115 research outputs found

    Impact of climate change on primary agriculture, water sources and food security in Western Cape, South Africa

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    Climate change is undoubtedly one of the biggest crises that humanity is facing today. There is a robust scientific consensus that human-induced climate change is occurring not only in the Western Cape but around the world. The objective of this research was to assess the impact of climate change on primary agriculture and food security. The paper is based on a literature review. A variety of literature reviews, for example, 11 government reports and 21 journal articles including experience outside Western Cape, were consulted to enrich the local experience regarding the impact of climate change on agriculture. The results indicated that many dams had low water levels (40%) during 2016/2017, which reduced crop yields including grapes. Droughts, which affected both smallholder and commercial farmers, are now a common phenomenon. Livestock production has declined over time, with small stock, the beef and dairy industry being the most affected. The paper concludes by highlighting climate adaptation and mitigation interventions and strategies for both crops and livestock production in the Western Cape. The major recommendations included scaling up on the use of organic matter to avoid burning and creating gas emissions to the atmosphere, the effective use of livestock manure and the use of appropriate and adaptable seed varieties, managing the manure of the livestock to assist in mulching to reduce water loss through evaporation and using adaptable seeds

    The impact of succession planning on the sustainability of cane production by small-scale cane growers in the north coast of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

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    This paper forms part of a research study for a PhD, which has been conducted in the North Coast of KwaZulu-Natal and focuses on the sustainability of emerging cane growers. The research problem of the study was that cane growers cannot be sustained beyond the current generation of existing farmers because young people are not interested. Agriculture takes place in rural areas which are characterised by high levels of poverty. Cane farming, like other agricultural production activities, is the major economic driver in these areas. However, the current cane growers are ageing and the economy will be negatively impacted unless the youth succeed their parents as farmers. Sustainability of cane production depends on the preparedness of the offspring of the cane growers to succeed them as farmers.The results of the study revealed two responses. The first response suggested that young people whose parents are cane growers are willing to succeed their parents and become cane growers. The second response suggested that where discussions on succession planning have taken place there was an increase in the number of young people indicating an interest in succeeding their parents. The paper concludes with a recommendation that there is a need for developing succession planning in the North Coast farming area.KEY WORDS: Cane grower, cane farmer, sustainability, succession planning, youth, extension implications


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    Cost effective and environmentally friendly crop production using a variety of animal manures is possible for all horticultural production systems including floriculture. Efficient production of summer cut flowers like gypsophila is feasible under small-holder production system. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different types and application rates of animal manures on growth, yield and quality of gypsophila cut flowers grown under field conditions. The experiment was carried out in the Horticulture Department Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Luyengo Campus of the University of Swaziland to determine the growth, yield and quality of gypsophila when fertilised with kraal manure, poultry manure and inorganic fertilisers. The treatments were kraal manure applied at 10, 20, 40 and 80 t/ha; and chicken manure applied at 5, 10, 20, and 40 t/ha. A control of inorganic fertiliser (2:3:2 (22) + 5% Zn) was applied at 1,400 kg/ha. The design of the study was a Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD). Data collected was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Where significant results were obtained, means were separated using the Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT). The results showed that chicken and kraal manure levels affected growth of gypsophila, with chicken manure at 40 t/ha inducing the highest plant height of 54.7 cm followed by kraal manure applied at 80 t/ha (52.6 cm). The lowest plant height of 38.4 cm was observed in plants applied with the inorganic fertiliser. Plants supplied with chicken manure at 40 t/ha had the highest cut flower length of 53.9 cm followed by kraal manure at 80 t/ha with 48.6 cm whilst inorganic fertiliser induced the lowest cut flower stem length of 37.5 cm. Gypsophila applied with chicken manure at 40 t/ha had the highest number of marketable cut flowers (7.1) followed by kraal manure at 80 t/ha with 6.7 cut flowers. Plants supplied with inorganic fertiliser had the lowest number of marketable cut flowers (5.1). The application of chicken manure at 40 t/ha induced the highest fresh and dry masses whilst inorganic fertiliser application resulted in the lowest values. There were no significant differences in the accumulation of N, P, and K in gypsophila plants due to the different treatments. It was concluded, therefore, that farmers should use chicken manure applied at 40 t/ha or kraal manure applied at 80 t/ha for profitable production of gypsophila under field conditions in Eswatini

    Marketability and sustainability of food security programmes: products and productivity of agricultural projects

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    This paper addresses the marketability and sustainability of food security programmes in Limpopo Province. Food security features prominently because poverty and inequality remains a huge challenge in South Africa’s rural sector. Thus the Government has initiated the establishment of agricultural community projects as part of interventions for creating jobs and improving income levels. However, lack of monitoring mechanisms in established projects create a challenge of nonsustainability of these projects. The study has used formative evaluation approach to determine the effectiveness of the established food security programme. A mixed model approach was used to collect data from key informants and project members. Descriptive statistics were computed using SPSS. Most projects were on vegetable, poultry and piggery production. The study has found that 64.1% of the respondents reported that access to inputs was not a challenge. Project products are sold to community members who accounted to 79%, and few (1%) to individuals owning business, clinics and outside the community. Project members advertised their produce mainly verbally (47.2%). Marketing strategies for project products were lacking and this creates a negative impact on income generated and sustainability of projects. The paper concludes by suggesting that project members should be advised on appropriate marketing strategies.S.Afr. Tydskr. Landbouvoorl./S. Afr. J. Agric. Ext., Vol. 40 2012: 1 – 1

