41 research outputs found

    As. Eleocharitetum palustris Schennikow 1919 u Hrvatskoj

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    The association Eleocharitetum palustris is a marshland community that has been insufficiently investigated in Europe as a whole. In this paper 22 relevĆ©s from Croatia are presented. The association is characterized by its dominant species, Eleocharis palustris and poor floristic composition. The stands develop in very wet habitats alongside the banks of freshwater marshes and in shallow microdepressions of terrain. Habitats are flooded for most of the year. The community is also adapted to grazing, trampling and mowing. A comparison of the stands from the continental and Mediterranean parts of the country shows a higher species richness in the stands in continental Croatia. Based on the differences in floristic composition, the association was divided into two geographic variants: continental and Mediterranean. A comparison of Eleocharitetum palustris from Croatia and some other European countries shows similar species composition and mostly the same common plant taxa.Asocijacija Eleocharitetum palustris je vrlo slabo istražena močvarna zajednica u čitavoj Europi. U ovome radu su prikazane 22 fitocenoloÅ”ke snimke iz Hrvatske. Asocijaciju karakterizira dominantna vrsta Eleocharis palustris i siromaÅ”an florni sastav. Sastojine se razvijaju na vrlo vlažnim staniÅ”tima uzduž obala slatkovodnih močvara i u plitkim mikrodepresijama terena. StaniÅ”ta su poplavljena veći dio godine. Zajednica je dobro prilagođena paÅ”i, gaženju i koÅ”nji. Usporedba sastojina iz kontinentalnog i mediteranskog dijela zemlje pokazuje veći broj vrsta u sastojinama iz kontinentalne Hrvatske. Na osnovi razlika u flornom sastavu, asocijacija je podijeljena u dvije geografske varijante: kontinentalnu i mediteransku. Usporedba asocijacije Eleocharitetum palustris iz Hrvatske i nekih europskih zemalja pokazuje sličan sastav vrsta i uglavnom iste česte biljne svojte

    Neophytes in the flora of Bedekovčina (northwestern Croatia)

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    In the flora of Bedekovčina, 43 species of neophytes were recorded, or 8.5% of the 507 wild plant species recorded in total. Among the neophytes, 11 invasive species were identified, representing 2% of the total flora; the most common being Solidago gigantea Aiton, Erigeron annuus (L.) Desf., Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. & A. Gray, Robinia pseudoacacia L., and Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Most neophytes grow in anthropogenic habitats, but to a lesser extent also in semi-natural and natural vegetation. The species that grow in the greatest number of habitats are Solidago gigantea and Erigeron annuus. Both species dominate abandoned agricultural lands, Erigeron annuus in the early stages and Solidago gigantea in the later stages of succession. The neophytes were analysed for various characteristics. The results showed that the neophyte flora was dominated by species native to North America (63%), accidentally introduced (86%), belonging to therophytes (49%), annual herbs (47%), good competitors (42%), which reproduce only by seeds (58%), and disperse with autochory (53%)

    Pollination patterns of flora and vegetation in northern Croatia with reference to Apis mellifera

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    Pollination patterns i.e. the proportions of entomophilous, anemophilous, autogamous and hydrophilous plant species and those useful for the European honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in the flora and vegetation of northern Croatia have been determined. The survey included 507 plant taxa, belonging to 95 plant families. The results show that most plant species depend on insect pollination (73.6%), followed by self-pollination (30%), wind (25%) and water pollination (0.6%). For some plant species there are one, two or more modes of pollination; the largest group consists of pure insect pollination (43%), followed by both insect and self-pollination (27%), pure wind pollination (22%), insect and wind pollination (2.6%), and so on. Overall, 54% of plant species useful to European honey bees were found, of which 51% provide pollen and 47% nectar. These results suggest that A. mellifera could be a potential pollinator for about half of the flora. Analysis shows significant differences in pollination patterns among habitat types and that most entomophilous plant taxa are found in grassland, forest and ruderal sites, indicating that these habitats are most important for pollinators. Other characteristics of plant species, such as flowering time, plant family, life form and origin, were also analysed to determine a possible relationship with pollination

    Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis (Basellaceae), naturalizirana vrsta u južnoj Hrvatskoj

