12 research outputs found

    Primjena novih metoda kontrole patogenih oblika bakterije Escherichia coli

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    Among foodborne pathogens, diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli is of major concern because of its commensal status, abundance in the natural environment, and ability to acquire virulence determinants by horizontal gene transfer from other microbes. From enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains to the more virulent enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), the mechanisms of pathogenicity within this species are intriguing. Recent advances in molecular diagnostics are providing novel tools for improved rapid detection and quantification of this and other pathogenic bacteria from clinical, food, and environmental specimens. These include simple and inexpensive colorimetric and immunological methods to more elaborate nucleic acid-based assays that combine extreme specificity to unparalleled sensitivity and high sample throughput. This review summarizes the current state of E. coli pathogenesis with emphasis on the need for incorporating detection and surveillance tools as part of pre- and post-harvest food safety ideals.Patogena bakterija Escherichia coli, koja uzrokuje dijareju, najopasniji je patogeni mikroorganizam u hrani zbog svoje rasprostranjenosti u prirodnom okoliÅ”u i sposobnosti prisvajanja virulentnosti horizontalnim transferom gena iz drugih mikroba. Mehanizmi njezine patogenosti su intrigantni, počevÅ”i od enterotoksigenog soja E. coli (ETEC) pa sve do virulentnijeg eneterohemoragijskog soja (EHES). Napredak u molekularnoj dijagnostici doveo je do razvoja novih metoda brzog određivanja prisutnosti i broja te bakterije i sličnih patogenih bakterija u kliničkim uzorcima, hrani i okoliÅ”u. U tu svrhu mogu se primijeniti jednostavne i jeftine kolorimetrijske i imunoloÅ”ke metode ili kompliciranije metode dokazivanja nukleinskih kiselina koje su vrlo specifične i osjetljive pa se pomoću njih može analizirati veliki broj uzoraka. Ovaj revijalni prikaz donosi pregled patogeneze E. coli, a ističe nužnost određivanja njezine prisutnosti te nadzor prije i nakon žetve radi procjene zdravstvene ispravnosti hrane

    Primjena novih metoda kontrole patogenih oblika bakterije Escherichia coli

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    Among foodborne pathogens, diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli is of major concern because of its commensal status, abundance in the natural environment, and ability to acquire virulence determinants by horizontal gene transfer from other microbes. From enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains to the more virulent enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), the mechanisms of pathogenicity within this species are intriguing. Recent advances in molecular diagnostics are providing novel tools for improved rapid detection and quantification of this and other pathogenic bacteria from clinical, food, and environmental specimens. These include simple and inexpensive colorimetric and immunological methods to more elaborate nucleic acid-based assays that combine extreme specificity to unparalleled sensitivity and high sample throughput. This review summarizes the current state of E. coli pathogenesis with emphasis on the need for incorporating detection and surveillance tools as part of pre- and post-harvest food safety ideals.Patogena bakterija Escherichia coli, koja uzrokuje dijareju, najopasniji je patogeni mikroorganizam u hrani zbog svoje rasprostranjenosti u prirodnom okoliÅ”u i sposobnosti prisvajanja virulentnosti horizontalnim transferom gena iz drugih mikroba. Mehanizmi njezine patogenosti su intrigantni, počevÅ”i od enterotoksigenog soja E. coli (ETEC) pa sve do virulentnijeg eneterohemoragijskog soja (EHES). Napredak u molekularnoj dijagnostici doveo je do razvoja novih metoda brzog određivanja prisutnosti i broja te bakterije i sličnih patogenih bakterija u kliničkim uzorcima, hrani i okoliÅ”u. U tu svrhu mogu se primijeniti jednostavne i jeftine kolorimetrijske i imunoloÅ”ke metode ili kompliciranije metode dokazivanja nukleinskih kiselina koje su vrlo specifične i osjetljive pa se pomoću njih može analizirati veliki broj uzoraka. Ovaj revijalni prikaz donosi pregled patogeneze E. coli, a ističe nužnost određivanja njezine prisutnosti te nadzor prije i nakon žetve radi procjene zdravstvene ispravnosti hrane