    Epilepsy in rural South African children prevalence, associated disability and management

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    Objective. To determine the prevalence of epilepsy and its associated disabilities in rural South African children aged 2 - 9 years.Setting. Eight villages in the district of Bushbuckridge, Northern Province, South Africa_Design. A two-phase design was used_ The first phase involved screening children on a house-to-house baSis by interviewing mothers or caregivers using an internationally validated questionnaire for detecting childhood disability in developing countries. The second phase consisted of a paediatric/ neurodevelopmental assessment of the children who screened positive.Results. A total of 6692 children were screened; 722 (10.8%) had a paediatric evaluation and 49 (0.73%) had epilepsy. The¡ lifetime and active prevalences of epilepsy in these children were 7.3/1 000 and 6.7/1 000 respectively. Associated developmental disability was recorded in 35 affected children (71.4%), including 8 (16.3%) in whom this was moderate to severe. More than a half of the children with epilepsy (57.1%) did not receive anticonvulsant medication.Conclusion. The prevalence of epilepsy in the rural childhood population investigated is higher than that recorded in most similar studies from sub-Saharan Africa, and the poor utilisation of 'appropriate anticonvulsant treatment is cause for concern. This study highlights the paucity of relevant information on the epidemiology of epilepsy in South Africa and that the system available for its management, especially in rural areas, appears to have functional deficiencies. Appropriate research is needed to identify the problems in service delivery and to enable the planning and implementation of an appropriate primary health care-based system for the diagnosis and management of epilepsy in children

    Scope, trends and opportunities for sociohydrology research in Africa: A bibliometric analysis

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    Socio-hydrology research is concerned with the understanding of how humanity interacts with water resources. The purpose of this study was to assess the disparity between global and African trends as well as developments in the research domain of socio-hydrology. From the viewpoint of a multitude of research themes, multi-author collaborations between African and international researchers and the number of publications produced globally, the results reveal that the field of socio-hydrology is still underdeveloped and yet nascent. At a global level, the USA, China, and the Netherlands have the highest number of scientific publications, while in Africa, South Africa dominates, although these scientific publications are significantly much lower than the global output. The output of scientific publications on socio-hydrology research from Africa increased from 2016, with significant output reached in 2019. Water management and supply, hydrological modelling, flood monitoring as well as policies and decision-making, are some of the dominant themes found through keywords co-occurrence analysis. These main keywords may be considered as the foci of research in socio-hydrology. Although socio-hydrology research is still in the early stages of development in Africa, the cluster and emerging themes analysis provide opportunities for research in Africa that will underpin new frontiers of the research agenda encompassing topics such as the (1) impacts of climate change on socio-hydrology; (2) influence of socio-hydrology on water resources such as surface water and groundwater; (3) benefits of socio-hydrological models on river basins and (4) role of socio-hydrology in economic sectors such as agriculture. Overall, this study points to a need to advance socio-hydrology research in Africa in a bid to address pressing water crises that affect sustainable development as well as to understand the feedback mechanisms and linkages between water resources and different sectors of society. Significance:• The field of socio-hydrology is still under-researched in Africa. • Limited research could be attributed to a lack of expertise, resources and data limitations.• Socio-hydrology research is likely to be strengthened through collaborations between Africa and other developed countries.• Existing gaps present opportunities to advance socio-hydrology research in Africa

    A Comparative Cost Analysis of Antibiotic Treatment for Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Adult Inpatients at Piggs Peak Government Hospital in Swaziland

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    Background: Of the different types of pneumonia, community acquired pneumonia (CAP), has been identified as the leading cause of infectious morbidity and mortality in the western and developing countries. To eradicate the bacterial cause of CAP, medical doctors) often tend to prescribe a differing cocktail of medicine which may be costly for the health care system.Aim: To analyze the cost of oral and/or intravenous antibiotic medicine use in different treatment approaches for treating CAP in adult inpatients from the health care system perspective.Settings: This study was undertaken at Piggs Peak Government Hospital, a 220 bed tertiary hospital located in the rural northern Hhohho region of Swaziland.Method: Seventy-one (n = 71) medical records of adult patients, hospitalized and diagnosed with CAP at Piggs Peak Government Hospital from July 2014 to June 2015, were retrieved and entered into the database once confirmed as having met the selection criteria. Only direct antibiotic medicine(s) costs were considered. The total cost per treatment option was calculated by multipling the unit cost of the medicine by the administration frequency and the length of hospital stay. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the cost difference between more than two treatment options.Results: Medical doctors at Piggs Peak Government Hosptial use a range of antibiotics to treat community acquire pneumonia. Furthermore, doctors prefer using dual antibiotics combination as first line treatment of CAP in adult inpatients. The cost of treating community acquire pneumonia at the hospital ranged from ZAR 70.98 to ZAR 467.60 per adult inpatient admitted into care. A statistically significant difference in the cost of the different treatment approaches used for treating CAP was noted.Conclusion: This cost-exploratory study has highlighted a significant difference in the monetary cost of the differing approaches used for treating CAP at the hospital. It is evident therefore that the use of different treatment approaches in treating CAP significantly influences the cost of CAP treatment. There is therefore need for cost minimization measure to be put in place at the facility
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