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    The species Anredera cordifolia was recorded in the beginning of 20th century as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks in south Croatia. In this paper, it is noted as being naturalised along the roadside in the composition of ruderal vegetation near Baćina. The species was established for the first time in 2006, and again at the same locality during the following two years. So far, the species can be characterised as having escaped from culture and become naturalised, but not invasive, the case with this species in other warm parts of the world.Vrsta Anredera cordifolia zabilježena je već početkom 20. stoljeća kao ukrasna biljka vrtova i parkova južne Hrvatske. U ovome je radu zabilježena kao samonikla uz cestu u sastavu ruderalne vegetacije kod mjesta Baćina. Vrsta je prvi puta utvrđena 2006. godine, a potom je na istom lokalitetu opažena i sljedeće dvije godine. Zasad se vrsta može okarakterizirati kao pobjegla iz kulture i naturalizirana, ali ne kao invazivna, Å”to je slučaj s ovom vrstom u drugim toplim krajevima svijeta

    Zajednica vrste Vulpia myuros u Hrvatskoj

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    In this paper, the Vulpia myuros community is noted for the first time in inland Croatia. It has become established in ruderal habitats along railway tracks in skeletal and sandy soils. This is an annual, mainly therophytic community with a small number of species in its floristic composition, dominated by the grass Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. Gmelin. Phytosociologically, it is assigned to ruderal vegetation of the order Sisymbrietalia J. Tx. in Lohm. et al. 1962 and the class Chenopodietea Br.-Bl. 1951.U ovome radu je po prvi puta zabilježena zajednica vrste Vulpia myuros u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj. Utvrđena je na ruderalnim staniÅ”tima uzduž željezničkih pruga na skeletnom i pjeskovitom tlu. To je jednogodiÅ”nja, uglavnom terofitska zajednica s malim brojem vrsta u flornom sastavu među kojima dominira trava Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. Gmelin. FitocenoloÅ”ki pripada ruderalnoj vegetaciji reda Sisymbrietalia J. Tx. in Lohm. et al. 1962 i razreda Chenopodietea Br.-Bl. 1951

    As. Eleocharitetum palustris Schennikow 1919 u Hrvatskoj

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    The association Eleocharitetum palustris is a marshland community that has been insufficiently investigated in Europe as a whole. In this paper 22 relevĆ©s from Croatia are presented. The association is characterized by its dominant species, Eleocharis palustris and poor floristic composition. The stands develop in very wet habitats alongside the banks of freshwater marshes and in shallow microdepressions of terrain. Habitats are flooded for most of the year. The community is also adapted to grazing, trampling and mowing. A comparison of the stands from the continental and Mediterranean parts of the country shows a higher species richness in the stands in continental Croatia. Based on the differences in floristic composition, the association was divided into two geographic variants: continental and Mediterranean. A comparison of Eleocharitetum palustris from Croatia and some other European countries shows similar species composition and mostly the same common plant taxa.Asocijacija Eleocharitetum palustris je vrlo slabo istražena močvarna zajednica u čitavoj Europi. U ovome radu su prikazane 22 fitocenoloÅ”ke snimke iz Hrvatske. Asocijaciju karakterizira dominantna vrsta Eleocharis palustris i siromaÅ”an florni sastav. Sastojine se razvijaju na vrlo vlažnim staniÅ”tima uzduž obala slatkovodnih močvara i u plitkim mikrodepresijama terena. StaniÅ”ta su poplavljena veći dio godine. Zajednica je dobro prilagođena paÅ”i, gaženju i koÅ”nji. Usporedba sastojina iz kontinentalnog i mediteranskog dijela zemlje pokazuje veći broj vrsta u sastojinama iz kontinentalne Hrvatske. Na osnovi razlika u flornom sastavu, asocijacija je podijeljena u dvije geografske varijante: kontinentalnu i mediteransku. Usporedba asocijacije Eleocharitetum palustris iz Hrvatske i nekih europskih zemalja pokazuje sličan sastav vrsta i uglavnom iste česte biljne svojte

    The Flora of the KonjŔćina Surroundings (Croatia)