    Vitamin D and depression in women: a mini-review

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    Affective-related disorders, including depression are constantly rising, complicating peopleā€™s personal life style increasing disqualification and hospital care. Because of the high intensity of urbanization, our lifestyle and food altered dramatically in the last twenty years. These food modifications have been associated to scores of depression and other affective-related disorders in urbanized countries with high economic levels. Nutrients imbalance is considered as one of the critical causes enabling to the pathophysiological mechanisms for the development of psychiatric disorders. Application of additional nutritional interventions for treatment of mood deteriorations can be beneficial for both the prophylaxis and therapy of affective-related disorders. Thise paper will reviews recent research on the relation of Vitamin D levels and the epidemiology of depression in women. In this paper we will provide an overview of the results of a variety of different studies taking on board research which both suggests and refutes an association. Based on these findings we will propose important directions for future research in relation to this topic

    Nutrition Challenges for Middle-Aged and Older Women

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    During the menopausal transition and postmenopausal periods, women are affected by a variety of symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Non-specific somatic symptoms are also common, including muscle and joint pain, tiredness, and dizziness. Some of these effects (particularly vasomotor symptoms and vaginal atrophy) are closely associated with estrogen deficiency, but the exact mechanisms underlying the other symptoms are not fully understood. Postmenopausal women are also at increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity as a net effect of central obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes, as well as for osteoporosis, cognitive decline, and genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has played a central role in improving menopausal symptoms and reducing the disease risks associated with estrogen deficiency. However, due to growing concern for the side effects of HRT, especially in patients with hormone-sensitive cancer such as breast and uterus cancer, research has turned to the effects of nutraceutical approaches to these symptoms and diseases. In this Special Issue of Nutrients, we would like to bring together manuscripts dealing with the topic of ā€œNutrition Challenges for Middle-Aged and Older Womenā€. Topics may include dietary interventions with foods, altered nutrient intake or food supplements, and specific dietary pattern interventions, such as the Mediterranean Diet or calorie restriction, in humans

    Efeito do tratamento com esterĆ³ide anabolizante androgĆŖnico sobre o perfil redox do tecido hepĆ”tico e renal em ratas ovariectomizadas

