6 research outputs found

    Biokemijski pokazatelji koštane pregradnje kod pašnih mliječnih ovaca tijekom kasne gravidnosti i laktacije i njihova korelacija s IGF-I.

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    We investigated the influence of late pregnancy and lactation on bone metabolism in grazing dairy sheep, by measuring concentrations of minerals and bone markers in blood serum. The research was performed on ten cross-breed ewes (Istrian × East-Friesian). The concentrations of total Ca, inorganic P, total Mg, the activity of total alkaline phosphatase (AP) and bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), concentrations of carboxyterminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx), insulin-like growth factor - I (IGF-I) and 17- β estradiol (E2) were determined in the blood serum. The results showed significantly lower Ca concentrations in blood during lactation and P concentrations in the period of late lactation. Late lactation was characterized by the lowest CTx concentration and higher BAP activity. The obtained results are related to a decrease in the degree of bone resorption and an increase in the deposition of minerals in the bone tissue during late lactation. The increased concentration of CTx, with the simultaneous decrease in BAP activity in the period of late pregnancy and early lactation indicate a high magnitude of bone resorption. The concentration of IGF-I in the blood serum of the ewes is positively correlated with the activities of the total AP and BAP and the total Ca and Mg, which could be related to the activity of IGF-I on the osteoblasts and the release of minerals from the bones. The results of the present study show a relationship between concentrations of IGF-I and bone remodelling markers in the blood serum of dairy ewes, and their mutual correlation with changes in estradiol concentration.Istražen je učinak kasne gravidnosti i laktacije na koštani metabolizam mliječnih ovaca mjerenjem koncentracije minerala i biokemijskih pokazatelja koštane pregradnje. Istraživanje je provedeno na deset križanih ovaca (istarska × istočnofrizijska). Mjerene su koncentracije ukupnog kalcija, anorganskog fosfora, ukupnog magnezija, c-terminalnog telopeptida kolagena tipa I (CTx), inzulinu sličnog faktora rasta - I (IGF-I) i 17-β estradiola (E2) te aktivnost ukupne (AP) i koštano specifične alkalne fosfataze (BAP) u krvnom serumu. Rezultati su pokazali značajno niže koncentracije kalcija u krvnom serumu tijekom laktacije i fosfora tijekom kasne laktacije. Kasna laktacija pokazala je najnižu vrijednost CTx i višu aktivnost BAP. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na smanjenje opsega koštane razgradnje i povišeno odlaganje minerala u koštano tkivo tijekom kasne laktacije. Viša koncentracija CTx, uz istovremeno smanjenje aktivnosti BAP u serumu tijekom kasne gravidnosti i rane laktacije upućuju na visoki opseg razgradnje koštanog tkiva. Koncentracija IGF-I u krvnom je serumu bila u pozitvnoj korelaciji s aktivnošću AP, BAP, te koncentracijama ukupnog kalcija i magnezija, što može biti povezano s učinkom IGF-I na osteoblaste i otpuštanje minerala iz kostiju. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su povezanost između koncentracije IGF-I i biomarkera koštane pregradnje u krvnome serumu mliječnih ovaca, kao i njihovu zajedničku korelaciju s koncentracijama estradiola

    Biokemijski pokazatelji koštane pregradnje kod pašnih mliječnih ovaca tijekom kasne gravidnosti i laktacije i njihova korelacija s IGF-I.

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    We investigated the influence of late pregnancy and lactation on bone metabolism in grazing dairy sheep, by measuring concentrations of minerals and bone markers in blood serum. The research was performed on ten cross-breed ewes (Istrian × East-Friesian). The concentrations of total Ca, inorganic P, total Mg, the activity of total alkaline phosphatase (AP) and bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), concentrations of carboxyterminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx), insulin-like growth factor - I (IGF-I) and 17- β estradiol (E2) were determined in the blood serum. The results showed significantly lower Ca concentrations in blood during lactation and P concentrations in the period of late lactation. Late lactation was characterized by the lowest CTx concentration and higher BAP activity. The obtained results are related to a decrease in the degree of bone resorption and an increase in the deposition of minerals in the bone tissue during late lactation. The increased concentration of CTx, with the simultaneous decrease in BAP activity in the period of late pregnancy and early lactation indicate a high magnitude of bone resorption. The concentration of IGF-I in the blood serum of the ewes is positively correlated with the activities of the total AP and BAP and the total Ca and Mg, which could be related to the activity of IGF-I on the osteoblasts and the release of minerals from the bones. The results of the present study show a relationship between concentrations of IGF-I and bone remodelling markers in the blood serum of dairy ewes, and their mutual correlation with changes in estradiol concentration.Istražen je učinak kasne gravidnosti i laktacije na koštani metabolizam mliječnih ovaca mjerenjem koncentracije minerala i biokemijskih pokazatelja koštane pregradnje. Istraživanje je provedeno na deset križanih ovaca (istarska × istočnofrizijska). Mjerene su koncentracije ukupnog kalcija, anorganskog fosfora, ukupnog magnezija, c-terminalnog telopeptida kolagena tipa I (CTx), inzulinu sličnog faktora rasta - I (IGF-I) i 17-β estradiola (E2) te aktivnost ukupne (AP) i koštano specifične alkalne fosfataze (BAP) u krvnom serumu. Rezultati su pokazali značajno niže koncentracije kalcija u krvnom serumu tijekom laktacije i fosfora tijekom kasne laktacije. Kasna laktacija pokazala je najnižu vrijednost CTx i višu aktivnost BAP. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na smanjenje opsega koštane razgradnje i povišeno odlaganje minerala u koštano tkivo tijekom kasne laktacije. Viša koncentracija CTx, uz istovremeno smanjenje aktivnosti BAP u serumu tijekom kasne gravidnosti i rane laktacije upućuju na visoki opseg razgradnje koštanog tkiva. Koncentracija IGF-I u krvnom je serumu bila u pozitvnoj korelaciji s aktivnošću AP, BAP, te koncentracijama ukupnog kalcija i magnezija, što može biti povezano s učinkom IGF-I na osteoblaste i otpuštanje minerala iz kostiju. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su povezanost između koncentracije IGF-I i biomarkera koštane pregradnje u krvnome serumu mliječnih ovaca, kao i njihovu zajedničku korelaciju s koncentracijama estradiola