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    Na području Hrvatskog zagorja, u okolici KonjŔćine, tijekom dvogodiÅ”njih istraživanja utvrđeno je postojanje 584 vrsta vaskularnih biljaka. Od toga je 480 biljnih vrsta zabilježeno za ovo područje prvi put, a 87 vrsta ranije. Ranije je na istraživanom području zabilježeno joÅ” 17 vrsta koje tijekom ovih istraživanja nisu potvrđene. Biljnogeografska analiza pokazuje da prevladavaju biljke euroazijskoga flornog elementa (33,22%), slijede biljke Å”iroke rasprostranjenosti (26,37%) i biljke europskoga flornog elementa (11,47%). Analiza životnih oblika pokazuje dominantnost Hemicryptophyta (45,03%), slijede Therophyta (23,97%) i Geophyta (13,88%).During two years of investigations into the flora of the KonjŔćina surroundings (in the Hrvatsko Zagorje region in northwestern Croatia, Fig. 1) 584 species of higher plants were established and classifed into 93 families and 335 genera. Of all those plant species 480 plant species were recorded for the first time in this area, while 87 had already been recorded. Another 17 species that had been recorded previously were not confirmed by these investigations. The most numerous families are Poaceae with 63 species, Asteraceae with 46 species and Fabaceae with 40 species. A phytogeographic analysis shows that the plants of the Euro-Asian floral element are prevalent (33.22%), to be followed by the widely spread plants (26.37%), the plants of the European floral element (11.47%), of the south-European floral element (9.42%) the plants of the circumholarctic distribution (7.88%), cultivated and adventive species (5.48%) the plants of the Central-European floral element (2.91%), of the Mediterranean element (1.03%), of the east-European and Pontian element (0.86%), of the Illyrian and Balkan element (0.68%), of the south-east-European element (0.51%) and the Atlantic element (0.17%). The geografic position of the area investigated and the participation of the floral elements show that the KonjŔćina surroundings belongs to Central European Provinces within the Euro-Siberian-Northern-American region. A great number of widely spread plants (26.37%) and Therophyta (23.97%) is a result of strong anthropogenic influence on investigation area. The dominance of Hemicryptophyta confirms that the flora of the KonjŔćina area belongs to continental temperature climatic zone

    Vrsta Carex randalpina B. Walln. i asocijacija Filipendulo ulmariae-Caricetum randalpinae ass. nov. hoc loco u Hrvatskoj

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    In this paper, the species Carex randalpina is confirmed for the flora of Croatia. It was found in 2006, 2007 and 2008, in northwest Croatia, at four localities in the Krapina river valley (Bedekovčina, Kupljenovo, Luka, Pojatno ā€“ Novi Dvori). The species grows in dense stands which are, in this paper, described as the association Filipendulo ulmariae-Caricetum randalpinae ass. nov. hoc loco. The association belongs to marshland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea. It develops in shallow depressions of the terrain, in moist habitats. The association is recorded in this paper for the first time in Croatia.U ovome radu potvrđena je dosad dvojbena nazočnost vrste Carex randalpina u Hrvatskoj. Vrsta je pronađena 2006., 2007. i 2008. godine, u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj, na četiri lokaliteta u dolini rijeke Krapine (Bedekovčina, Kupljenovo, Luka, Pojatno ā€“ Novi Dvori). Vrsta raste u gustim sastojinama koje su u ovome radu opisane kao asocijacija Filipendulo ulmariae-Caricetum randalpinae ass. nov. hoc loco. Asocijacija pripada močvarnoj vegetaciji razreda Phragmito-Magnocaricetea. Razvija se u plitkim udubljenjima terena, na vlažnim staniÅ”tima. Asocijacija je u ovome radu po prvi puta zabilježena za Hrvatsku


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    U radu je prvi put za Hrvatsku zabilježena asocijacija Lolietum multiflorae Dietl et Lehmann 1975. Utvrđena je na tri lokaliteta u sjeverozapadnom dijelu zemlje. Uglavnom se razvija na zasijanim livadama. Radi se o intenzivno antropogeno utjecanoj travnjačkoj vegetaciji koja se kosi četiri do Å”est puta godiÅ”nje i vrlo često gnoji. U flornom sastavu kao karakteristična i dominantna vrsta raste trava talijanski ljulj - Lolium multiflorum. Zajednica pripada svezi Arrhenatherion elatioris, redu Arrhenatheretalia i razredu Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Vrlo je siromaÅ”na vrstama. Usporedba sastojina asocijacije Lolietum multiflorae iz Hrvatske, Å vicarske i Austrije pokazuje vrlo sličan sastav vrsta.In the paper, the association Lolietum multiflorae Dietl et Lehmann 1975 is noted in Croatia for the first time. It has been established at three sites in the northwest part of the country. The community develops mostly on surfaces of sown meadows. This is intensively anthropogenically influenced grassland vegetation which is mown four to six times per year and often manured. In the flora composition, Lolium multiflorum grows as a characteristic and dominant species. Syntaxonomically, the association is assigned to the Arrhenatherion elatioris alliance, to the Arrhenatheretalia order and to the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class. It is poor in species. Comparison of stands of Lolietum multiflorae from Croatia, Switzerland and Austria shows very similar species composition