9 research outputs found

    Efficacy against nematode and cestode infections and safety of a novel topical fipronil, (S)-methoprene, eprinomectin and praziquantel combination product in domestic cats under field conditions in Europe

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    AbstractA novel topical combination product (BROADLINE®, Merial) composed of fipronil, (S)-methoprene, eprinomectin and praziquantel was evaluated for safety and efficacy against nematode and cestode infections in domestic cats. The study comprised a multi-centre, positive control, blinded, field study, using a randomized block design based on order of presentation for allocation. In total 196 client-owned cats, confirmed as positive for naturally acquired infections of nematodes and/or cestodes by pre-treatment faecal examination, were studied in seven countries in Europe. Pre-treatment faecal examination revealed the presence of Toxocara, hookworm, Capillaria and/or spirurid nematode infections in 129, 73, 33 or 1 cat(s), respectively; infections with taeniid and Dipylidium cestodes were demonstrated in 39 and 17 cats, respectively. Cats were allocated randomly to one of two treatments in a ratio of 2, topical fipronil (8.3%, w/v), (S)-methoprene (10%, w/v), eprinomectin (0.4%, w/v) and praziquantel (8.3%, w/v) (BROADLINE®, Merial; 130 cats); and 1, topical PROFENDER® Spot-On (Bayer; 66 cats) and treated once on Day 0. For evaluation of efficacy, two faecal samples were collected, one prior to treatment (Day −4±4 days) and one at the end of the study (Day 14±5 days). These were examined for fecal forms of nematode and cestode parasites. For evaluation of safety, cats were examined by a veterinarian before treatment and at the end of the study, and cat owners recorded the health status of their cats daily until the end of the study.For cats treated with Broadline®, the efficacy was >99.9%, 100%, and 99.6% for Toxocara, hookworms, and Capillaria, respectively; and the efficacy was >99.9%, >99.9%, and 98.5%, respectively, for the cats treated with Profender® (p<0.001 for all nematodes and both treatments). Efficacy was 100% for both cestodes for both treatments (p<0.001).No treatment related adverse experiences were observed throughout the study. For both treatments, every cat that completed the study was given a safety score of ‘excellent’ for both local and systemic evaluations. The topical combination product of fipronil, (S)-methoprene, eprinomectin and praziquantel was shown to have an excellent safety profile and demonstrated high levels of efficacy when administered once as topical solution to cats infected with nematodes and cestodes under field conditions

    A survey of helminth infections in the black rat from Stara Zagora district, Bulgaria

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    A field study was conducted to disclose the prevalence of different helminth parasites in the black rat, Rattus rattus, in some regions of Stara Zagora district, Bulgaria. Out of 67 examined rats, 53 (79.1%) were found to be positive. Helminths of three classes were detected such as Cestoda: Hymenolepis diminuta (47.8%), Hymenolepis nana (43.3%), Taenia taeniaeformis larvae (7.5%), Taenia polyacantha larvae (1.5%); Secernentea: Syphacia obvelata (4.5%), Aspiculuris tetraptera (3.0%) and Adenophorea: Capillaria hepatica (9.0%), Trichuris muris (3.0%). Of all the investigated rats, 27 (40.3%) were infected by one helminth species and 26 (38.8%) by more than one. Hymenolepis diminuta was a predominant species in cases of single infections (23.9%). The most frequent co-infections were observed by H. nana and H. diminuta (16.4%)

    Efficacy of a spot-on formulation containing 280 mg/ml fluralaner and 14 mg/ml moxidectin (Bravecto® Plus) in the prevention of cat aelurostrongylosis under field conditions

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    Aelurostrongylus abstrusus is the most important respiratory nematode of domestic cats. Effective control options are crucial to protect health and welfare of cats and to reduce the spread of aelurostrongylosis in both enzootic and free regions. The present study evaluated the efficacy of a spot-on formulation containing 280 mg/ml fluralaner and 14 mg/ml moxidectin (Bravecto (R) Plus, MSD) in the prevention of aelurostrongylosis in cats under field conditions. One hundred and fifty-two cats from Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria, were randomly divided in two groups, one treated with Bravecto (R) Plus on Study Days (SDs) 0 and 84 (74 cats, IVP Group) and one left untreated (78 cats, control group). Faecal samples were collected from all animals on SDs 42 +/- 4, 84, 126 +/- 4 and 168 +/- 4 and subjected to the Baermann's technique and species-specific PCR for A. abstrusus. Each cat was subjected to a clinical examination on SDs 0, 84 and 168 +/- 4 to check health condition and possible adverse events. The results of the faecal analysis were statistically analyzed for treatment group differences in the percentage of cats negative to the Baermann's test and PCR and percentage of reduction of fecal larvae counts as the primary and secondary efficacy criteria, respectively. The percentage of negative cats was higher in the IVP group compared to the control group and the percentage of reduction of fecal larvae counts in the IVP group compared to the control group was 100%. These results show that two administrations of Bravecto Plus (R) spot-on 12 weeks apart were safe and effective in the prevention of aelurostrongylosis for a period of almost 6 months

    A randomized, blinded, controlled, multi-centered field study assessing the treatment of gastrointestinal nematode infections in cats with fluralaner plus moxidectin spot-on solution (Bravecto® Plus)

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    Abstract Background A spot-on formulation containing fluralaner (280 mg/ml) plus moxidectin (14 mg/ml) (Bravecto® Plus) was developed for the treatment of nematode infections as well as providing 12 weeks of protection against insect and acarine parasites in cats. The effectiveness and safety of this product against feline gastrointestinal nematodes was assessed in naturally-infested, client-owned cats under field conditions in Albania, Bulgaria, Germany and Hungary. Methods To be eligible for enrollment in this investigator-blinded study cats had to be at least 10 weeks-old, weigh at least 1.2 kg, be clinically healthy, and have a faecal sample testing positive for nematodes no more than eight days prior to treatment. Cats were stratified into blocks of three in order of presentation at each center and randomly allocated in a 2:1 ratio to be treated topically on Day 0 with fluralaner plus moxidectin (minimum dose rates 40 mg/kg and 2 mg/kg, respectively) or emodepside plus praziquantel (minimum dose rates 3 mg/kg and 12 mg/kg, respectively) (Profender®). Faecal samples were collected from cats prior to treatment and 14 ± 4 days later. Results There were 182 cats randomized to the fluralaner plus moxidectin group, and 91 to the emodepside plus praziquantel group. Prior to treatment the most commonly identified nematode egg was Toxocara cati, found in 79.1 and 82.4% of cats in the fluralaner plus moxidectin and emodepside plus praziquantel groups, respectively. Eggs of Toxascaris leonina were found in 8.2 and 6.6% of cats; of hookworms in 30.8 and 24.2%; and of Capillaria spp. in 7.1 and 4.3%, respectively. After treatment, faecal samples from 98.3% of fluralaner plus moxidectin treated and 96.6% of emodepside plus praziquantel-treated cats were free of nematode ova. Geometric mean faecal egg count reductions for T. cati, the only eggs found in post-treatment faecal samples, were 99.97% and 99.93%, respectively. Treatment with fluralaner plus moxidectin was non-inferior to emodepside plus praziquantel. Both products were safe and well tolerated by cats treated under field conditions. Conclusions This field study confirms that, in addition to 12-week extended duration flea and tick control, fluralaner plus moxidectin provides broad spectrum treatment of nematodes in cats