92 research outputs found

    MapPrior: Bird's-Eye View Map Layout Estimation with Generative Models

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    Despite tremendous advancements in bird's-eye view (BEV) perception, existing models fall short in generating realistic and coherent semantic map layouts, and they fail to account for uncertainties arising from partial sensor information (such as occlusion or limited coverage). In this work, we introduce MapPrior, a novel BEV perception framework that combines a traditional discriminative BEV perception model with a learned generative model for semantic map layouts. Our MapPrior delivers predictions with better accuracy, realism, and uncertainty awareness. We evaluate our model on the large-scale nuScenes benchmark. At the time of submission, MapPrior outperforms the strongest competing method, with significantly improved MMD and ECE scores in camera- and LiDAR-based BEV perception

    Chelyabinsk region: civil activity and trust to regional political institutes and actors

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of social and political activity of Chelyabinsk region population; the research is based on materials of sociological surveys. The authors also consider the level of population’s trust to regional authorities.В статье на материалах социологических исследований анализируется состояние социальной и политической активности населения Челябинской области, а также коснёмся вопроса о том, в какой степени жители региона доверяют региональным органам власти и управления.Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научно-исследовательского проекта № 14-03-00486 "Социокультурный портрет Челябинской области: региональное сообщество во времени и пространстве"

    Application of Canadian Experience for Supply Chain Strategy and Territorial Organization of Tourist Information Centres in the Regions of Russia

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    One of the countries that have a common and long-running TIC network is Canada. The experience of this large northern country in the formation of regional information visit-service systems is of interest to Russia, since the countries in their characteristics are similar in size, distances, and natural conditions based on the supply chain strategy. Consider the TIC systems in the four Atlantic Canadian provinces. Tourist Information Centres are a new branch of services and a significant component of tourism management in many countries. In Russia, tourist information centres (TIC) are organized mainly in the largest cities of the regions and at the main sites visited. The experience of countries that are close in terms of geographic conditions and advanced in relation to the tourist infrastructure is important for the Russian regions. The study of the territorial organization of the Visitor Centres in the Atlantic Canada allows us to determine some geographical patterns. They will be taken into account when developing the system of tourist information centres in the Permsky Krai, one of the internal regions of Russia, which begin to form a high-level tourist infrastructure

    Deja Vu: semantics-aware recording and replay of high-speed eye tracking and interaction data to support cognitive studies of software engineering tasks—methodology and analyses

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    The paper introduces a fundamental technological problem with collecting high-speed eye tracking data while studying software engineering tasks in an integrated development environment. The use of eye trackers is quickly becoming an important means to study software developers and how they comprehend source code and locate bugs. High quality eye trackers can record upwards of 120 to 300 gaze points per second. However, it is not always possible to map each of these points to a line and column position in a source code file (in the presence of scrolling and file switching) in real time at data rates over 60 gaze points per second without data loss. Unfortunately, higher data rates are more desirable as they allow for finer granularity and more accurate study analyses. To alleviate this technological problem, a novel method for eye tracking data collection is presented. Instead of performing gaze analysis in real time, all telemetry (keystrokes, mouse movements, and eye tracker output) data during a study is recorded as it happens. Sessions are then replayed at a much slower speed allowing for ample time to map gaze point positions to the appropriate file, line, and column to perform additional analysis. A description of the method and corresponding tool, Deja Vu, is presented. An evaluation of the method and tool is conducted using three different eye trackers running at four different speeds (60 Hz, 120 Hz, 150 Hz, and 300 Hz). This timing evaluation is performed in Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Atom IDEs. Results show that Deja Vu can playback 100% of the data recordings, correctly mapping the gaze to corresponding elements, making it a well-founded and suitable post processing step for future eye tracking studies in software engineering. Finally, a proof of concept replication analysis of four tasks from two previous studies is performed. Due to using the Deja Vu approach, this replication resulted in richer collected data and improved on the number of distinct syntactic categories that gaze was mapped on in the code

    Brachytherapy procedure of choice in the localized prostate cancer treatment in patients with prostate benign hyperplasia

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    The article is devoted to the brachytherapy indication estimation as a procedure of choice in the localized prostate cancer treatment in patients with prostate benign hyperplasia. The study includes 26 patients with prostate adenocarcinoma T1c-T2b, undergone TURP prior the brachytherapy. The results of the study showed that brachytherapy in combination with TURP is an effective and safety method of localized prostate cancer treatment, causing no reduction of life quality.Статья посвящена определению показаний к брахитерапии, как методу выбора в лечении локализованного рака простаты у пациентов с доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы. В исследование включено 26 пациентов с диагнозом аденокарцинома предстательной железы в стадиях Т1с-Т2Ь, которым была выполнена трансуретральная резекция предстательной железы и в последующем брахитерапия. Результаты проведенного исследования показали, что применение брахитерапии в комбинации с парциальной трансуретральной резекцией предстательной железы в лечении локализованных форм рака простаты является эффективным и безопасным методом лечения с отсутствием снижения качества жизни

    Optimization of clinical approaches to early diagnostics of bladder cancer in Sverdlovsk region

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    The following article reveals analysis of Governor’s program “Urological health of man" achievements in eight cities of Sverdlovsk region. In described cities exists wide variety of different unfavorable factors, which affect on morbidity of bladder oncological diseases among man. Governor’s program positive influence on optimization of bladder cancer earlier diagnostics, based on mass questioning technique and newest medical technologies, is showed up.В работе представлены данные углубленных комплексных обследований 114989 мужчин, проведенных в двенадцати экспресс - диагностических урологических кабинетах в Свердловской области и в урологическом поликлиническом отделении областной клинической больницы № 1. У 94894 (82,5%) человек обнаружены различные урологические и нефрологические заболевания, в том числе у 3533 (3,1%) пациентов городов области установлен рак мочевого пузыря. Доказано, что организация специализированной ранней диагностики рака мочевого пузыря у мужского населения области при выполнении губернаторской программы за счет доступности и возможности у мужчин получить по месту жительства своевременную диагностику и лечение онкологических заболеваний позволяет медицинским работникам своевременно и качественно оказывать медицинскую помощь, диспансерное наблюдение, тем самым снизить летальность и количество осложнений