professionality, Arabic learning process, and  students’ Arabic language skills that consist of istima’, kalam, qira’ah, and kitabah. This research refers to a survey study by collecting information from sample through questionnaire. The objectives of this research not only examine the map of teachers professionality, Arabic learning process, and students’ Arabic language skills but also find out the interaction between learning process and students’ Arabic skills. The samples of this research were 49 Arabic teachers and 382 students of Islamic Senior High School around Lampung. From the results of analysis data, it can be concluded that teachers professionality belongs to medium level, Arabic learning process belongs to medium level, students’ Arabic language skills belong to low level. The results of associative analysis showed that there is a significant influence between learning process and students’ Arabic language skills; therefore, it can be regarded that un-maximal learning process and environment have an impact towards the students low-level Arabic language skills

    Pengajaran Bahasa Arab Dengan Pendekatan Behavioristik

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    This study implicitly describes the participatory learning process of Arabic with a behavioristic approach. The research questions formulated are (1) how does the use of a behavioristic approach take place in the Arabic language learning process? (2) how the students' motivation before and after the use of a behavioristic approach; and (3) how effective is the use of a behavioristic approach in improving Arabic learning outcomes. This study uses a combined research approach to test learning competencies and the learning process. Respondents of the study were students of class V and VI Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Imam Lampung Timur totaling 35 students. The instruments used in this study were interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The results showed that the use of a behavioristic approach that was oriented towards providing stimulus-response continuously improved students' language acquisition. This acquisition is in the form of increased mastery of vocabulary, speaking, reading, and writing. A behavioristic approach to learning can improve Arabic learning outcomes. In addition to improving learning outcomes, a behavioristic approach can increase learning motivation. The increase in learning outcomes and learning motivation can be predicted because the behavioristic approach uses a pattern of repeated stimulus that is designed in a pleasant environment
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