The Flora of the Konjšćina Surroundings (Croatia)


Na području Hrvatskog zagorja, u okolici Konjšćine, tijekom dvogodišnjih istraživanja utvrđeno je postojanje 584 vrsta vaskularnih biljaka. Od toga je 480 biljnih vrsta zabilježeno za ovo područje prvi put, a 87 vrsta ranije. Ranije je na istraživanom području zabilježeno još 17 vrsta koje tijekom ovih istraživanja nisu potvrđene. Biljnogeografska analiza pokazuje da prevladavaju biljke euroazijskoga flornog elementa (33,22%), slijede biljke široke rasprostranjenosti (26,37%) i biljke europskoga flornog elementa (11,47%). Analiza životnih oblika pokazuje dominantnost Hemicryptophyta (45,03%), slijede Therophyta (23,97%) i Geophyta (13,88%).During two years of investigations into the flora of the Konjšćina surroundings (in the Hrvatsko Zagorje region in northwestern Croatia, Fig. 1) 584 species of higher plants were established and classifed into 93 families and 335 genera. Of all those plant species 480 plant species were recorded for the first time in this area, while 87 had already been recorded. Another 17 species that had been recorded previously were not confirmed by these investigations. The most numerous families are Poaceae with 63 species, Asteraceae with 46 species and Fabaceae with 40 species. A phytogeographic analysis shows that the plants of the Euro-Asian floral element are prevalent (33.22%), to be followed by the widely spread plants (26.37%), the plants of the European floral element (11.47%), of the south-European floral element (9.42%) the plants of the circumholarctic distribution (7.88%), cultivated and adventive species (5.48%) the plants of the Central-European floral element (2.91%), of the Mediterranean element (1.03%), of the east-European and Pontian element (0.86%), of the Illyrian and Balkan element (0.68%), of the south-east-European element (0.51%) and the Atlantic element (0.17%). The geografic position of the area investigated and the participation of the floral elements show that the Konjšćina surroundings belongs to Central European Provinces within the Euro-Siberian-Northern-American region. A great number of widely spread plants (26.37%) and Therophyta (23.97%) is a result of strong anthropogenic influence on investigation area. The dominance of Hemicryptophyta confirms that the flora of the Konjšćina area belongs to continental temperature climatic zone

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