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    A ausĆŖncia dos hormĆ“nios ovarianos pode levar a diversas alteraƧƵes metabĆ³licas. A ovariectomia Ć© o modelo usado para estudar as alteraƧƵes causadas pela perda de funĆ§Ć£o ovariana e reduĆ§Ć£o na secreĆ§Ć£o de estradiol. A testosterona pode ser uma alternativa a reposiĆ§Ć£o hormonal por ser menos hepatotĆ³xica e as modificaƧƵes farmacolĆ³gicas dessa molĆ©cula reduzem os efeitos colaterais quando usados em doses baixas nĆ£o alterando o equilĆ­brio redox. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses de Esteroide Anabolizante AndrogĆŖnico (EAA, Decanoato de Nandrolona) no balanƧo redox no tecido hepĆ”tico e renal de ratas ovariectomizadas. MƉTODOS: Ratas Wistar fĆŖmeas (n = 33) foram divididas em cinco grupos: controle (C) e quatro grupos de ratas ovariectomizadas aos 60 dias de idade tratados por 8 semanas sem (OVX) ou com EAA a cada 15 dias a 0,1 mg/kg (OVX1), 3 mg/kg (OVX3) e 10 mg/kg (OVX10). Homogenato de tecido hepĆ”tico ou renal foram usados para as dosagens bioquĆ­micas e o plasma e para marcadores de lesĆ£o tecidual e dosagem de TGC. Os dados foram analisados por one-way ANOVA usando software GraphPad Prism (Pā‰¤0,05 foi considerado significante). RESULTADOS: Os grupos OVX apresentaram reduĆ§Ć£o significativa no peso do Ćŗtero em relaĆ§Ć£o ao C. Os depĆ³sitos de gordura retroperitoneal apresentaram aumento nos grupos OVX e OVX1 em relaĆ§Ć£o ao C. Podemos verificar um aumento significativo no peso do coraĆ§Ć£o no grupo OVX10 em relaĆ§Ć£o ao C. NĆ£o foram encontradas alteraƧƵes nos biomarcadores de lesĆ£o celular CK, LDH, ALT, AST e GGT. No entanto, a CK-MB foi alterada no grupo OVX3, bem como, a quantificaĆ§Ć£o de TGC se mostrou alterada no grupo OVX3 e OVX10. Em relaĆ§Ć£o ao estresse oxidativo no tecido hepĆ”tico, um aumento na peroxidaĆ§Ć£o lipĆ­dica foi medido no grupo OVX10 em relaĆ§Ć£o ao C. A atividade da CAT e da SOD foram aumentadas no grupo OVX10, enquanto que a atividade da GPx diminuiu nos grupos OVX3 e OVX10. Com relaĆ§Ć£o ao tecido renal nĆ£o encontramos alteraĆ§Ć£o nos marcadores de estresse oxidativo, no entanto, a atividade da catalase encontra-se aumentada nos grupos OVX1 e OVX3 em relaĆ§Ć£o ao grupo C. CONCLUSƃO: As doses suprafisiolĆ³gicas de ND levaram ao remodelamento do coraĆ§Ć£o. O tratamento com ND na dosagem 10 mg/kg promoveu aumento dos TGC circulantes. No tecido hepĆ”tico a dose de 10 mg/kg promoveu o aumento na peroxidaĆ§Ć£o lipĆ­dica e na atividade das enzimas antioxidantes CAT e SOD. EAA nas dosagens de 3 e 10 mg/kg promoveram a diminuiĆ§Ć£o na atividade da enzima GPx. JĆ” no tecido renal, somente a atividade da enzima CAT foi alterada nos grupos OVX1 e OVX3. Portanto, o tratamento com a dose fisiolĆ³gica de 0,1 mg/kg (OVX1) nĆ£o afetou negativamente os parĆ¢metros sistĆŖmicos e nem o equilĆ­brio redox do tecido hepĆ”tico e renal, indicando que o ND nesta dosagem pode ser uma alternativa promissora para realizar a Terapia Hormonal da Menopausa

    Combat-Related Reproductive Trauma: Implications for Quality of Life and the Reproductive Narrative

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    Little research exists on the experiences of a combat-related injury that impairs fertility. This dissertation is a qualitative exploration of the lived experiences of military members after a genitourinary (GU) injury. It addresses the biological, psychological, and social impact on quality of life during recovery and subsequent attitudes about family development and sexual functioning. Building on both the life course perspective and the reproductive story model, this dissertation reviews literature on military culture, GU injury, and infertility to give a context to further analyze the essences of the phenomenon (Elder & Giele, 2009; Jaffe & Diamond, 2011). This study is based on intensive interviews of 10 recent veterans from the post- 9/11 War on Terror. Through a phenomenological analysis approach, results suggest that the reproductive trauma is difficult to fully internalize, as it impacts many areas of life (i.e.-intimate relationship, sexual functioning, fertility). Yet, in the lived experience of these veterans, the GU injury is insufficiently addressed due to more critical health needs and the lack of medical resources to reverse testicular function. The reproductive trauma is often put aside until physical injuries are stabilized and some independence is regained. Finding meaning and purpose is a way to reconstruct the reproductive narrative. The results of this study have implications for social work policy and practice, as well as future research, for persons who have experienced military-related GU injuries. Approaching this trauma-based experience through a reproductive narrative provides clinicians a tool to reconstruct the life course and manage the unknowns of this trauma

    Improving medical care for adults with Prader-Willi syndrome

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