14 research outputs found

    Tall Fescue Expressed Sequence Tag and Simple Sequence Repeats: Important Resources for Grass Species

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    Expressed sequence tag (EST) databases have been growing exponentially. The simple sequence repeat (SSR) has become one of the most useful molecular marker systems in plant breeding and is widely used in cultivar fingerprinting, genetic diversity assessment, molecular mapping and marker-assisted selection. ESTs are a potential source for SSRs. The EST-SSR markers are of high quality and have versatile applications in molecular breeding (Bughrara et al., 2003; Saha et al., 2004 a, b, c). Here, we present an overview of our efforts to develop SSRs from tall fescue ESTs and their application for the genetic improvement of forage and turf grass species

    Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for resistance to southern leaf blight and days to anthesis in two maize recombinant inbred line populations

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    The genetic architecture underlying resistance in maize to southern leaf blight (SLB) caused by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race O is not well understood. The objective of this study was to identify loci contributing to SLB resistance in two recombinant inbred line populations and to compare these to SLB resistance loci in other populations. The two populations used were derived from crosses between maize inbred lines H99 and B73 (HB population-142 lines) and between B73 and B52 (BB population-186 lines). They were evaluated for SLB resistance and for days from planting to anthesis (DTA) in 2005 and 2006. Two replications arranged as randomized complete blocks were assessed in each year for each population. Entry mean heritabilities for disease resistance were high for both populations (0.876 and 0.761, respectively). Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for SLB resistance were identified in bins 3.04 (two QTL), 6.01, and 8.05 in the HB population and in bin 2.07 in the BB population. No overlap of DTA and SLB resistance QTL was observed, nor was there any phenotypic correlation between the traits. A comparison of the results of all published SLB resistance QTL studies suggested that bins 3.04 and 6.01 are 'hotspots' for SLB resistance QTL

    The influence of DNA sequence on epigenome-induced pathologies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Clear cause-and-effect relationships are commonly established between genotype and the inherited risk of acquiring human and plant diseases and aberrant phenotypes. By contrast, few such cause-and-effect relationships are established linking a chromatin structure (that is, the epitype) with the transgenerational risk of acquiring a disease or abnormal phenotype. It is not entirely clear how epitypes are inherited from parent to offspring as populations evolve, even though epigenetics is proposed to be fundamental to evolution and the likelihood of acquiring many diseases. This article explores the hypothesis that, for transgenerationally inherited chromatin structures, “<it>genotype predisposes epitype</it>”, and that epitype functions as a modifier of gene expression within the classical central dogma of molecular biology. Evidence for the causal contribution of genotype to inherited epitypes and epigenetic risk comes primarily from two different kinds of studies discussed herein. The first and direct method of research proceeds by the examination of the transgenerational inheritance of epitype and the penetrance of phenotype among genetically related individuals. The second approach identifies epitypes that are duplicated (as DNA sequences are duplicated) and evolutionarily conserved among repeated patterns in the DNA sequence. The body of this article summarizes particularly robust examples of these studies from humans, mice, Arabidopsis, and other organisms. The bulk of the data from both areas of research support the hypothesis that genotypes predispose the likelihood of displaying various epitypes, but for only a few classes of epitype. This analysis suggests that renewed efforts are needed in identifying polymorphic DNA sequences that determine variable nucleosome positioning and DNA methylation as the primary cause of inherited epigenome-induced pathologies. By contrast, there is very little evidence that DNA sequence directly determines the inherited positioning of numerous and diverse post-translational modifications of histone side chains within nucleosomes. We discuss the medical and scientific implications of these observations on future research and on the development of solutions to epigenetically induced disorders.</p