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    Pokus je proveden na farmi muznih krava HF pasmine, tijekom 1990. i 1991. godine. Istraživani materijal sastojao se od 27 plotkinja (12 kontrolnih i 15 pokusnih grla). Plotkinje iz kontrolne grupe dobile su samo 20 ml AD₃E vitamina i 5 ml Fertagyla (0,5 mg gonadorelin- Gn RH i/m. Primjena navedenog hormona pokazala se djelotvornom u odnosu na bitne parametre plodnosti. Skraćeno je vrijeme odmora za 10,7, vrijeme osjemenjivanja za 44,4, i servis period za 55,1 dana. Graviditet je viši za 6,7%

    Metabolički profil rasplodnih bikova simentalske pasmine

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    The levels of biochemical parameters in the blood serum of Simmental service bulls were studied. The research was conducted on twelve bulls at the age of four to seven. The blood was taken on four occasions by needle biopsy from the vena jugularis externa. In the samples of blood serum, the activities were specified of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), creatine-kinase (CK) and concentrations of the total proteins, albumins, calcium and magnesium, triglycerides and cholesterol. Since there are no data concerning bulls, the results obtained were compared with data from literature on cows. The levels of total proteins, albumins, GGT and CK in the serum of the examined bulls are higher than in cows, while the levels of AST and magnesium are lower. The levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and calcium are almost equivalent. The differences observed indicate the necessity of establishing referential rates for biochemical parameters in bulls as opposed to cows. The results obtained will be useful in routine diagnostics as the metabolic profile of Simmental bulls.U radu su istražene razine biokemijskih pokazatelja u krvnom serumu rasplodnih bikova simentalske pasmine. Istraživanje je provedeno na 12 bikova u starosti od četiri do sedam godina. Krv je uzimana u četiri navrata punkcijom jugularne vene. U uzorcima krvnoga seruma određene su aktivnosti alanin-aminotransferaze (ALT), aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST), gama glutamil-transferaze (GGT), kreatinske-kinaze (CK) i koncentracije ukupnih proteina, albumina, kalcija, magnezija, triglicerida i kolesterola. Budući da ne postoje podatci koji se odnose na bikove, dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s podatcima iz literature koji se odnose na krave. Razine ukupnih proteina, albumina, GGT i CK u serumu istraživanih bikova više su nego u krava, dok su razine AST i magnezija niže. Razine triglicerida, kolesterola i kalcija su gotovo jednake. Uočene razlike upućuju na prijeku potrebu uspostavljanja referentnih vrijednosti biokemijskih pokazatelja za bikove, neovisno o onima za krave. Postignuti rezultati bit će korisni u rutinskoj dijagnostici kao metabolički profil bikova simentalske pasmine

    The metabolic profile of Simmental service bulls

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    The levels of biochemical parameters in the blood serum of Simmental service bulls were studied. The research was conducted on twelve bulls at the age of four to seven. The blood was taken on four occasions by needle biopsy from the vena jugularis externa. In the samples of blood serum, the activities were specified of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), creatine-kinase (CK) and concentrations of the total proteins, albumins, calcium and magnesium, triglycerides and cholesterol. Since there are no data concerning bulls, the results obtained were compared with data from literature on cows. The levels of total proteins, albumins, GGT and CK in the serum of the examined bulls are higher than in cows, while the levels of AST and magnesium are lower. The levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and calcium are almost equivalent. The differences observed indicate the necessity of establishing referential rates for biochemical parameters in bulls as opposed to cows. The results obtained will be useful in routine diagnostics as the metabolic profile of Simmental bulls. Key words: metabolic profile, service bulls, blood seru